IGF 2020 Pre-Event #89 Cybersecurity skills certification system in Poland

    Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020 (13:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020 (14:00 UTC)
    Room Poland II
    About this Session
    Insights on cybersecurity and the National Cybersecurity Certification System as part of the Polish Qualification Framework.

    Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne / Polish Information Processing Society


    We live in the connected world where most people and almost every ICT device is communicating with each other. Everything's connected but the main concern is about the trust and security. Cybersecurity is a global phenomenon that presents many challenges, risks and as well as opportunities to business, governments and society as whole. There are many initiatives across the globe at the country or international level to build set of standards to evaluate and certify hardware and software solutions. However ICT solutions are just one side of the coin. Every system is designed and operated by human and therefore there is a need to assess, build and certify competences of the cybersurity professionals. To address this challenge the PTI/PIPS has formed a Sectoral Skills Council for Telecommunication and Cybersecurity, and estabilshed a Center for Skills and Qualifications Certification. This session will give you an insights on human capital skills in cybersecurity and present the National Cybersecurity Certification System as part of the Polish Qualification Framework.


    • Wojciech Maciejczak, Orange Polska, Member of the Board at the Sectoral Skills Council for Telecommunication and Cybersecurity
    • Jaroslaw Kowalski, Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), Member of the Board at the Sectoral Skills Council for Information Technology