IGF 2021 Call for Lightning Talks Proposals

Lightning talks are brief, to-the-point, prepared presentation on a specific Internet governance issue.‎

Stakeholder with demonstrated interest in Internet governance and who can outline Internet governance-related objective to be achieved through the session are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.  

These types of sessions should focus on Internet governance-pertinent activities. In addition, they could link to the IGF 2021 focus areas

IGF 2021 Main focus areas 

IGF 2021 Emerging and cross-cutting issue areas 

The inclusion of a background documents with the session request is also possible. The standard duration for the session to choose from are 20 and 30. For other types of specific requests, please email the IGF Secretariat. 
Session support: Webcast: No | Transcription: No | Interpretation: No  

The deadline for requesting the slot at the 16th IGF is 26 May 2021, 23:59 UTC​.