Organizer 1: Yue Wang, China Internet Network Information Center
Organizer 2: Rui ZHONG, Internet Society of China
Organizer 3: xianglei wu,
Organizer 2: Rui ZHONG, Internet Society of China
Organizer 3: xianglei wu,
Speaker 1: Jared Bielby, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Chuang Liu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 3: Peter Taiwo Akinremi, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 4: Lorrayne Porciuncula, Intergovernmental Organization, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 5: Yuechuan Qu, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: Chuang Liu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 3: Peter Taiwo Akinremi, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 4: Lorrayne Porciuncula, Intergovernmental Organization, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 5: Yuechuan Qu, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Xiao Zhang, Deputy Director of CNNIC
Online Moderator
Yue Wang, CNNIC
Madison Wang, CNNIC; Xianglei Wu, JD Group
Panel - 90 Min
This workshop is planned to be an interactive session with meaningful panel discussion, which will involve speakers from different stakeholders including the typical representative enterprise which has made outstanding achievements in digital poverty alleviation, representative from the civil society such as research center and think tank, representative from inter-governmental organization, as well as representative from technical community.
Mr. Qu Yuechuan, male, Private Sector, Vice President of JD Group
Mr. Jared Bielby, male, Civil Society, Co-chair of International Center for Information Ethics
Ms. Chuang Liu, female, Technical Community, China Association for Science and Technology
Ms. Lorrayne Porciuncula, female, inter-governmental organization, Policy Analyst on Communications Infrastructure and Services at the Digital Economy and Policy Division (STI/CDEP) in the OECD
Mr. Akinremi Peter Taiwo, male, Civil Society, West Africa Coordinator of African Civil Society for the Information Society
Mr. Qu Yuechuan, Vice President of JD Group, China’s leading one-stop e-commerce platform which has made tremendous achievement in digital poverty alleviation, will share the best practice of how JD Group builds an effective poverty alleviation system with Internet technology plus innovation.
Mr. Jared Bielby, Co-chair of International Center for Information Ethics, will make a presentation by promoting ICT for Digital Poverty Alleviation amid the global expansion of the Internet needs to be tempered with digital ethics and information ethics.
Ms. Lorrayne Porciuncula, Policy Analyst of OECD will share her view about the technology challenges faced by the rural areas when promoting poverty alleviation in digital era.
Ms. Chuang Liu, professor of China Association for Science and Technology/ Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS,China, will display the successful business mode to reduce poverty by Chinese enterprises as well as other related organizations and analyze the new roles of multi-stakeholders in the context of digital poverty alleviation.
Mr. Akinremi Peter Taiwo, West Africa Coordinator of African Civil Society for the Information Society will offer his insight of current poverty alleviation mode in Africa when stepping into the digital era as well as the future prospects for digital poverty alleviation application in Africa.
Meanwhile, all the panelists will provide diverse stakeholder and regional perspective on the practice of poverty alleviation that enable internet better to improve the quality of poverty alleviation for realizing SDGs.
A. Gender diversity
Panelists: 2 women and 3 men
Onsite moderator: 1 woman
Organizers: 1 women and 2 men
Rapporteurs: 1 woman and 1 man
B. Geographical diversity
2 from Asia Pacific (from China)
1 from West European and Others Groups (from Canada)
1 from Latin American and Caribbean Group
1 from African Group
C. Stakeholder groups:
2 from civil society(International Center for Information Ethics, West Africa Coordinator of African Civil Society for the Information Society)
1 from the private sector (JD Group)
1 from the technical community (CNNIC)
1 from an intergovernmental organization (OECD)
1 from technical community (CNNIC)
1 from civil society (Internet Society of China)
1 from private sector (JD Group is the first time to be Organizer)
Mr. Qu Yuechuan is first-time IGF Session speakers.
Eradicating extreme poverty by the end of 2030 is the top priority of United Nations sustainable development goals. When internet is tremendously involved in all aspects of our lives, it also brings new ideas for poverty alleviation, such as digital poverty alleviation. In China, there are some best practices in which enterprises, governments and other social entities on one hand provide amount of resources for the poor, one the other hand fully utilize Internet technologies and platforms to empower them, building their digital capacities and enabling them to get rid of poverty thoroughly. Eliminating poverty through endogenous impetus of the poor (labor, increasing digital capacity, usage of local advantage) is a striking movement on the way of improving the quality of poverty alleviation. The way above is called digital poverty alleviation (DPA).
This workshop will focus on how the poverty alleviation could be achieved through digital technology with both high quality and quantity in digital era, based on the discussion of the new features of DPA. In consideration of the new mode’s certain reference significance, to further discuss its value and application, the following aspects will be discussed during the session:
1. Why and how was DPA born, in regards to the status quo worldwide, its value, measurements and characteristics.
2. Technology or conceptual problems and potential challenges may be or have been encountered, such as lack of digital infrastructure during the implementation of digital poverty alleviation, lack of information ethics of ICT to the poor.
