IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #48 <A Global tour of Feminist AI> Who is coding it and deploying it?

    Monday, 6th December, 2021 (13:00 UTC) - Monday, 6th December, 2021 (14:30 UTC)
    Ballroom B

    <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms:  GRULAC: Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Tecnológico de Monterrey;   ASEAN: Chulalongkorn University; MENA: Jordan Open Source Association; WEOG: Women At The Table; Africa: IPAR


     Academia:  Tecnológico de Costa Rica / Laboratorio Experimental: Jaime Gutiérrez

    Tecnológico de Monterrey/ Media & Digital Culture + Tierra Común : Paola Ricaurte Quijano

    Chulalongkorn UniversityCenter for Science, Technology & Ethics: Soraj Hongladoram

    Civil Society:  Jordan Open Source Association: Raya Sharbain

    Women at the Table/ <A+> Alliance:  Caitlin Kraft-Buchman & Ingrid Brudvig

    Online Moderator
    Caitlin Kraft-Buchman
    Ingrid Brudvig

    Four regional panels of 45 minutes each. 180 minutes.

    Duration (minutes)

    Sharing the current state of Feminist AI  focussed on economic and social inclusion and human rights,

    an interactive panel taking a tour of  Latin America & the Caribbean, Asia,  and MENA region,                   exploring the ideas behind Feminist AI and the concept of using AI & Algorithmic Decision-Making (ADM) to deliver equality outcomes designed with inclusion at the core  to create new opportunities & proactive, innovative correction of inequities -- and how research, policy & technology investment and intervention could open an era of unprecedented gender inclusion. The event will share the  plans of a series of initiatives around the globe, including the f<a+i>r Feminist AI Research Network, the Open for Good Alliance, and the AI4D Gender & Inclusion Network in Africa, unveiling plans for using the tools of our time for targeted research, prototypes and pilots to make AI & Algorithmic Decision Making programs and technology more effective, inclusive and transformational.