IGF 2019 Importance of Universal Acceptance to Governments

    Dynamic Coalition on Domain Name System Issues

    Round Table - Circle - 90 Min


    Universal Acceptance (UA) is a driver of Internet inclusion. The goal of the Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues (DC-DNSI) in 2019 is to help accelerate UA-readiness. The DC session in Berlin will provide participants with an overview of the DC’s work in its first year, discussion of public sector case studies on UA, an opportunity to exchange best practices on UA-readiness, and pointers for how to engage governments on the issue of UA-readiness. The DC will also address prospective work for IGF2020. The DC-DNSI held its inaugural session at the IGF2018 in Paris and has held regular meetings, both virtual and in-person (during MAG meetings) on a monthly basis. A description of the DC-DNSI, its Goal, Objectives, and Work Plan, as well as meeting minutes, are available at : https://www.intgovforum.org/content/dynamic-coalition-on-dns-issues-dc-… Issue How to effectively encourage governments to become Universal Acceptance-ready. Format and participants The DC-DNSI organizing team believes that a roundtable format is the most conducive to facilitating a discussion amongst stakeholders about the benefits, hurdles, and existing experiences regarding Universal Acceptance-readiness in the public sector. Draft agenda 10 minutes – Welcome & Introduction 5 minutes – Lightning Talk 1 (DC-DNSI representative) 5 minutes – Lightning Talk 2 (governmental representative) 50 minutes – Moderated Round Table Discussion 20 minutes -- Conclusion Aims ● Raise awareness about Universal Acceptance, IDN implementation, and the work of the DC-DNSI. ● Share global success stories and adoption of UA terms in Govt procurement process for UA readiness. ● Encourage readiness for Universal Acceptance and IDN implementation by increasing awareness to enable more end users to use the Internet. ● Discuss the (potential) impact of readiness for Universal Acceptance globally and in different regions. ○ e.g. North America and Western Europe may care more about new gTLDs than non-ASCII script TLDs ○ Bringing the next billion online (cultural and economic impact) ● Improve understanding of and responsiveness to new technologies and standards by engaging with industry, academia, standards development organizations, and other relevant parties (even if the technology and standards we are discussing in the context of Universal Acceptance are not that new at all) Outcomes ● Understand: How the DC-DNSI and other bodies can engage more effectively and in greater cooperation across different policy and standards development bodies to raise awareness about Universal Acceptance and IDN Implementation. ● Learn: If readiness for Universal Acceptance is not the agenda of public sector bodies, how can we change that? ● Learn: Which are the barriers for Universal Acceptance and IDN implementation in public sector bodies? ● Discuss: Can Universal Acceptance and IDN implementation be covered by directives on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies and/or future public procurement standards?


    Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues; Universal Acceptance Steering Group; ICANN


    Key speakers will include representatives from at least two different governments, as well as private sector UA experts, and members of the UASG and DC-DNSI. Manal Ismail, NTRA; Ram Mohan, Afilias; Sarmad Hussein, ICANN; German government official. Moderator - Susan Chalmers, NTIA Rapporteur - Dennis Tan Tanaka, Verisign


    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities

    Reference Document: https://uasg.tech/