Rocío de la Fuente, LACTLD, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Paula Oteguy, LACNIC, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Kevon Swift, LACNIC, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Carolina Aguerre, Center for the Study of Technology and Society (CETyS), Academia, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
The session will be divided into a first part of presentations focused on projects carried out by organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a second part of research presentations focused on issues of regional relevance. The final minutes of the session will be for questions and answers raised by the participants in order to encourage an open and informed dialogue.
The fifth edition of the IGF LAC Space will bring together organizations, stakeholders and researchers from the Latin America and Caribbean Internet community to present and share projects and research undertaken over the past year. During the first part of the session, organizations from the Latin American and Caribbean region will share their leading projects and how these have contributed to economic and social inclusion, advanced human rights and ensured universal access. The second part of the session will be dedicated to presenting and discussing research papers that have addressed the use, development, evolution and regulation of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean. The session will thus seek to foster informed discussion and new opportunities for regional collaboration.
The session will be divided into three different parts: 1) project presentations, 2) research presentations, and 3) time for questions and discussion. This way, the time allocated for presentations and the time allocated for questions and discussion will be clearly defined. The session moderators will be responsible for sticking to the agenda and organizing the participation of speakers and attendees in order to meet the objectives of the session and foster informed regional dialogue in an online environment.