IGF 2021 Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust

    Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (11:45 UTC) - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (12:45 UTC)
    Conference Room 8
    Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust

    Ensuring a safe digital space: How should governments, Internet businesses and other stakeholders protect citizens, including vulnerable citizens, against online exploitation and abuse?
    Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are the good cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms that already exist? Where do those mechanisms fall short and what can be done to strengthen the security and to reinforce the trust?


    Enhancing community cooperation to ensure effective data management and accuracy
    In light of the EU proposals to update the NIS 2 Directive, which actors within the DNS ecosystem bear responsibility for data management and data accuracy? The IGF 2021 session of the Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust (DCDT) will encourage the sharing of good practices for transparent processes for mitigating threats to online trust within the domain name ecosystem.
    The session will begin with an informational overview of the NIS 2 Directive and its impact on the DNS environment. We will also hear the perspective of the European Commission on the aims and objectives of the updated Directive. An interactive discussion will include a child protection expert and diverse providers connected with the DNS ecosystem, including hosting companies or CDNs, to give a view of interdependencies and trust at different parts of the stack.
    Session participants will provide their standpoints and share experiences and good practices to be consolidated into a meeting note, and elaborated as a 2021 DCDT Outcome.
    Targets: The domain name system is an essential component in digital infrastructures, and is closely linked to related services such as hosting and content delivery networks. Target 9.1 is to develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all. 


    Organizer 1: Giovanni Seppia, EURid
    Organizer 2: Emily Taylor, Oxford Information Labs


    Speaker 1: Polina Malaja, CENTR
    Speaker 2: [European Commission] TBC
    Speaker 3: Dirk Jumpertz, Security Manager, EURid
    Speaker 4: Petra Arts - CloudFlare TBC
    Speaker 5: Arda Gerkens, CEO, Expertisebureau Online Kindermisbruik (Online Child Abuse Assessment Bureau), EOKM 

    Onsite Moderator
    Giovanni Seppia, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Emily Taylor, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Emily Taylor, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    9.  Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    A multistakeholder discussion on the impact of the NIS2 Directive on the domain industry, that brought together industry, regulators and child protection experts.
    NIS2 Directive will bring legal obligations on domain registries to publish certain data, but questions remain on the international implications of the regulation outside the EU, and whether the measures will actually improve cybersecurity
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    If you are interested in discussions that highlight industry best practices and the links between data and trust please join our Dynamic Coalition mailing list at [email protected]
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    IGF Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust

    8 December 2021, 11:45-12:45 UTC

    DCDT was launched in 2020. We perceived a gap in the DC landscape for sharing best practices on data and trust. A meeting of the (DCDT) took place at the IGF meeting in Katowice, Poland. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually. A live stream and transcript of the session can be found on the IGF website.

    The agenda for this session was guided by input from members of the DCDT on a planning call held in September 2021, and built on themes outlined in the DCDT action plan for 2021 as well as an intersessional panel held at the EuroDIG in Trieste.

    The session was entitled Enhancing community cooperation to ensure effective data management and accuracy. The session was focused on data management, data accuracy, and the upcoming NIS 2 directive from different perspectives. An interactive session involving more than 50 participants explored the roles and responsibilities of actors within the DNS environment and related industries for data quality and enhancing trust, in light of the EU proposals to update the NIS 2 Directive. The session began with short interventions from five speakers.

    Benjamin Bögel of the European Commission provided a general overview of the legislative aims and objectives of NIS2. The original NIS Directive was first implemented in 2016, and is now being updated. It is nearing the end of the legislative process. The proposed changes will expand the scope of the Directive to cover cloud providers, market places, DNS TLDs and IXPs, and in future it will also include social networks, CDNs, internet service providers and trust service providers. The proposed measures are high level, such as incident reporting within 24 hours of knowledge of an incident, business continuity, supply chain security and others. 

    Article 23 of the NIS2 directive directly affects the domain name industry, both registries and registrars. It proposes a new legal framework, with the objectives of supporting the fight against DNS abuse, and increasing the overall level of cybersecurity. This will be done by ensuring accuracy of registration data, ensuring registries and registrars will have a firm legal ground to provide access from legitimate access seekers. All requests to access will receive a timely reply (either positive or negative). Article 23 reserves the right to provide guidelines on accuracy, drawing on industry good practices.

