IGF 2020 Pre-Event #72 Trust by design. How to make sure that Internet is safe for everyone?

    Wednesday, 4th November, 2020 (16:00 UTC) - Wednesday, 4th November, 2020 (16:50 UTC)
    Room Poland II
    About this Session

    The Stanislaw Lem Institute


    During this debate, we shall tackle the issue of Internet safety and create a space for an in-depth discussion on the Internet that can be trusted and is safe for everyone to use, especially children and other more fragile members of our societies. Internet is becoming our second home, but can we trust everything that is happening in digital space? The question is how we can create more trust and transparency for everyone, especially for children and young adults? Adopting the multi-stakeholder approach, representatives from academia, culture, business, government and NGOs we shall try find solutions to key questions as well as we will prepare a set of publishable recommendations on how we can create trustworthily Internet as well as on values that will shape how we use digital space.

    Session speakers:

    • Karol Okoński, Managing Director at PwC Polska, PL & CEE Lead for Cybersecurity in Public Sector
    • Andrzej Kozłowski,  Editor in Chief, CyberDefence24
    • Michał Kanownik, Chairman of the Board, ZIPSEE Digital Poland.

    Moderation: Michal Sobczyk, Stanislaw Lem Future Poland Institute