IGF 2019 WS #248 Towards equitable and sustainable community-led networks

    Organizer 1: Sebastian Bellagamba, Internet Society
    Organizer 2: Carlos Rey Moreno, Association for Progressive Communications
    Organizer 3: El Khouri Cynthia, Association for Progressive Communications
    Organizer 4: Valeria Betancourt, Association for Progressive Communications
    Organizer 5: Nicolás Andrés Pace, APC

    Speaker 1: Nicola Bidwell, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Josephine Miliza, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group

    Additional Speakers
    • Jane Coffin, Internet Society
    • Valeria Betancourt, Association for Progressive Communications
    Kira Allmann, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Carlos Rey Moreno, Civil Society, African Group
    Nicolás Andrés Pace, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    1. The relationship between gender inclusion and the paradigm of community networks: - What are the factors that affect gender inclusion which community networks reveal that are hidden by commercial telecommunications solutions more generally? - What pathways will ensure that policy frameworks recognise the direct effects of spectrum regulation on women specifically? - What are the mechanisms that allow for inclusion of women, queer, trans and gender-diverse people to take active roles in building, managing and sustaining community networks? - What are the differential aspects resulted from inclusion of women in community based connectivity initiatives that contribute to more positive change and transformation? 2. New approaches to policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and assessment: - How should connectivity interventions be evaluated to ensure they fully assess their benefits and disadvantages for women? - How policy responses should integrate the inter-sectional approach to tackle the different layers of access needs and barriers including economic power, geographic divide, different abilities, and more? - What examples can guide the initiatives around the world to inspire gender-informed equitable processes and policies for Community-led networks?


    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities

    Description: This panel will facilitate a conversation about the ways that connectivity excludes people and what community networks uniquely offer to address these exclusions, from a gender perspective. Community networks help to refocus attention on women's lack of representation in policy spaces and technical decision making that is, all too often, considered normal. For instance, more women than men live in rural areas around the world, so their involvement is more vital to a community network's sustainability and thus their absence is more noticeable than, say, their lack of representation in regulation or commercial telecom spaces. We will reflect on the many benefits that engaging with community network initiatives have provided women, the challenges women face in becoming involved and the strategies and tactics they use to overcome challenges. This will offer valuable insights to people interested in improving community networks. However, just as importantly, community networks expose issues about inclusion and exclusion that are hidden by telecommunications more generally. For instance, on the one hand women have become technically proficient and empowered by community networks because they learn about technologies in accessible and familiar situations in ways that are relevant to their everyday lives. Yet, on the other, women can encounter barriers to using community networks because social norms, and their daily routines and safety concerns, limit their access to public Wi-Fi - a technology that many CNs are forced to use because of regulatory restrictions. That is, community networks can shed light on the ways regulations can be blind to, and complicit with, gender barriers. All the panelists who will put community networks under the microscope identify as women, and all have been involved extensively in community networks around the world. They are the mothers of community networks, community networks builders, leaders, researchers, fundraisers and advocates. Their combined real-world, lived experience of community networks, for over 30-years, will bring to life and extend beyond the findings of APC's study lead by Nicola Bidwell, about the impact of community networks on the lives of women in six countries in the global south. Their stories will illustrate that community networks offer far more than just affordable telecoms and internet access to women. While, indeed, the many impacts of community networks can be translated into economic terms, it is not only that they lower costs, improve trade and afford other income opportunities for women. They can, in fact, also foster women's agency - socially, technically and politically. The panelist's perspectives will illustrate how standard assessments of connectivity interventions, like community networks, which typically evaluate a very narrow range of impacts (e.g. scale, volume, revenue) do not account for the varied, deeper and more nuanced benefits of connectivity in women's lives, as users and as makers of physical, virtual and social internet infrastructures. Participants in this panel present a broad set of skills and attributes that enable women to thrive despite the louder and more frequent voices of men in technical and policy decision making. In contrast with the manels and wanels, that are prevalent in discussion of internet governance, we will learn about women's resilience and resourcefulness in contributing to the various layers of community networks despite the challenges. And, finally, we will discuss recommendations for safer and inclusive community networks that not only ensure women have the power to enjoy the full range of benefits of community networks, but also ensure the sustainability and creativity of community networks benefit from the attributes that women bring. By focusing on the Community Networks model,this session considerably extends the formative work of the Best Practice Form on Gender an Access 2018, which explored the impact of supplementary models. It also supports the Dynamic Coalision on Women and Internet Governance by considering the governance of the community networks as part of the internet governance. The session will provide the grande finale, for the year, of continuous conversations in other international forums to build upon each other's outcomes: IFF2019, SIF, WSIS Outline: 1. introductions 2. directed questions from onsite moderator to speakers and audience 3. open questions from audience to speakers

    Expected Outcomes: * Provide an overview of the realities of women in the different contexts (Africa, LAC and Asia). * The audience will get a set of success stories about women in community networks * The audience will hear the testimony of the challenges of the experience of women in Community Networks from the mouth of the doers * The audience will get insight in relation to how to best build a network from a bottoms-up approach that is led by women.

    The session will have three moments: introductions, directed questions and open questions. The audience will be able to engage with the organizers and the speakers in the last space, in person or remotely.

