IGF 2020 Pre-Event #52 Tech 4 Society - How to build an inclusive and open society for everyone, especially for disabled people.

    Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (09:30 UTC) - Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (11:00 UTC)
    Room Poland I
    About this Session
    This is a workshop so everyone could attend and be part of Q&A.

    During the first 15 minutes Piotr Mieczkowski will present idea on how to build an inclusive and open society for everyone, especially for disabled people.

    Next, people in the workshop will share their stories and ideas. Everyone is invited.

    05.11.2020 - 9.30 - 11.00 UTC In an open workshop, we want to discuss ways to effectively engage in digital inclusion and share practices from around the world. We want to show examples from Poland, but we also want to learn the best ways from the world. We want to present them, briefly discuss and work out a list of the best ideas to be implemented by the UN, EU and Polish government in the coming years.