3. The new roles as well as collaboration mode for the multi-stakeholders, including government, enterprises, NGOs and individuals in the context of DPA. How does the collaboration better enhance the quality of poverty alleviation?
4. The case comparison and the integration between China’ s best practice on digital poverty alleviation and subsidy mode by other countries. How to further generalize or optimize DPA to achieve UN sustainable development goal.
Agenda: Panel -90minutes
1.【5mins】The moderator will open the session by welcoming participants, framing the topic, briefly introducing panelists and mentioning their commitment in the discussion.
2.【20mins】Formal Presentations from two panelists.
3.【40mins】Panel discussion:
After presentation, the moderator will engage the all the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on the questions as outlined below.
①Advantage and potential challenges of digital poverty alleviation.
②Roles of government, enterprises, NGOs and individuals in the context of digital poverty alleviation to better enhance the quality of poverty alleviation.
③Comparison and the integration for the different modes of poverty alleviation.
④Interesting predictions about other better attempts for poverty alleviation in the future.
4.【10 mins】The moderator will elicit what panelists found most insightful from the discussion, and build on them by asking questions to create a dynamic flow of interaction among the panelists.
5.【10mins】Onsite and online Q&A:
The moderator will invite onsite and online audience to pose brief questions to the panelists, asking audience members to identify themselves.
6. 【5mins】Summary and Closing.
With 5 minutes left, the moderator will share the top takeaways from the discussion and bring the session to a close.
1. The moderator will open the session by welcoming participants, framing the topic, briefly introducing panelists and mentioning their commitment in the discussion. (5 Mins)
2. Two speakers will make formal presentations one by one. (20 mins)
3. Panel discussion (40 mins)
After presentation, the moderator will engage the all the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on the questions as outlined below.
①Advantage and potential challenges of digital poverty alleviation.
②Roles of government, enterprises, NGOs and individuals in the context of digital poverty alleviation to better enhance the quality of poverty alleviation.
③Comparison and the integration for the different modes of poverty alleviation.
④Interesting predictions about other better attempts for poverty alleviation in the future.
4. The moderator will elicit what panelists found most insightful from the discussion, and build on them by asking questions to create a dynamic flow of interaction among the panelists.(10 mins)
5. Onsite and online Q&A(10 mins)
The moderator will invite onsite and online audience to pose brief questions to the panelists, asking audience members to identify themselves.
6. Summary and Closing (5 mins)
With 5 minutes left, the moderator will share the top takeaways from the discussion and bring the session to a close.
This workshop is not built on previous workshop or discussion, which is designed to enhance the quality of poverty alleviation by digital power in digital era so as to address poverty issues, being consistent with UN Sustainable Development Goals. As a common issue for the global world, poverty alleviation has always been the top priority for improving people’ s wellbeing. In recent years, the digital poverty alleviation (DPA) mode in China has been shown as a best practice for the world. Internet is promoted to combine with e-commerce, education, travel and so on in poor areas. Most importantly, as a radical poverty alleviation way, the poor is educated online systematically to improve related digital capabilities as well as information ethics awareness, which matches the subthemes of “Internet for Development & Sustainable Development Goals”.
Here the quality of poverty alleviation is defined as “on which level the poverty can be eliminated thoroughly” and it is found stimulating endogenous impetus of the poor, rather than offering continuous economic help, is long-lasting and effective. That is the reason we focus on DPA, a new mode to empower the poor.
Since it is newly emerging, the following aspects need to be addressed.
1) Policy Environment: We need to realize what conditions breed the DPA, namely what characteristics the DPA has conforming to the digital age make it effective.
2) Infrastructural level: Problems such as the lack of digital equipment and Internet access impede the implementation of the DPA and there are many other potential problems caused by infrastructures. How should we improve the current condition?
3) Conceptual level: When people from the poor and remote areas suffer from the digital shock, some of them are resistant towards digital technologies. Part of reasons lie on the inability to use it and the rest may because the over-dependence on subsidy/welfare. From the existing practices in China, a transitional period integrating DPA and subsidy/welfare is necessary. Meanwhile, the importance of information ethics of ICTs need to be emphasized in education from the start, to match the widening ability for digital technology. The specific measurements to change the attitude remain to be researched on.
4) Operational level: The DPA re-identifies the roles as well as collaboration mode for the multi-stakeholders, including government, enterprises, NGOs and individuals in a new ecosystem. So how the cooperation mode established and better enhancing the quality of poverty alleviation need to be further discussed.
Online Participation
The workshop is encouraged and planned for online participation. Xxx will be appointed to be the remote moderator. Closely cooperating with the IGF staff, she will make sure the online participation session open as well as all the equipment function well before the session. She will coordinate the online participating system and collect the questions and key points from the remote participants, while she will keep the close interaction with the onsite moderator to convey the information and facilitate the Q&A between the onsite and online participants.