IGF 2020 OF #27 Promoting Trust on the Internet through Osaka Track

    Friday, 6th November, 2020 (08:00 UTC) - Friday, 6th November, 2020 (09:00 UTC)
    Room 1
    About this Session
     The Internet space is the foundation of the digitalized activities in society and economy. In order to strengthen inclusive and sustainable development, it is critical to maintain the free, open and secure Internet space where the maximum benefits of innovation are realized. Therefore, Fostering “trust” in the Internet space is essential to promote “data free flow with trust”.

    Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min


     Starting with "Osaka Track" that was launched on the occasion of G20 Osaka Summit as well as agreeing on "data free flow with trust” at the Summit, 2019 was a year in which the importance of trusts in the digital economy was reaffirmed at the leaders’ level.

     The Internet space is the foundation of the digitalized activities in society and economy. In order to strengthen inclusive and sustainable development, it is critical to maintain the free, open and secure Internet space where the maximum benefits of innovation are realized. Therefore, Fostering “trust” in the Internet space is essential to promote “data free flow with trust”.

     The session will discuss the flowing points:

     -  How should we foster trust in the Internet space?

     -  How can we collect and accumulate good practices on promoting trust in the Internet space?

     -  What is the role of IGF as a place for stock taking on the good practices?



    Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan


    ■Opening Remarks

    Mr.  Shintani Masayoshi, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, the Government of Japan

    ■Keynote speaker

    Dr. Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google


    - Prof. Jun Murai, Keio University

    - Mr. Lacina Koné, Director-General, Smart Africa

    - Ms. Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Communications and Engagement, Internet Society

    - Dr. Rudolf Gridl, Head of Division VIA5, Internet Governance and International Digital Dialogue, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Government of Germany (the host country of IGF2019)

    - Ms. Timea SUTO, ICC Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) 


    Onsite Moderator
    Yoichi IIDA, Deputy Director-General for G7, G20 Relations, Ministry of Internal affairs an Communications, Japan
    Online Moderator

    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

    1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
    How should we foster trust in the Internet space?
    How can we collect and accumulate good practices on promoting trust in the Internet space?
    What is the role of IGF as a place for stock taking on the good practices?
    6. Final Speakers

    ■Opening Remarks

    Mr.  Shintani Masayoshi, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, the Government of Japan

    ■Keynote speaker

    Dr. Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google


    - Prof. Jun Murai, Keio University

    - Mr. Lacina Koné, Director-General, Smart Africa

    - Ms. Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Communications and Engagement, Internet Society

    - Dr. Rudolf Gridl, Head of Division VIA5, Internet Governance and International Digital Dialogue, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Government of Germany (the host country of IGF2019)

    - Ms. Timea SUTO, ICC Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS)