IGF 2020 Pre-Event #74 Openness as a reponse to the crisis - open digital initiatives in the time of the pandemic.

    Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (16:30 UTC) - Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (18:30 UTC)
    Room Poland I
    About this Session
    The global response to the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly demonstrated the value of openness. In this session, we will discuss the significance of open sharing of knowledge, culture and other forms of intellectual property. Is openness a game changer in fighting the current crisis?

    The global response to the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly demonstrated the value of openness. We witnessed scientists sharing knowledge and collabrating at a global scale, companies sharing freely designs for 3D printed medical equipment and educational resources being made available to students in remote education.

    The Open Covid Pledge is one example of a longer-term policy approach to fighting the pandemic, based on the principles of openness. The Pledge, incubated by a group of academics and currently stewarded by Creative Commons, calls on organizations and companies to make their patents and copyrights freely available in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

    During the session we want to discuss the significance of openness as a principle guiding the sharing of knowledge, culture and intellectual property. We will discuss how the value of openness has been demonstrated during the global response to the pandemic. We will also present best practices in the field of open education, civic engagement, fighting disinformation, science, and others.

    The session will include following speakers:


    • Alek Tarkowski (Centrum Cyfrowe, Creative Commons), Poland


    • Dariusz Jemielniak (Koźmiński Academy, Harvard University, Wikimedia Foundation), Poland
    • Diane Peters (Creative Commons), United States
    • Allison Davenport (Wikimedia Foundation), United States
    • Olivier Schulbaum (Platoniq, Creativity and Democracy), Spain (10 min)
    • Patricia Díaz (Creative Commons Uruguay / Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay), Uruguay
    • Virginia Rodés (Creative Commons UruguayUniversidad de la República) Uruguay