IGF 2020 Pre-Event #81 Creativity and responsibility online

    Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (13:00 UTC) - Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (14:00 UTC)
    Room Poland I
    About this Session
    Does being creative online mean the same thing as being creative offline? How should artists and creators take care of their rights in virtual space and what should the responsibility of institutions be in this respect?

    Society of Authors ZAiKS


    In recent months, the entire culture sector has had no choice but to move online. Artists were generous in making their work available to the public, while culture institutions and festivals organized events online. However, at some point people started feeling overburdened, while the hours spent in front of screens started to take a toll on everyone. Therefore, if the forecasts check out and we remain in the virtual sphere for a bit longer, we need to think about how to make the content we generate attractive to audiences. Does being creative online mean the same thing as being creative offline? Finally, how should artists and creators take care of their rights in virtual space and what should the responsibility of institutions be in this respect?

    Moderator: Tamara Kamińska, Music Export Poland 


    Justyna Jochym, CEO Festivals Adelaide, Australia

    Joey Hendrikson, Colombus Music Commision, Songwriters Association, USA

    Rafał Kownacki, Deputy CEO ZAiKS, Poland