Open Forums are interactive sessions organized by governments, treaty-based international organizations, and global organizations with international scope and presence, with operations across regions, dealing with Internet governance issues. Open Forums should focus on a government or organization’s Internet governance-pertinent activities during the past year and allow sufficient time for questions and discussions.
All governments, treaty-based international organizations, and global organizations with international scope and presence, with operations across regions, dealing with Internet governance issues, are invited to submit requests for an Open Forum slot through the Open Forum application e-form.
Open Forums should focus on a government or organization’s Internet governance-pertinent activities during the past year and allow sufficient time for questions and discussions. In addition, it is suggested but not required, that the Open Forums link to the IGF 2021 focus areas, selectable in the submission form:
IGF 2021 Main focus areas
IGF 2021 Emerging and cross-cutting issue areas
- Emerging regulation: market structure, content, data and consumer/users rights regulation
- Environmental sustainability and climate change
- Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation
- Trust, security, stability
The inclusion of a background paper with the Open Forum request is strongly encouraged. The standard duration for the session is 60 minutes, but the 30 minutes slot are also possible to request.
Session support: Webcast: Yes | Transcription: Yes | Interpretation: No
Governments and treaty-based international organizations will be given slots on a priority basis.
The deadline for requesting Open Forum slots at the 16th IGF is 26 May 2021, 23:59 UTC.