IGF 2018 WS #387
GDPR Book Club, the story of an original book club

    Organizer 1: Suzanne Vergnolle, #GDPRBookClub
    Organizer 2: Benoit Piedallu, La Quadrature du Net
    Organizer 3: David Gayou, #GDPRBookClub
    Speaker 1: Suzanne Vergnolle, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 2: Benoit Piedallu, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: David Gayou, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Suzanne Vergnolle
    Online Moderator
    David Gayou
    Suzanne Vergnolle and Benoit Piedallu
    Flash Session - 30 Min
    After reading Gianfranco Cecconi's article (https://medium.com/mydata/the-gdpr-book-club-start-yours-now-4b10bfb505…) suggesting to open a "Book Club" on the Data protection Regulation (GDPR), we decided to launch one in Paris. The pitch was simple: help people overcome the fear of actually reading a law. Many people are concerned by this new law but few have actually opened this GDPR document and actually read it. The idea was to "read GDPR in your own time, and discuss it in good company, as if it was a book club." Since November 2017, we had one session a month to read and discuss this text. The GDPR Book Club has seen coming to discuss many different actors including lawyers, data scientists, developers, public officials, judges, NGOs representants to meet and discuss about the various interpration of the text. Article after article, discussions, interactions, ideas flies in order to try to understand, anticipate and appropriate this text that is enforceable since May 25th, 2018. We plan on presenting the main articles of this long Regulation through the story of this certainly atypical Book Club. To learn more about this initiative : https://vergnolle.org/index.php/2017/11/10/gdpr-book-club/
    We are two young french data advocates. Suzanne is an energetic young 27 years old woman that has been involved in the tech community for the past 6 years. Benoit, is a 39 year old man, that has been deeply involved in many NGOs activities trying to make the world a better place. We both are Human Rights activisits, especially online.
    After introducing both the BookClub and the GDPR histories, we'll discuss some of its most notable articles, according to the BookClub participants. This part will involve active participation of the public. We'll be asking them to read GDPR article as in the book club. We'll finish with the question from the audience, on site or online. Over 30 minutes of talk, we will devote 15 minutes to a general presentation of the book club and the GDPR, and 10 minutes deepening the GDPR articles with active participation of the public, sharing the word between stakeholders and public. We will finish with 5 minutes of questions from the audience, on site and online.
    Over 30 minutes of talk, we will devote 15 minutes to a general presentation of the book club and the GDPR, and 10 minutes deepening the GDPR articles with active participation of the public, sharing the word between stakeholders and public. We will finish with 5 minutes of questions from the audience, on site and online.
    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been the buzzword of the past weeks. GDPR is the European law that is applying to the whole of the EU and many organizations in other parts of the world. The GDPR came into force on May 25th, 2018. Since then, website visitors in Europe have found that some online services have temporarily barred access, while others have been amending their terms of service hoping to comply with the new rules. If GDPR is the applicable European law, many questions and interpretations of it remains unanswered.
    Online Participation
    We have a dedicated hashtag : #GDPRBookClub. People will be able to interact with us during the session. They will also be able to discuss with other GDPRBookClub members because this hashtag is also used regularly by the members of the book club.