Organizer 1: David NG, DotKids Foundation
Organizer 2: Sabrina Vorbau, European Schoolnet/ Insafe
Speaker 1: Oliana Sula, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
Speaker 2: Ana Neves, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Rodrigo Nejm, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 4: Jianne Soriano, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Round Table - 90 Min
The session will include a diverse range of experts from different stakeholder groups – education, government, industry, and media. In addition, youth participation will complement the discussion by giving critical responses. Simultaneously, Interaction between panelists and audience is highly encouraged, certain time will be reserved to make sure this intervention going to happen.
By involving experts and stakeholders from across the globe, e.g. Europe, Latin America and Asia, whilst bringing in the voice of youth also, diversity will be ensured during this roundtable discussion.
Fake news, as a format to deliberate misinformation, is widely discussed. It really raises people’s concern on the issue, especially that can be easily spread online nowadays. Setting policies to regulate the content providers probably is one of the methods to ease the situation. Meanwhile, media literacy education should be another way out to empower internet users acting accountably in information sharing, as well as be wise to identify the authenticity of the information. Speakers from different stakeholder groups will share their practices and activities to counter the misinformation spreading issue in their community. Various Initiatives in both global north and south will be demonstrated during the session, in a bid to get to know some of the best practices (e.g. child/youth-led initiatives & peer-to-peer events, government funded programmes, policy advocacy etc..) for session participants to take away. More importantly, the session will also serve the purpose to develop an action plan for global cooperation, with the aim to explore ways of collaboration between different countries / organisations / initiatives, which foster the multi-stakeholders partnership.
In terms of format, the panel will be organised as a facilitated roundtable. Led by the onsite moderator, a diverse range of experts from different stakeholder groups as well as youth will discuss key issues and share best practices. Possible questions for discussion: - How to make media education more inclusive? - How to provide practical solutions/support to counter fake news and disinformation online? - How to foster the multi-stakeholder approach: Develop an action plan for global cooperation (Tentative) Agenda: Welcome and opening comments by onsite moderator (10 min) Presentation of best practice examples by speakers (40 min) Moderated Q&A with audience (30 min) Closing remarks by onsite moderator (10 min)
There were numbers of workshop addressing the topic of “Fake news” last year, showing the essential of having more discussions on the specific area, under the theme of “Media and Content”. Practical solutions and action plans would be helpful to the development of a better Internet for all, respecting and adapting the openness, security and safety measures. As a follow-up discussion, the proposed workshop on one hand will be acted as a sharing platform on various media literacy education initiatives across the globe, and one the other hand try to draw an action plan for global cooperation as the next step.
Remote participation will be ensured through prior involvement of various stakeholders from across the world. The online moderator will ensure that remote participants are able to communicate questions to the onsite moderator during and after the debate. Complementary to this, a social media campaign on Twitter will help to give further visibility to the panel session both prior, during and after the event. Live tweeting during the session will open the discussion to a wider online audience and will give remote participants the possibility to get directly involved in the debate.