    Polina Malaja of CENTR focused on the likely impact of Article 23 of the NIS 2 on the domain name industry and in particular the requirement for registries and registrars to keep ‘accurate and complete’ databases of WHOIS data and the provision of lawful access to data. Since the original NIS Directive came into force, European ccTLDs have been consistently identified as operators of essential services. This has encouraged ccTLD operators to make additional investments in security and the resilience of networks. While recognising that the purpose of Article 23 is to prevent and combat DNS abuse, as drafted it is likely to have a limited impact on cybersecurity – such as helping to combat DDoS or DNS hijacking -- while imposing considerable burdens on the DNS industry. The speaker expressed the view that there is a risk of shifting the focus in ways that may not have the desired impact on security, and will deflect from ensuring safe and trusted online space. That is a collaborative effort of many actors, based on clear procedure and rule of law.

    Dirk Jumpertz of EURid noted that while Article 23 has drawn the attention of the DNS community, the other provisions of the NIS Directive also impact ccTLD operators. A key concern is inconsistencies of approach between member states in the transposition of the Directive. For example, the scope of the original Directive is different in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg owing to differences in transposition. It is unclear how registrars or gTLD registries fit into the proposed framework, or whether they meet the definition of essential entities. On Article 23, there is a risk that member states may add further data items into the accuracy obligation. Lastly, DNS is not about registration data. It is about the DNS - a system that allows us to use the internet as it is. Making sure the DNS is stable and resilient is the most important thing. The DNS must flow - that’s what’s important. Need to be careful to treat all domains equally.

    Keith Drazek of Verisign provided a perspective from a registry operator located outside the European Union. He raised concerns about the impact of the NIS2 language on the multistakeholder community at ICANN, and the territorial impact for those outside the EU. Another important distinction is between the differing roles, responsibilities and capabilities of registries and registrars. Verisign, the .com registry, has not collected or held registrant data for more than 20 years—it is not required to run the registry. Instead, the registrant data are held at the registrar level. Will the NIS2 have the impact of requiring entities to collect data that they do not need, and transfer that data across borders?

    Arda Gerkens of the online child protection hotline EOIK provided the perspective of end-users and those defending the rights of children against online exploitation and sexual abuse. The objective of this stakeholder group is to have the swift deletion of such materials. In general, their approach is to identify the hosting party because the website owner usually does not respond. The majority of image hosting websites are small enterprises with limited resources, there is unlikely to be an accurate abuse address so it is challenging to make contact. While respecting that new regulation imposes compliance burdens, especially on small enterprises, it is important to have accurate data for who owns websites – and this is also good for consumers.

    Discussion and Q&A

    An interactive discussion was moderated by Giovanni Seppia, External Relations Manager at EURid, Emily Taylor of Oxford Information Labs was online moderator.

    Scope: One attendee asked whether the intention is to include all TLD operators within the scope of the NIS2 Directive, regardless of size? A number of companies have .brand TLDs which are essentially more of an internal matter, and are not providing a service to the public at large, and are not essential infrastructure. Commission officials confirmed that if a .brand TLD is not provided as a registration service, it is out of scope of the NIS2 Directive. The Directive only applies to services that are available publicly. Registrars are not generally within scope, but all entities on DNS resolution chain (including resolvers) are within scope.

    Transposition. Commission speakers acknowledged that NIS 1 has not worked perfectly, and that there had been a great divergence on transposition by member states. The Commission is trying to address this by issuing detailed guidance for transposition, drawing on best practices.

    Jurisdiction. The NIS2 will have extra territorial effect. A lot of European companies registered in gTLDs. The general rule is that entities are supervised concurrently in each Member States where they operated. For DNS providers, which are highly digitised, there is an exception – they will be supervised by the 1 member state where the entity has its main establishment or if located outside the EU, where it has its representative. 

    There was a question about interplay between the proposed Article 23 obligations, and GDPR requirements for data minimisation. The speaker suggested that the key requirement should be the ability to contact the registrant. Requirements over and above an email address ran the risk of imposing barriers to entry or creating unintended consequences such as conflict with other laws internationally. Another speaker agreed that ‘contactability’ is the key concept.

    Concerns were raised in relation to the definition of legitimate access seekers. If it is limited only to law enforcement, that would exclude private sector organisations investigating harms, many of whom work closely with law enforcement.