    Relevance to Theme: There is increasing concern over across the board slowdown in the growth of voice and internet users, whether it is at the level of mobile subscribers or internet penetration. Commercial networks deployed by national operators are now only expected to connect 60-70% of the world’s population by 2025, which indicates that the UN Sustainable Development Goals, that anticipate attaining universal connectivity by 2030, will not be achieved. Despite decades of deployment, using current strategies it appears increasingly difficult to address the needs of the billions of people in developing countries who still suffer from ineffective communication services due to coverage and affordability limitations. In response to that situation, communities around the world have decided to explore options for connecting themselves. As a result there is an increasing numbers of small-scale networks are now emerging where telecommunication infrastructure is locally owned and managed. In order to address this problem and locate ourselves in the side of the solutions, it is imperative that we look at infrastructure and connectivity issues from a gender perspective and how they contribute to digital inclusion. Community networks still face gender-based discrimination in various areas. It is no exception of the spaces of access where male hegemony excludes women from playing an active role in having control over the various components of access. Community Networks are much more complex than just infrastructure, and much 'richer' than incumbent telecommunications infrastructure. They support the creation of social bonds, foster a local economy, encourages the professionalization of rural citizens, increases access to knowledge. Through their community governance and community ownership models, they tend to be more inclusive. If rooted on structural historic divides, community networks can replicate exclusions. However, there is initial evidence that they create conditions and motivations to respond to them more deliberately and face inequalities at structural levels. "The next big thing will be a lot of small things".

    Relevance to Internet Governance: Two of the most persistent internet governance related challenges relate to the last mile and the gender digital gap. The premise about the need to connect everyone and the need to adopt a gender perspective to access are the starting point but it is important to go beyond defining the problem to discuss solutions. New approaches and solutions have emerged to bring online the hardest of the hardest to connect and to contribute to development goals, particularly to gender equality. What type of solutions and approaches are the most suitable for those purposes? What type of alliances have allowed to make progress in this area? What type of partnerships should we create and foster ahead? What are the policy and regulatory circumstances necessary to build equitable and sustainable community-led networks.

    Online Participation

    We expect to encourage remote participation particularly of Community Network actors who can share their experience with the audience and also to pose questions for the panelists. Any interested participant in taking part in the discussion and contribute with reflections and questions will be given the floor during the space assigned in the session for interaction with the panel.

    Proposed Additional Tools: Propose a twitter hashtag for people in the audience (in person and remotely) to propose ways to support women in community networks activities. Leave some time (3 mins) to send the proposals.

    1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

    1. Relationship between gender inclusion and community networks

    • What are the factors that affect gender inclusion which community networks reveal that are hidden by commercial telecommunications solutions?
    • What pathways will ensure that policy frameworks recognise the direct effects of spectrum regulation on women?
    • What are the mechanisms that allow for inclusion of women, queer, trans and gender-diverse people to take active roles in building, managing and sustaining community networks?
    • What are the differential aspects resulted from inclusion of women in community based connectivity initiatives that contribute to more positive change?

    2. New approaches to policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and assessment

    • How should connectivity interventions be evaluated to ensure they assess their benefits and disadvantages for women?
    • How policy responses should integrate the inter-sectional approach to tackle the different layers of access needs and barriers including economic power, geographic divide, different abilities, and more?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    The measure of counts as inclusion/exclusion is set by network operators/big telcos. The very methods come from telecom companies. It is a problem because the definition of digital divide is not rooted on community experiences. The takeaway is that the first step in addressing inclusion issues at the community level or any level is assessing from the ground up what exclusion actually looks like.

    Intersectional issues like age and gender, language and gender, should be consider simultaneously. Women from a particular language might be excluded more than others, same as women of certain age.

    Space and geography, How important that is in relation to inclusion? a lot of conversation happened around creating safe spaces, making sure that there are spaces where women feel confortable accessing connectivity. Also related to space is the issue of distance, How far the wifi access point is from your day to day activities or a place you feel safe. Also some women will be constrained by the actual technologies that is used to get connected.


    3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward

    A takeaway is we need better qualitative measure of what inclusivity actually is. What was evident on the panel is that everbody had great insights because they have talked with the people from the ground. We need the metrics that are used to close the digital divide to take more qualitative insights. Ask communities themselves could be one approach. What is missing are community voices.

    More women in decision making positions, in regulatory bodies and in technologic design spaces.

    4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues

    The Association for Progressive Communications has been working this year in supporting community networks with a feminist approach, creating safe spaces for women in community networks to interact with each other and support each other in their process.

    Sarbani Belur from Grammarg mentioned that local content platforms that preserve and share their culture in their own language are needed, and that they are exploring options using single board computers like raspberry pi.

    Jane Coffin mentioned the importance of women supporting other women, the role of the role model and the network of support.




    5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues

    Women's circles: Community Networks are working harder to create experiences for women to share experience with one another, and to publish the summeries of those experiences publicly on genderit.org.

    Generally this is happening outside of forums like igfs, because in general this spaces tend to be more male dominated.


    6. Estimated Participation

    onsite participatants: 50

    online participation: ?

    women present onsite: 20

    wmen present online: ?

    7. Reflection to Gender Issues

    The whole session spoke about the challenges and opportunities of exploring meaningful communications with a feminist perspective.