Organizer 1: Emma Ghariani, La MedNum
Speaker 1: Orianne Ledroit, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Elbaze Gérald, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Jacques-François Marchandise, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Elbaze Gérald, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Jacques-François Marchandise, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Online Moderator
Round Table - 90 Min
- Jacques-François Marchandise, FING will present and contexutalize the results of the recent empirical study : The Realities of Empowement at the Digital Age" analyzing the variable that influence capacities to access to digital tools and skills.
- Orianne Ledroit and Gérald Elbaze will present and analyze public policies and cooperation strategies implemented in France to foster digital inclusion for all.
- Please note that two other speakers will be confirmed shortly to complete this panel and bring a European perspective.
As for diversity
- we want to reach a gender balance as for moderation speakers
- we want to display European experiences with speakers from three different countries.
The round table will developp practical answers to three main questions:
—> What are the new faces and visions of digital inclusion ?
—> How do states, corporate and civil society actors and communities cooperate to promote digital accessibility for citizens?
—> What role does Europe play to coordinate Member states initiatives to tackle digital access inequalities ? What role could play actors to set and maintain this issue at the European agenda?
The intended agenda for this session its to different share visions of digital inclusion and practical exemples of policies implemented in European countries. The aim is also to foster a shared vision of the role the European Union could play in a near future to better integrate the issues of digital access inequalities in the EU inclusion policy agenda.
Please note that this outline will be significantly deepened as we will have the answer of European speakers contacted in the beginning of the week, who didn’t answer yet to our sollicitation.
- 5 minutes introduction
- 10 minutes presentation (2 minutes per speaker)
- 40 minutes rountable
- 35 minutes Q/A by online/offline participants
As for discussion facilitation, two staff members will be present and help facilitating discussion with micros
A list for offline interventions will be held alternating women and men questions
A list for online interventions will be held alternating women and men questions
Tackling digital un(accessibility) : the changing faces of digital inclusion policies
Digital access inequalities increasingly concerns know-how and skills more than either equipment or access to an internet connexion. This implies to develop understand what are the new faces of access inequalities and the new strategies developped by national and European actors to tackle these inequalities
Online Participation
As for online participation, we will keep a 30/45 minutes dedicated time for Q/A by the end of the roundtable to that participants' questions can be submitted, with an alternance of a question online/and a question offline