IGF 2020 BPF Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context

    Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (09:00 UTC) - Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (10:30 UTC)
    Room 1
    About this Session
    A dialogue on how users’ data is collected, analysed and used, and best practices to ensure that it is used to bring benefit and not to harm.

    1. What are current challenges and concerns re. the collection and use of users’ data and what best practices exist to ensure that data is used to bring benefit and not to harm?
    2. Are views and concerns changing and is there a need for new mental models and mindsets?
    3. What is the way forward and what is the role of Internet Governance and the IGF?

    About this session:

    The BPF Data and New Technologies aims to establish a dialogue on how users’ data is collected, analysed and used, and best practices to ensure that this data is used to bring benefit and not to harm users.

    At the session the BPF will present its draft report, exchange views on changing mindsets with regard to data, and discuss what next steps should be taken within Internet Governance and the IGF.

    Key questions:

    1. What are current challenges and concerns related to the collection and use of users’ data by new technologies and what best practices exist to ensure that data is used to bring benefit and not to harm users?

    2. Are views and concerns changing and is there a need for new mental models and mindsets?

    3. What is the way forward and what can be the role of Internet Governance and the IGF?


    Draft Agenda 

    IGF 2020

    Best Practice Forum

    Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context 


    ‘A dialogue on how users’ data is collected, analyzed and used, 

    and best practices 

    to ensure that this data is used to bring benefit and not to harm users.’


    Session @vIGF2020

    Thursday 12 November 2020

    9:00 - 10:30 UTC


    1. Welcome and Introduction   (Ms. Concettina Cassa) 

    • Opening and Welcome

    • What is a BPF ?  

    2. Setting the scene:  data and new technologies: perceived challenges and ways to address them  (lead: Ms Emanuela Girardi )

    • Overview of the BPF activities & presentation of the BPF's ‘Data and New Technologies Issues card’ (Mr Wim Degezelle) 

    • How to address the challenges (case studies)

      • CLAIRE COVID-19 TaskForce (Mr Ricardo Chavarriaga) 

      • Microsoft  (Mr Cathal McDermott ) 

      • AccessNow  (Ms Verónica Arroyo) 

    • Q&A 

    3. Roundtable discussion: changing views and new mindsets?   (lead: Mr Michael R. Nelson) 

    • Does COVID-19 impact our views on the collection and use of data?

    • Are views and concerns related to data and new technologies changing in general?

    • Is there a need for new mental models and mindsets ?

    4. Roundtable discussion: discussing data and new technologies in an Internet governance context - next steps? (lead: Ms. Concettina Cassa )

    • How to address these issues ?

    • Where and by who should they be discussed ? 

    • What is the role of IGF / IGF+ / BPFs ?

    5. Next steps for the BPF and Closing of the sessions (Ms. Concettina Cassa)

    • Feedback on draft report and additional case studies until 20 Nov

    • New MAG to select the BPF proposals for 2021

    Please check the BPF Data and New Technologies webpage for details on this activity, provide feedback on the report or share additional cases studies.


    discussion leads and presenters:

    Ms Concettina Casa, MAG BPF Facilitator ( AGID - Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale )

    Ms Emanuela Girardi, BPF Co-facilitator ( Pop AI )

    Mr Michael R. Nelson, Senior Fellow and Director, Technology and International Affairs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    Mr Ricardo Chavarriaga,  Senior Scientist at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and Coordinator of CLAIRE AI & COVID-19 Task Force.

    Mr Cathal McDermott, Senior Legal Counsel, Microsoft

    Ms Verónica Arroyo, Policy Associate - Latin America, AccessNow

    Mr Wim Degezelle, Consultant IGF Secretariat 

    1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
    1. What are current challenges and concerns re. the collection and use of users’ data and what best practices exist to ensure that data is used to bring benefit and not to harm?
    2. Are views and concerns changing and is there a need for new mental models and mindsets?
    3. What is the way forward and what is the role of Internet Governance and the IGF?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    Ms Concettina Cassa welcomed participants and explained the purpose of the IGF Best Practice Forums, and specified that the IGF 2020 BPF Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context focussed on best practices related to the collection and use of users’ data by new technologies that contribute to ensure that the data is used to provide benefit and not to harm users.

    Mr Wim Degezelle presented the Data and New Technologies Issues Card developed by the BPF as a tool to structure stakeholder discussions on the topic. 

    Ms Emanuela Girardi introduced the case studies submitted to the BPF: Ms Verónica Arroyo presented the ‘Dos and don’ts for COVID-19 tracing apps’ developed by AcessNow for lawmakers and governments.  Mr. Ricardo Chavarriaga shared the experiences of the CLAIRE COVID-19 TaskForce. Mr. Cathal McDermott focussed on Microsoft’s privacy principles related to the collection of data to tackle COVID-19.

    Mr Michael Nelson led a panel discussion on concepts and mindsets and their impact on policy discussions.The roundtable discussion involving all session participants reflected on some frequently used buzzwords and catchphrases, such as ‘cyberspace’, ‘data governance’ ‘ethical artificial intelligence’, ‘data sovereignty’, ‘data is the new oil’, etc. and discussed if they limited, better defined or replaced by new concepts.

    The session ended with a discussion, led by Ms. Concettina Cassa, on where in the institutional and Internet governance landscape is a suitable place for policy discussions related to the use of data and new technologies, and how could be avoided that too many talks and processes exist in parallel.

    6. Final Speakers

    Ms Concettina Casa, MAG BPF Facilitator ( AGID - Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale )

    Ms Emanuela Girardi, BPF Co-facilitator ( Pop AI )

    Mr Michael R. Nelson, Senior Fellow and Director, Technology and International Affairs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    Mr Ricardo Chavarriaga,  Senior Scientist at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and Coordinator of CLAIRE AI & COVID-19 Task Force.

    Mr Cathal McDermott, Senior Legal Counsel, Microsoft

    Ms Verónica Arroyo, Policy Associate - Latin America, AccessNow

    Mr Wim Degezelle, Consultant IGF Secretariat 

    8. Session Outputs

    The final BPF output document will be published one the BPF's webpage after the IGF meeting:
