IGF 2020 - Day 3 - DC Fostering a new key role of Youth in Internet Governance

The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the virtual Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), from 2 to 17 November 2020. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 



>>  So hello and welcome, everyone, to the annual session of the youth Internet Governance.  My name is Meri, I'm a Human Rights attorney.  And also at the University of Pennsylvania law school.  And today I have the pleasure to moderate this session in my capacity as the student committee member for the eastern European group.  And my colleague will be our rapporteur. 

So the title of our session is fostering the role of youth in the Internet Governance and 2020 has been indeed been a very challenging year with the pandemic and many developments in different parts of the world as well as in the Internet Governance ecosystem itself from the roadmap to the youth cooperation and through the discussions on different models for the future GIF.  This year offered us a lot to work with.  But at the same time, the pandemic offered us unique set of challenges in terms of the major participation and engagement.  And today at our annual session, we decided to start with taking a tour around the world to identify the developments that happened in the last year in different parts of the world in terms of youth participation.  And then we will have an open discussion on where we are, where we want to go, and how do we envision doing this.

So it is my great pleasure to introduce to you our panelists of this session who represent different youth movements and initiatives from various regional groups.  Today we have with us Emelia from Poland.  Mohammed representing youth special interest group known as the Youth Observatory.  From Portugal IGF.  Lily from Ghana.  And then we have Augusto from Argentina representing youth IGF Argentina.  (sound)

I'm sorry.

And we will also have a special intervention from our student committee member Eileen from Argentina.  But I will get to that in a little bit later during our session. 

And right now, without further ado, I about would like to give the floor to Emelia as a representive of this year's and also next year's GIF Poland basically to share the state of affairs with regards to youth participation in Poland.  Emelia, you have the floor.  Thank you.

>> EMELIA:  Thank you very much, Meri.  I'm very glad to be here and to see many familiar names.  So thank you very much for inviting me.  Just quickly introducing myself, I'm currently the part of the initiative GIF Poland that was founded this year by me and my good friends.  I am also, as Meri mentioned, active part of ‑‑ information that's main goal is to bring together lawyers and community.

So today I would like to share with you a few of my experiences with involvement in the Internet Governance especially in my region.

I would like to start with a few words about my last year's experience in Berlin during the IGF.  It was a really great opportunity there to meet a lot of people from different countries because there were over 100 people from 30 different countries.  And it was really an eye opening experience.  And I have learned a lot.  And I had a lot of chances to talk with brilliant people who in spite of their young age were already experts in their field.  So that was amazing.

And also very inspiring because due to this event, we had an opportunity to get together a lot of different points of view from different regions of the world.  And that's something that I find very important.  And it inspired me that I would like to continue the discussion on my national level in Poland.  And both on international level because Poland, as you for sure know, was supposed to be the onsite host of this year's IGF.  It was supposed to be in ‑‑ however due to the COVID situation, it is postponed to the next year.  However, it is not too bad because we as yet IGF Poland have more time to prepare.

So we created the initiative, together with my two friends, because we wanted to create this platform for young people also during the IGF to meet again and to share their views because, you know, Internet Governance issues are global.  So it is so important to overstep our national regional point of view that tends to happen, which is natural, but to compare this perspective with perspective of people from other countries.  So that's why we wanted to create this space.  And because of the ‑‑ because this IGF will happen next year, we still are planning to do it.  And we are really hopeful that we're able to provide many opportunities for youth to network, to create this connection, to bring together these different points of view during the preparations to then next year's IGF.

And also I want to invite all of you to support our initiative.  We are very ‑‑ we really welcome all of you.  And we hope to see you next year.  And it is all for me right now.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much, Emelia.  Glad to hear you from Poland and I think everybody here is looking forward to working with the host country hopefully next year.  And we have Mohammed Atif Aleem from India and you have the floor.

>> MOHAMMAD:  Hello.  This is Mohammed Atif from India.  It's half past noon here.  So pardon me if I seem a bit sleepy.  But I'll try my best to be very active and proactive rather in this IG space which most of the youth, I believe, should be.

So, thank you for giving me this opportunity.  I am currently the regional engagement director for Youth Observatory or youth special interest group of Internet Society.

Apart from that, I'm also a research analyst for one of the software firms, multinational software firms, in India.  And I've been actively involved in the Internet Governance and have been contributing to it since past two years.

So last year, I also was awarded the IGF Youth Ambassadorship, and I was lucky to represent the voices of the youth at annual IGF 2019 in Berlin.

And my journey with Internet Governance basically began from I started to interact with more and more people, experts working in the field of Internet Governance.  And then also I was fortunate to, like, connect with youth special interest group.  And luckily I was elected for the position of Regional Engagement Director.

So I'm going to give you an overview of what engagements we as an entity of Youth Observatory or special interest group of Internet Society had in particularly in my region of Asia‑Pacific and what avenues there are for the youth to interact with in this form of Internet Governance.

So I believe in recent years the global Internet Governance ecosystem has witnessed a great number of youth newcomers, students and young professionals.  And especially it has, like, taken a huge surge in these current pandemic times where you have to engage with Internet technologies more as compared to your previous engagement.

So I believe it plays a very crucial role in shaping the digital future, especially the youth.

We need to be ‑‑ they need to be included in defining processes, principles and policies that govern the use of technology globally.  And when we study about Internet Governance, there is a concept of multistakeholderism.  So I think youth are part of the focal point that need to take an equal footing and raise their voice in those multistakeholder meetings so that our voices are heard because we are going to be future policymakers, scientists, and it's very important that we start learning things from the very budding age so that the future is both sustainable and progressive for all of us.

The participation rate of youth from the regions in Asia has increased, and this is basically due to the increased number of Internet public meetings that are there.  These meetings are conducted by NGOs like Internet Society organizations like ICANN, Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

And there are a lot of organizations that conduct these meetings and have youth as a very important stakeholder in them.  So it's important that we know about these entities and try to, you know, put forward our best foot and participate in it and raise our voice and project what our ideas are and amplify our learnings there.

So, regarding the amplification of research learning, so there is a giga net conference which is held annually by the IGF platform as well on the Day Zero.  So it was very ‑‑ it was a great pleasure for me to see that a lot of youth also participated in the gig net conference and presented their papers, which in the past didn't used to be the past because they used to be professors or presenting their papers.  But this time there were a huge number of papers from young scientists, especially the youth in the areas of sustainability or co‑areas of data, trust, environment and inclusion, which are the goals of IGF in this year.

Apart from that initiatives that we took as part of the entity of Youth Observatory was youth focus.  So we conducted two pep talks by some Internet leaders that are there across the globe, one of them an Internet advocate who is working on how artificial intelligence can be leveraged to detect early symptoms of mental health illness on social media and introduce cyber bullying cases.

And the second one was the initiative of youth for digital sustainability, which was taken by German information so that was primarily based on focusing sustainability and the Working Group involved clearing the Internet, fair digital businesses, social inclusion in digital age and sustainable Internet Governance.

And if I talk about like the Asia‑Pacific region, there has been a lot of work that has been done by active players which are Youth Observatory, youth for IG, which also introduced a mentorship program and successfully conducted the first cohort of its mentorship programme through erudite people like Donna Austin, who is a policy maker of ICANN, and the head of ICANN India, Surim Gupta.

So Asia‑Pacific some were selected for that programme and they graduated in the first year in the first project that was held by them.  Then there was youth IG India which was recently concluded on 1st of November.  So I, on behalf of youth Internet of Internet Society, also collaborated with Youth IGP India on the Code.  And we had interesting session where youth was not only on the other side of the podium but was also into the main policy building and raising voices and among the panels raising their voices to some older erudite policymakers out there.

So we had our voices raised. 

And one very important initiative that was taken from Youth Observatory was working on the policy papers or sessions to implement to raise youth voices in the IGF itself.  So I worked on the team of environment and similarly my colleagues like Elenia and Lily, they also worked on different teams of data, trust and inclusion.

So one of the sessions for environment that we worked was enhancing sustainable computing production and consumption.

So it is basically focus on the sustainability aspects of Internet Governance.  And we do have youth voices like young erudite entrepreneurs from Africa raising their voices.  And also from Asia‑Pacific about what role can youth play in fostering these practices?

So, this was an overview about what are the practices that have been going in Asia‑Pacific region in the form of Internet Governance.  So I look forward to hear from other erudite panelists from here and then let's take the discussion forward, yeah.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much for a very nice recap of the recent developments in Asia‑Pacific region and also you touched on very important other initiatives that were happening on a more global level with participation from our regional groups.

So next I would like to give the floor to Jöao to represent what was happening in the western European and other group basically.  Thank you.  

>>  Jöao:  So I'll jump to the more interesting conversation.  So I see for those who are joining on the Zoom call, you're all familiar faces.  I'll get there in a moment because this could be a good thing.  This could be a sign of something else.  But mainly I want to speak a little bit today on the situation first in Portugal and then on western Europe.

I'm not sure, for instance ‑‑ and I'll give the example ‑‑ but I'm pretty sure that in Portugal, this COVID situation took a major blow in youth participation.  There was no national IGF this year, so in some sense I would say that, well, participation in general was affected.  But the idea of getting a satellite event for youth that would channel to the many discussions is unfortunately put on hold.  Even the activities, the initiatives to create engagement and awareness were suspended in mid‑March.

From my experience, the face‑to‑face, the in‑person discussions were a way of getting the youth perspective right in and tuned at the grade level.  But I think this current setup of virtual conferencing is not helping as well.

It's true we are raising ‑‑ or we are lowering the boundary for access, which means we can provide access for more youth.  More youth can attend these types of events they're not constrained by physical traveling to these conferences, but I'm still really skeptical because it will be harder to get noticed.  You'll see probably the voices of stakeholders who are already involved, already taking these conversations.  And I think that makes it difficult not only on a national level but also on a wider level.

In terms of the situation in Europe, I'm glad to report that I was invited to be the coordinator of a youth committee for the You Read, which is the institution which currently manages the dot eu.  And the point is I think this is a clear example of the type of message that we want to pass.

We always talk here about the idea of having a youth representative within the decisionmaking of the different institutions of the different organizations that create or are part of the Internet Governance ecosystem.  And I'm happy to report that in this specific example, we are now an example that recognizes one out of three Internet uses on the decision process.

Also reflecting a little bit on the other points of the discussion because important.  I think we don't have yet a youth umbrella.  Personally, I don't know if this is a good or bad situation.  In the past.  But we all know that there's different initiatives, youth initiatives.  And, for instance, those who are geographically diverse, it's great.  There's also the ones who are local which make great efforts to implement either awareness campaigns or policy development at the local level.  But the idea of having a strong unified youth voice, if we are still getting on the right arguments here, that's something that I'll leave open to the discussion a little bit after.

But I'd just like to throw some ideas so that the others can already think about it.

The idea of youth that can cement the aggregation of the IGF.  It's something that I would like to hear.  It's something that I would like to debate.  And I hope also for the ones who are listening in and can comment in the shots to be ‑‑ so they can participate as much as they can because in the end, we want these discussions to be broad.  Unfortunately, it will be a little bit of youth for youth conversation.  But hopefully we can move forward and have great achievements.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you Jöao.  Very important points raised in your intervention.  I think we'll get back to them shortly. 

Now I'd like to give the floor to Lily.

>> LILY:  Hi, everyone and good evening from Ghana.  In Ghana we say akwaba, which means welcome.  Jöao has invited everybody to type into the chat.  Maybe you can say in one word how your first meeting with the IGF concept and IGF conference was.  If you can type in the chat what it felt like being a first timer.  Let's see if the experiences resonate with everyone or if there are differences.  I think it's necessary because you're telling us what you have to look at.  And what it means for us to make the space as approachable as possible and how we let people ‑‑ and how we have a keen focus on the different personas and their part with and how they enter into the space and how we are able to guide them from their entry point through to potentially ‑‑

So my journey began with the IGF fellowship with ISOC.  And it was interesting because my very first encounter with anything Internet was when I was in university.  I remember it was only the first year and there was an Internet Society caucus that had started on my campus.  And I was wondering what they were talking about when we all know, well, we know digital communications, we know there is the Internet already.  And everybody was so keen on talking about the Internet.  Probably I thought there was something to it so maybe I should attend the meetings and find out for myself what the discussions can be.

And then I joined them for a few sessions.  And it just got interesting.  So I remember one of the leaders were leaving.  They wanted to take over.  And I was secretary then on campus.  And I'm like oh, that's interesting.  I don't know what you're supposed to do, but let's get to it and see how it turns out.

Then afterwards, after school there was nothing like ISOC or IGF for me.  So after school you are supposed to work.  But I think I chanced on the mailing list, the ISOC Ghana mailing list, that there was a call for young people to apply for this fellowship.  And I just sat in my seat and relaxed and filled in the whole form.  It turned out what I was typing really made some impact and I was selected.

So it dawned on me after the selection that there's work to be done.  That's where everything began for me.  You have to learn the modules.  You have to interact on the platform. 

For people in the chat, actually for some of us also, I remember I'm thinking:  Why are these guys typing episodes?  It was a simple question everybody asked.  And they're writing a very long thing.  I'm thinking to myself, I want to see what they are saying.  It just shows how diverse the community is.  You're able to learn from people.  You're able to also contribute.  And everybody's accepted.

So one of the things that stood out for us in our conversation was where we kept on hammering on the fact that we're not just citizens of our countries anymore.  We have now gained citizens as netizens.  We contribute as developments in our country also on the Internet because everybody's a custodian.  Everybody's a stakeholder and everybody can shape it, you know.

But it got to the point where we had to decipher exactly how to shape it.  So beyond the conversations we're having, how could we feel the impact?  And I think this is why the communication today and the conversation today is important.

So we all know we have a part to play.  But beyond the things we have to say, how do we make it happen?  How do we get the conversation out there, follow through, and see some results happening?  So after the IGF, right, we have projects you have to work on.  And then we worked on breaking down the technicality of the IGF.  We created a project called the global ‑‑ for studies.  You can check it out on Instagram and Facebook.  Also Grace global.  That was a project for us in 2018.  We thought that we had some ‑‑ trying to understand how technical the space was.  So how about we break it down using audio, using videos, using infographics so people understand it.

But it turns out we were doing the work only to a certain point.  Then that had a barrier of having to know if your ideas have gotten any effect.  We're still wondering are we getting any results with advocacy?  Are we making any results with the things we are happening around the world?  So that said to me something you have to talk about.

And then from building, I had opportunity to lead the community, that started the Ghana Youth Internet Governance Forum.  I remember in that year when we send the forms out, the number of emails that came in asking what is the Internet Governance about?  And you get a very popular question:  Is it government?  You get very popular question:  What are we supposed to do?  And the important thing I heard from people is:  What are the career prospects in the space for me?  And I just sat back and thought about it and said yes. 

So if you want to look at IGF for us to contribute to shaping the Internet, how about reciprocal process by helping us also get something out of the journey, capacity wide for young people coming up.  So those have got us thinking a lot. 

So with the Ghana IGF, we tried to do things that are really ‑‑ and over the years, so we had the first one in 2018, massive outcome.  This year, the Ghana Youth Internet Governance forum went online.  So you had it as part of the main IGF process.  And in Ghana, we're not separate NRI.  What we are is registered under the Ghanaian IGF as the youth initiative.  So we get support from them.  They also leverage the energy people have in the country and made the online events to happen this year.

But also want to see what goes beyond the conversations we've had also this year?

Now, most other parts of the space which I play in and which I learn and most of us know how and most of us also play in which is the youth SIG.  And Mohammad was so kind to show what we do.  So amplify these voices and we have the global and regional so that you have discussions sometimes specific to your region sometimes also broad enough to cover the others.

And then also as a part of the youth summit last year and was interesting, I was late to coming to Germany.  But part of the process online was awesome.  And I saw the difference I was looking for before were we able to have draft messages out and to have the conversation out there?  So those draft messages meant a lot to me. 

And this year also I'm part of the team that's talking about winning the Internet.  And interested to know how the Internet has a very close relation to SDGs and everything you're talking about environmental‑wise.  And you wonder why didn't we think this?  And why did we think that the Internet can give us all the positive and not look at the negative that could be there?  So those were the conversations out there.

And so far that's been what has been in the space.  And the Ghana IGF so far is going.  We're still at the process where we have to tell people what it is exactly before having them settle in and want to contribute.  So the journey has been steady.  And we see that it is beginning to rise.  Hopefully we will be able to get that concrete beyond the conversations.  I'm really out for a day where we say that based on our discussion, well we've had some progress like that because in Ghana it was to get a reduction in tariff, but for data bundles, but want to see more. 

So you say you give the credit to the young people for raising their voices.  And you also appreciate them and involve them some more.  Not just inviting us to the table.  Hearing us.  Listening to us.  Not just hearing.  Listening.  Taking our points into consideration.  And putting into execution.  So that's the level we want to look at.  People are able to enter the space, there's ability to grow career wise and capacity wise.  You are able to see your results beyond than focusing on the conversation you're on.  And that will give everybody the zeal to also want to contribute some more.  Sometimes it gets overwhelming as it is.  And I think when you see the results come out, that's the motivation you will have to continue.

So that's it from my end.  And I'm excited to learn from more people.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much, Lily.  And I also enjoy reading everyone's contribution in the chat how they got involved because I think all of us are very different journeys and stories in IGF.  But I think all of us are here to work together, which I really love about this space. 

And last but definitely not least I'd like to give the floor to Augusto about the Latin American and Caribbean group.

>> AUGUSTO:  Thank you for having me.  I started my journey in the Internet Governance as a system engineer and open software enthusiast.  And in 2016 I attended to the IGF Argentina national IGF.  And I have the opportunity to travel to Mexico thanks to the youth of Asia fellowship by ISOC.  And nowadays I'm doing some research.  I'm from the technical community for Latin manners about routing layers of the Internet and security.  And also I'm part of the organising team of the youth IGF Argentina.

And I want to start with this point because I think that the youth IGFs are a key factor, in my opinion.  These are like grassroots initiatives.  We don't need to ask permissions to start them.  And I think this is a really strong point.  And led us to create spaces by the youth for future generations and create spaces where youth can discuss Internet topics, issues, et cetera, in some kind of safe space where we can prepare, all of us, to start taking the places in the Internet world for everyone and not just for youth people.

But also I think that it's not that we should expect always to have a big slot reserved for youth people in these discussion places, we should prove that we are valuable, not just because we are young but because we are experts.  We're committed.  And we can contribute.  We can make a real contribution to the discussions and all the things that are built in on the Internet.

And now talking about the Latin American region, and I think this year was a big one and in terms of opportunities to participate and get involved.

Of course the COVID‑19 caused havoc to all our lives.  And that's true.  But I wanted to see like the right side of all of this.  Because it created the chance to participate to all the events remotely.  And it's true that remote participation was always a possibility.  It's not new.  You can attend to the previous IGF remotely, registries, meetings like Latinique et cetera from your ‑‑ you don't have to travel.  But it always feels like you're in disadvantage with those on site.  It's not like you feel that real participation.  These times it's like everyone was in the same conditions.  And that opens the door to see a lot of youth everywhere in all the events and spaces.

For example, here in Latin America, well, I had the opportunity to feel like participate, to have a real participation in some events, for example, the Latinique meeting also, well, the rights con, from access now, I had opportunity to attend it when it's sometimes harder for people to have the resources travel and pay the fee and that.

And specifically for the IGF or analyzed initiatives, we have a lack, youth IGF for the Latin American and Caribbean region that this was the youth division, it was huge and it was a really great step moving in terms of how many youth people participated because here our region, well, it's like ‑‑ it has a considerable size.  And we don't have the connectivity.  So it's hard to get all these people together because always we have some lack of resources.

But this time we can participate.  A lot of people from all the continent.  All the countries.  And that was ‑‑ I think it was a really improvement for event.

And then just to get finishing here in the local area, in Argentina, this year we ‑‑ I think national IGF, but we as the organising committee of the youth IGF Argentina, we managed to arrange a youth division.  And also the right side of this COVID‑19 situation, and I think it was also an opportunity because we have the chance to have more people from other places and not just Buenos Aires which is the capital City of Argentina.  We even had participation from other countries.  It was interesting, too.  And, well, and also another point is that last year it was the last year that we had a physical place to make the event.  So this year, at the beginning we don't even have a physical place to make the event.  But then with this health crisis we have to do it remotely.  And you just need some ‑‑ well, you can always get some resources to get an account to make the event, the remote event.  So that makes and gives us the opportunity to continue with the event.

So I think it's not all things negative because of the pandemic.  It's also we had a really big opportunities to improve and make more youth people to get involved in these events.

But I'm going to finish my first intervention.  I am really looking forward to the next open discussion in the face of this workshop.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much and I would like to thank all of our panelists for taking us over the world and just giving us a snippet of what is happening in the regional groups.  And very important, I think a lot of very important points were made by all of you.  And I would like to say that I agree that all of us started this journey differently.  And the journey is going differently because we have different interests and different involvements in different spaces in the IG ecosystem.  But I think all of us can attest that the space for youth participation changed and reformed since we all started this journey because in the beginning it was just about having people, having young people in the room and just having them like participate in the IGF.  And that was all.

And then gradually we tried to push further and further.  And now we are here after several years of already participating in different capacities and already having acquired some level of expertise in the field.  So now the question that I would like to start our open discussion with is:  Whether you believe that youth should be considered a separate stakeholder group within the ecosystem or not?

And I would like to note two things.  First is that my colleague Noha already posted a link in the chat to a rice pad where we invite all those to participate.  And we will use this to shape the work for what we are doing next year.

And then I would like to open the floor for our panelists to comment on this and also everybody is very welcome to comment in the chat.  But I think rice pad is where I would like to have everyone's contributions to have everything in one place.

And I will post the link again.

So, your panelists who would like to start with this question?

>>  Jöao:  I'll jump ahead.  I guess this is one of the ongoing questions we're still trying to figure it out.  There's both points in favor and against.  Perhaps the most against point would be that if you're not considered a stakeholder, we have a wildcard kind of position where we can jump into conversations and be as transparent as possible.

But in terms of the why we should be considered a stakeholder group, I guess we have to think a little bit on the numbers.  So we are one out of three Internet users.  So this should be just then why we have an interest in participating in the discussions.

I guess these also correlates with the idea of how experienced we are in these situations and how can we bring more value than the ones that are doing this for years.

But it's true that we are the generation that lived with Internet from an early age.  And I guess this brings a unique vision that for those who haven't, won't be able to perhaps connect the dots as we do.


>> AUGUSTO:  Yeah.  In my opinion, I think it's not about adding more tasks to the stakeholder because we are in this group, we are starting this certain age.  The youth should be a stakeholder.  But then the elder says yes, we should be a stakeholder, too.  And people from First Nations, they can say this, too.  And people from LGBT community, and people for every minority and they say, okay, we have our stakeholder tag and say we select that point.

So I think it's more than just to try to evolve the concept of multi‑shareholder approach and start thinking about we have multi‑shareholder but also we have to think about some ‑‑ it's now so trendy to talk about everything by design.  For example, security design.  Privacy by design.  Okay.  Let's talk about diversity by design, for example, and create this discussion groups, organically, with the most diversity as possible.  Sometimes it's not ‑‑ it's hard to build these teams that can represent everyone.  But I think we have to involve this concept and create this group in an approachable and open way enough to welcome everyone to be part of the conversation and they can contribute.

So I think it's not just to add more stakeholders because the list could be ends.  And I think we should evolve this concept and take the world and diversity as a really strong concept.  And we should create all these participation groups well, with diversity in mind.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Yes, Lily, please.

>> LILY:  So apologies.  I had to raise my hand this way because I think giving me the option to rather do another thing.  So I just want to also side with what Augusto has said and what Jöao has said.  You know, thinking about it, you want to know on which basis, on which lines we want to break away as a stakeholder.  This is why.

So like Augusto mentioned, we have the same, the stakeholders.  And then the group, they get broader and broader.  But in essence, everyone is a stakeholder.  You are.  I am.  The youth, like we are stakeholders spread across this broad categorizations.  So these are just broader baskets so that we sit in there.  And we are able to contribute.

But I see that from the angle we are coming at, from as young people, the issue remains or the issue remains like this that we are invited.  You want to think of it to some extent as tokenism.  You know what to say about tokenism.  So there has to be a young person there so we are bringing themself.

So like they said, we have to enforce diversity and inclusion.  Everyone is an Internet stakeholder.  Like you've all said, we are the very first generation of active users of the Internet who not only grew up using it but we contributed building its core.  We understand how it has been made.  We are able to have so much views from young people and wondering how they're able to understand how this works and what it can contribute.

So, yes, we have inputs that are very insightful, very valuable to the discussions.

On breaking away from, I'm breaking away a separate stakeholder group, I think we are already.  What has to be done is enforcement.  Just like enforcement is lacking everywhere.  It's important that you have to enforce diversity, have to enforce inclusion to its fullest not just invitations.  What do you get from youth?  What do you work with them?  Beyond what happened to that?  Are they allowed to even contribute to the discussion?  Even grow in the space.  You know, so that we don't see only people, or certain kind of people occupying the spaces and then you're wondering what the young people are doing.  Are we waiting until people hit 40 and 50 and 100 until you see them assume positions.

Like this afternoon, right, when we spoke to ‑‑ it's interesting to see how she started as a very young age, able to interact, able to contribute as her age and how she deems it's important that even as of now, she has to pay it forward and allow space for us as young people to talk.

So when we consider us already as stakeholder group, our voices have to resonate one thing and that is enforcement and inclusion.

Someone said that we have to get this space, contribute and have the contribution realized.  And it shouldn't just be because the young people have to be there.  So that's what I'm thinking.  I don't think it's a matter of exactly yes or no.  You can talk about it some more.  Already we are.  This space is us.  Everybody can contribute.  We are probably born to be.  You can also have your voice captured.  So that's it from me.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Yeah.  I can also just say what I thought about this because when I was just starting, I thought that why should we have another stakeholder group because it's multistakeholder groups are everywhere because of us are different.  We are wearing different hats.  So we are basically involved within other stakeholder groups.  But then as I went on doing my journal, I realized that, okay, that is just messy, because they do not understand you and perceive you as presenting the voice of youth at all because you are just talking about a specific subject matter and they do not understand that this can in any way be the voice of youth regardless of your age and whatever organisation you are representing.  And just pushing this further and taking this forward didn't feel like something is going to happen.  We are doing a lot all of us but even with the pandemic, we didn't experience that much youth involvement and participation in all of these spaces.  It's a bit better but it's not as it could have been.  Because with this, everybody was kind of put on the same footing with just being online.  Like there was no Visa or travel restrictions applicable to anyone because nobody was traveling anywhere.  But still in the end it was the same, almost the same.  So that's why this discussion is very important.  And I agree with Lily that maybe this is more about the enforcement at the moment and also receive the comment/question in the chat which is about how to make this situation more formal, the situation of youth being a stakeholder.

Yeah, so if anybody wants to address that.  I think Emelia wanted to jump in, too.

>> EMELIA:  Yes, I wanted to jump in like maybe I will get to this question.

I wanted just to say that I couldn't agree more with all of you, especially with you, Meri, because you make a really good point that we are all from other panelists, as well, we are all from different backgrounds, but, for example, me myself, I am ‑‑ my academia background is low.  But taking part in the IGF, I usually feel participating in this event more as a young person as, yeah, representative than as a lawyer.

So that's why I guess it's more of how we perceive ourselves and how we want to be perceived.  Because as other panelists mentioned, we as young people have really unique view of our Nikol perspective that is really worth being heard because we were the ones who have grown up in the same time as most modern technologies, Internet technologies have been developed.  So we are really into it.  And that's why I guess that being separate stakeholder group wouldn't be such a bad thing.  Of course, taking care of the diversity of inclusion in the matter, as well.

And, of course, also inviting others to dialogue because there's also these senior IGF are the people who are usually the decisionmakers, the policymakers.  So that's why it is so important to invite them so that dialogue with us because they are people who can help us to make our voices heard.  And right now we can say first steps, even the first steps, even the farther steps to be recognized as stakeholders because last year we've had the IGF summit.  This year we also had the FIGF summit that is super event and also there's ‑‑ summit.  So I guess we are going different direction.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you.  And I would like to say I'm enjoying all the comments in the rice pad.  Please keep them coming and we will make one piece of something that will try to incorporate all of your comments.

I think we can move to the next question.  Yeah, if we can move to the next question.  This is more to what I think Jöao mentioned during his intervention, even when we thought the pandemic first started we thought there would be more opportunities for involvement but in fact maybe we faced more challenges, one of them being the Zoom fatigue.  What has later been coined as that.  So I would like to ask you to answer this question from your regional perspective, too, so that we understand what are the current challenges and unfortunately the pandemic is not over and we don't know when it will be over with a lot of countries facing the second round or the third round of lockdowns.

So moving forward, we would like to know what are the current challenges that you are facing.

And then later we will go into what do we think can be done to overcome them?

So whoever wants to start, please jump in.

>> EMELIA:  Okay.  So maybe I could start.  As I mentioned before, the thing that I find really sufficient and I think might be a challenge that, you know, it's a great thing that we have these events, but my observation is that most of attendance are young people.  And the other groups that we would like to hear we have to say they're not much represented during this meeting.  And I guess that the thing that we should find the solution to is how to encourage these other stakeholder groups to take part in our discussions to share our ideas with them and for them to share their ideas because it is the way how we can encourage them to invoke us in their decisionmaking processes, in their actions.

So, that's ‑‑ I think that's the challenge that we should focus on during our next steps by fostering the involvement.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  As we are talking about challenges, I would like to also voice what Gustavo posted in the Q & A.  His point being that well he's responding to our previous question, but I think this is very applicable to our current discussion, as well, because what he's saying is the relevant topics for youth involvement are decided by those who are already involved in the ecosystem but it doesn't mean that these are the questions that resonate with a lot of young people, with which I also personally agree.  And that is why we had our questionnaire that we did earlier this year, my colleague will talk about that later.  And just to add this to the topic of challenges, I think it is important that we come to a consensus about priority topics for youth in general so that also we can coordinate the efforts more productively.  And I think Jöao wants to go next.

>>  JOAO:  Exactly, Meri.  I'm totally in sync with what Gustavo said.  If there's not a universal message, you can be a stakeholder, whether you have different backgrounds or not.

I would still be focused or interested in answering this question or giving more input for this question.

It's true what I said about the virtual conferencing might give the appearance of participation but we can assess it as effective or not.

Other things that come to mind and already we kind of touched upon, so we all have these experiences behind of getting in the IG space through initiatives youth programmes that were funded by different stakeholders.  And it's true.  I mean, we are getting in a place where we have a lot of newcomers.  It's like Mohammad said about the boom in terms of the youth that is getting involved.

And the idea here is, again, also touching on some of the points that I read on the rice pad, that sometimes they're not really interested in having a longer approach or participation in the space.  So you go to one or two maybe youth programmes, you get to benefit on a personal level from the programme, but then it's yet tangible to see if you stick around.

And until we get a place or a mechanism or a process that really captivates and catches and holds the youth, it will be difficult because although it's good to have similar faces, I know ‑‑ and I'm sure the similar faces are not enough.  It's really good to have different perspectives on the topic to get to know a lot of new people.  But if they don't stick around, it will be difficult to have this conversation as youth against the rest of the IG space this year.


>> MOHAMMAD:  I think I agree if I have your permission, Meri.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Please go ahead.

>> MOHAMMAD:  I agree with Jöao there.  I think we need additional support for youth inclusion policies in Internet Governance.  And it's definitely not a question about whether youth is a stakeholder.  Even if there's not a formal entity for you to represent youth, there are several boards through which you can raise your opinion.

For example, there are governments ‑‑ one of the positive aspects of our generation is these technologies that are coming up, like be it artificial intelligence, be it block chain technology, Internet of Things, these are very new.  And definitely the older generation will take some time to grasp it.  But we are in the knowledge phase of our careers.  We are adapting to these new knowledge areas of upcoming technologies.

So if I see it from that standpoint, we definitely hold a very good viewpoint to present our views as to how these upcoming technologies will affect our future.  And that's why youth is a very important stakeholder.

So, to answer one particular question that I saw in the chat:  That do you need to be specifically from a formal entity?  I will say no, that you can be from any entity.  Like as Lily mentioned that everyone is a stakeholder here, be it from academy, even if you are from technical society, you can, you know, raise your voice through research papers, through amplification, your ideas.  Some of the big corporations that are making big money today, those were started by founders who were very young in their age.  They were just teenagers.

So definitely it's not about a formal entity to enter or you need a tag of youth to raise your voices.  Just having a youth for the sake of it makes no point.  It's when you ‑‑ when our voice start influencing the technology policy decisions or the political decisions or the constitutional parts of the democracies in the sense that major Human Rights issues are addressed, then I would say that we have made some contribution for the cause of it.

And as Jöao said it's very important the youth to stick to this ecosystem of Internet Governance.  We do see similar faces.  But then we choose different parts.

So if we do stick to our niche choices and amplified it with Internet Governance, then I think this generation will pave a way for the future generations to have greater amplification because, again, I would say these technologies, even we are not aware of what will be the next technologies that students would be working on or the youth would be seeing after 20 years.  There's robotic process automations and so much coming up that it's a very good thing.  I mean, in terms of ‑‑ it's an opportunity window for the youth which it should definitely leverage, yeah.

So that is something I wanted to put forward.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you.  Lily?

>> LILY:  Thank you so much.  So I'm seeing comments in the session, I mean the chat session that I really resonate with.  So people are hitting more on entry.  People are hitting more on mechanism to reach people.  I think to some extent because the youth IGF and the IG space is a community just like we have been many communities, we have similar challenges like what open communities have.

Number one, it's entry point.  You want to talk about how do people get?  So have you ever had ‑‑ I don't know if anyone ever had the question.  Most of you are doing stuff in the IG space and say how can I be a part?  I don't know what you told them.  You start to think about NRI, you start to think about programmes.  You start to think about ‑‑ you know, sometimes you might be tempted to say to find some way they can fill in or register on this site.

So how do we make it clear how to first interface?  Or where do you start from?  And then you want to look at another problem that is very familiar with open communities, first the entry point and look at the personas and the pathway.

The way Mary entered into the space is the way different that Lily entered the space.  It shouldn't be just for the lawyers, the IT people and everything.  But how are we working to portray it as something that's acceptable for all, everybody with every skill to let somebody who's in the hearts know that look, you're able to pretend your work and there's the privacy because you know there's advocates for this and can be the voice to tell other people that, look, your work is safe if you do this kind of thing are or you're able to protect something to protect your artist alliance.

So it goes from ‑‑ it's to the entry point of how you're able to meet people at their different skill level, how different approaches reaching out to them, how different way they can contribute.  And that's where I come to talk about how people see their work materialize.  Because if you come to the space and you will all meet us like this, somebody came in as an ambassador, has said a lot of things, the person is wondering, okay, after this, what's next?  That's where you think about the sustainability and how this should go beyond conferences.  And how there should be supports, yeah.  Supports is very important.  It doesn't have to be monetary.  But support as to what else after the conference?  What else afferent erg the space ‑‑ after entering the space.  How do people rise even to leadership position?  What is the support of having people in the space?  That's very important now when we have such conversations.  Not just advocacy but for people who come in to even see how the space can help them check their own career choices.

So one challenge I see is one that is familiar with open spaces, that people have very different points that they can enter.  And another point is:  People have different backgrounds.  And so there should be a way that the message is customized for their skills.  And to be able do this, right, we are a lot of us, we have to hear all maybe and have the message out there.

I mention I spoke about Grace when we're trying to use infographics and do IG lessons.  It felt like people were really getting some information from the infographics.  But we really don't see how it helps anyone beyond it.  So it's booking.  Have things changed?  No.  Then the support beyond the conferences.  How do you get support to keep your community, your work in the space, actually how do you keep it going on?  Some of us have had to volunteer on multiple parts and learn more to be able to contribute.

So I think from the entry point to skills and to approaches that we use to meet people tuned to the support that helps everyone beyond the conference to be sustainable in their work is what we're lacking as it stands.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Yeah, I think Lily provided a great recap of all the challenges that we were all discussing and all of our attendees were also mentioning in the chat.

So from the fact that it is not ‑‑ well, now it is relatively easy to enter the space because you don't need to go through any specific programme to become part of it.

But at the same time, it's not self‑intuitive.  So it's like you need to understand what to do next.  The space is not only about this conference.  It's the work is done in between the intercessional work is what matters, actually.  And a lot of people do not see this because when you go to the conference, you do not really envision and understand this system to be like that.

So, just quickly going to our last question for the open floor is just how do you see us tackling these issues?  Just very short two sentences, two three sentences if you are offered.  I know all the challenges are very complex.  So it's not easy to say that in two sentences.  But I think all of us are working towards resolving these challenges.  But I would like to hear your personal perspectives, as well.

>>  EILEEN:  I would like to hear Gustavo.  It's relevant.  We have a relevant number of capacity building opportunities about Internet Governance, but the thing is that we are lacking very few leadership capacity building options.  And it was raised at one of the schools of Internet Governance sessions.  And I'm going to pass to the next slide, of course.  Please.  I know we have a lot of ambassadors also attending.  Please raise your voice if you can or type on the chat.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  I will say also type in the chat because of the webinar system, it is difficult to give everyone ‑‑

>> LILY:  We can give them the chance.  I am a cohost.  So if anybody wants to speak.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  We can do that right now and then we'll go Jöao.

>>  Hello.  We are having a problem?

>>  No problems.  Thank you.

>>  Okay.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  So, Lily, if you can allow the person.  Okay, I think I can.

>> LILY:  I think this was Issakha, I will allow you to speak in a bit.  Please go ahead, I think you should be able to.  Oh, sorry.  Okay.  Issakha, the floor is yours.


>>  ISSAKHA:  Can you hear me?

>> LILY:  Yeah, we can hear you now.

>>  ISSAKHA:  I'm from Chad.  My question is about the global messages that we have been addressing, I mean, on behalf of our respective, I mean, youth.  So I would like to make sure that when we address, like, global messages, I want us to take, I mean, our local realities and address the messages.

For instance, in Africa, in some countries we are still facing Internet shutdown.  We have like our daily topics which are related to access to Internet while in different or in other continent; for instance, youths have been debating some high level panels such as like Internet Sustainable Development Goals, Internet in digital sustainability, Internet and artificial intelligence.

So how, like, we can make sure that the, I mean, youth are represented, I mean, respectively by taking into account our national or local realities?  Thank you.

>> LILY:  Right.  Meri?

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Yes.  Anyone would like to address this?

>> LILY:  I think I have some thoughts on it.  So if I got the question right.  Issakha.  Was asking how we could have different needs from different regions all meeting at a certain point.

So I think it actually links to what Gustavo said the first time.  Even though we have some similar questions, similar problems with the Internet globally, it would be very interesting to know that in specific places, there are very unique situations.  So it's true.  Some of us are talking about infrastructure and even affordability and access here in Ghana.  You'd wonder how long somebody has to work to get a phone.

In other parts of the world, you are talking about net neutrality.  And we're wondering:  Okay, so you have the access.  Now you want to say everything should be allowed online.  That's well.  But I think where we can meet halfway is some way somehow what happens in some part of the world Internet gradually affects everyone.  And I think it's an issue of mitigate these at the threshold before it gets out of hand.

So there was the threat of an Internet shutdown in Nigeria.  We were wondering as Ghanaians.  We were interesting if that starts somewhere, it could come into the country and then we could have the ripple effect.  So to some extent what we can do as young people to have our voices resonating around the same thing is on global issues, there is one step you can take that is a step of solidarity.  So if somebody brings, if youth brings up issues from their region, it is not only to them.  If it's time to rally, everybody rallies around the things, if you don't know anything about it, you can probably ask how do we help?

So you have very different situation, but how do we help you?  And you can share ideas.  You can share what you think can be done.  And to get working towards a certain goal.

And it's the same as in communities.  I want us to see henceforth it is not just your original issues, your country issues, the Internet has made us so much of a global village.  One person has gone in multiple directions.  So this is why such communications are important that are able to lend your voice and want to know or be interested in things that are happening and how you can support.

So still stay on the course of heralded things from the region that need help.  But if there are other issues from elsewhere you can pick to make yours better, ask.  If you don't understand something that is speaking about, ask also.  People are able to describe things from where it pinches them the most and able to help you understand it so you can also contribute to it.

So maybe a way of collating this communication is what would be difficult?  Because we are so many.  And then we have to all work at one time to collate information.  I see the chat I'm running out of time.  Nice submission.

>>  Jöao:  I'll try to keep my two sentences short, Lily.

I'll try to wrap up really quick the ideas I'll our answer to Gustavo.  I also locked at what are the points raised in there?  So hopefully I can sum up really quick.

To Gustavo, I do agree what you said.  Lily links well to the things put up on the rice pad, as well.

So the idea was to have to reserve a seat on the decision processes and advisory boards.  And here it's totally in sync with one of the messages on this year's youth for sustainability.  On the track for Internet ‑‑ I also like the translation of the reserved seat to a liaison position.  That's really on a personal matter.  Because as I brought in my intervention, I really think that solution here or the option is to bring youth as a cement for the IG space.  It's all mentioned the challenges of bringing youth for their expertise.  The challenges we face when we're brought through these different integration programmes.  So if we think youth could be the cement that kind of connects the dots because, well, we'll live within the Internet.  And we pursue or we understand the different motivations for the stakeholders that are involved.  I think it would really be a plus.

I'm sorry, I didn't read the last question.  But hopefully one or more speakers could address it.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you, Jöao, I'd like to give the floor to Gustavo for his comments.  And then we will move forward.

>>  Gustavo:  Thank you, Meri.  Can you guys hear me?


>>  Gustavo:  Okay.  So to start off, I wanted to bring a word that Lily mentioned.  It's solidarity.

I think your choice for this word was extremely fortunate because ‑‑ and I want to tell just a little bit of what was my mind set when I became involved with Internet Governance a.

A few years ago I came in, I had in my head a few ideas of issues I thought that were relevant based on my very restricted, my very limited personal experience in life.

And then you know I had a few years here.  I got to meet all sorts of people.  I went to forums and this and that.  And then after a while I started realising that, oh, well, you know, these issues I initially brought up, they aren't as important as I imagined.  And not only that, many of the issues which when I stopped and reflected, if I'm making a serious honest reflection of what are the main issues for the youth, then I need to first question what is the reality of the youth in my region, in my state, in my city, in my country, and in the globe.

So that's why I think that Lily's choice of the word solidarity is extremely important here because I think if we want the youth, all of us, to become strong enough as a policy entity to be able to be a stakeholder group on our own, we need to start visualizing like the interests of the youth beyond our personal lives.

I think this is essential.

So what this means is that in the Brazil IGF which I was involved with, I realized that, you know, I come from a Civil Society background.  But given the specific issues that my people, my state is facing, I ended up bartering with the private sector because I realized that questions of access were extremely important here and the small ISPs were the main partner for this issue.

So, I think this is essential for us.  This idea of solidarity.  And maybe working with and looking across stakeholder groups to try and identify in advance the topics which we, the youth, think are the most important for all of us, not only one, not only me, but all of us and mainly, mainly the people who are underrepresented in other ways.

And by this I specifically mean low income people and low income regions and countries.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much.  Very, very crucial points made.  And I also agree with Lily's choice of the world solidarity.  And yes, in a way even with this pandemic, we are a big global village.  And even though I very much agree that we have different issues in different regions, there is a vast number of issues that are cross‑cutting for all the regions.  And that is why working together is something that is very important in this space.

And now I just as a reminder that is the YC situation.  We heard of all the groups.  I would like to give the floor to Eileen representing the Latin American and Caribbean group to represent what we did during these years.  Eileen, you have the floor.

>> Eileen:  Thank you very much, Meri.  It has been very interesting to hear you all.  Unfortunately, the time is, you know, is very strict.  So I'm going to try to make the administrative announcements as soon as possible.

So, basically I'm going to recap a little bit on the things that we have done this year.  For example, we have made a questionnaire which I'm going to share with you in the next slides.

We also prepared the charter, which is if you want to think about it is like the constitution of our Dynamic Coalition.  So it's the way that this is regulated.

We also created a code of conduct which, you know, is very important for every organisation.  We are not an organisation, but you get what I mean.

We also are very happy to share with you that this year, while we submitted sessions with ‑‑ also known as UC, we are having three sessions.  So the first one is on Monday.  I hope you can join.

We are also engaged at the youth engagements strategy with the IGF Secretariat, the Polish government and an institute on other more relevant stakeholders.

We have a special mission now, which is that we have been part of the mentorship programme for the Internet Society's IGF youth ambassadors programme, which I hope you guys can speak at least some minutes close to the end.

While we also participated in the survey on the IGF plus, the global stakeholders dialogue hosted by ‑‑

We held the session at the EuroDIG thanks to Meri.

Here we also participated at the open course at the youth lack IGF.  We are also engaged in other sessions, maybe Noha can share a few words.  Today earlier was a session of the DC on Internet core values.

Let me see.  We also participated I think it was last Sunday the youth IGF India and what we have also a keynote at the youth Lac IGF 2020.

This is just a partial list.  We have made other things.

So now going back to the questionnaire, we launched this questionnaire to identify the top priorities for 2020 from which we organized the work for our community.  And we discovered that people were interested in webinars, mentorship programmes and other points and most of the people who replied to the questionnaire were from the African region.

And also from that survey, since I think Gustavo and Meri were mentioning about the topics that were relevant for young people, after we launched this survey, we found out, which wasn't very good, I mean wasn't a surprise, that's one of the topics that youth are more interested was on the protection of privacy, which became very relevant after the break of the COVID‑19.

Also on environment and technologies, inclusion, inclusion in general.

So you see we have a bit of everything on the topics.  Sorry if I'm going a bit fast.

Let me see.  Okay.  So I'm not sure if we can have a few minutes of the voluntary commitment to foster the aims and goals of the IGF during the next year.

Maybe it could be a general commitment from our speakers.  I'm not sure who wants to lead this part.  So we can have a few minutes of the youth ambassadors if they want to speak, of course.  Thank you.


>> LILY:  I want to keep it brief.  In the coming year my commitment is to inspire, involve and impact.  Inspire people to do more.  Involve people so they understand what's happening and they know how to contribute.  And impact so that we have this going forward.  Thank you.

>>  Also to keep it very brief.

>> MOHAMMAD:  In one sentence.  Commitment would be strengthen, enhance the engagement of stakeholders and especially the youth and disadvantaged stakeholders for the future Internet Governance.  Particularly those from the developing countries.  Thank you.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  This is going as I suggested to take this.  Jöao:

>>  Yeah:  I haven't thought on 3 in a sentence.  I'll be brief.

Well, I think my commitment is already to the initiatives I'm contributing to.  It's the promise that I'm sticking around.  And those familiar faces know I'm already involved for a while.  And that means I'll stay involved at the regional level with the different initiatives from Council of Europe, from the Dot EU management institution and from the youth IGF movement where I'm currently involved but also trying to seek a more unified approach, trying to engage in these difference institutions and try to connect the dots as I'm already doing at the personal level.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Amazing.  Next, Augusto?

>> AUGUSTO:  Just keep working, creating opportunities for all the youth to be part of the conversation.  That's all.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  And, finally, we go to Emelia from hopefully next year's in‑person IGF host country.

>> EMELIA:  I really hope so.  I really hope that I would be able to meet all of you guys on site, not online.  So.

So conclusion to make it very brief is after this meeting is diversity, to make sure that as many points of view will be represented as possible.

And the second one, networking.  And networking opportunities because I think this is something that we all are missing this year because it was one of the best parts of the IGFs even these evening networking, the parties and so on.

And I really hope that we all will be able to experience this next year.  And hope to see you there.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  Thank you very much.  So any last comments from our audience?  Now is the time to take the floor for any last comments.

>>  Eileen:  We have two questions from the Q & A, Meri.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  I do not see questions.

>>  Jöao:  I've answered one through text.

>>  Eileen:  There is a point raised by Germán.  I'm not sure if we addressed Nadia's comment, as well.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  I cannot find the comment again.  But if I can recall, that was about the gender issues in Poland if I'm not mistaken.  I think I read it.

>>  Eileen:  He's saying that he was contributing actually requesting, I think he was talking about different issues people have.  I'm seeing EI and other things.  So thank you.  Yeah, go ahead, please.

>>  Okay, thank you.  Sorry, guys.  I forgot something very important, which is this year we have the elections.  You might imagine that each year we have different, well, election cycle.  So in our case, we are having the elections after the IGF within six weeks of the IGF.  Of course we are going to publish everything at the mailing list.  The call for the elections committee and all that.  So stay in touch.  And if any of the ambassadors want to speak, this is your time before we wrap up.

>> MERI BAGHDASARYAN:  So taking this opportunity, I would like to thank our panelists for a very interesting discussion.  This is the information that you see on your screen is the way to connect with youth CIG.  It's a very interesting way to get involved with Internet Governance on a global level.  It is not an organisation.  It is a Dynamic Coalition and we are basically involved in the intercessional work that I mentioned, which happens after the IGF concludes and until the next IGF.  So this is a very interesting space.  And you get to meet other people from Dynamic Coalitions working on different issues and also have a chance to work with IGF Secretariat.  So according what my colleague Eileen mentioned we are going to launch our elections soon, so please sign up to our mailing list to receive more information on this.  And follow all the events that we share.

And we also organise or co‑organise.  And, yes, so this IGF is a bit weird to me because it's virtual.  And it's taking place during almost three weeks.  So I just would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and wish all of you a very fruitful IGF.  Hopefully next year we will reflect on this in person already.  But enjoy the rest of the conference.  And thanks again for all your contributions both in the chat, in questions, and also in the rice pad.  I really enjoyed reading all of that.  Thank you very much.

>> NOHA:  Can we take a group photo?  Can we allow everyone to open their cams?

>> LILY:  Cameras.  Let me see what I can do.  One moment, please.

>>  Lily, I think you can only allow ‑‑

>>  I activated it.

>>  Say it again.  It has already been activated.

>>  I'm trying to see if I can give everybody a chance.

>>  Take the can take a selfie with us.

>>  Yes.  Imagine how do it.

>>  And post it on Facebook.  On social media with hashtags.

>>  Yeah.

>>  I'm looking.

>> LILY:  Let me see if I can promote to panelists and take it from there.  So Carolina, if you can help, let's have as many people promoted and we can all turn our video.  So I'm doing that, if you join in just click on your video before we leave.  Can you help?  Let's have as many people here.

>>  Yes, yes.  Okay.  Videos on.

>>  Expect this to be your most crowded livestream of the IGF.  So don't worry.  Enjoy it.

>>  Yes.  I see familiar faces.  Take a photo already.

>>  It's really great to see everyone.  Okay.

>>  Is everyone taking screenshots?  Take it.  I see with a baby.  Right.  I think you have a photo now.

>>  Or a hundred.

>> LILY:  Maybe say goodbye also the voices, everybody.

Bye everyone. 

(everyone saying goodbye)