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IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #38 Project Lockdown: Using data to assess the impact of policies on human and digital rights.

    Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (11:00 UTC) - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (11:30 UTC)
    Ballroom B

    The IO Foundation
    Yazhini Ramesh, The IO Foundation, Civil Society Grace Yan, The IO Foundation, Civil Society Jean F. Queralt, The IO Foundation, Civil Society


    Yazhini Ramesh, The IO Foundation, Civil Society Grace Yan, The IO Foundation, Civil Society Jean F. Queralt, The IO Foundation, Civil Society

    Online Moderator
    Jean F. Queralt
    Jean F. Queralt

    Presentation, followed by an AMA that we can organize ourselves.

    Duration (minutes)

    Human and Digital Rights are greatly impacted by the various policies that governments around the globe implement, even more so the case during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Project Lockdown provides a mapping platform and an open data API to explore and better understand the effects on people's rights within a territory and, more importantly, across territories over time. In the context of Internet Governance, policies related to Digital Rights and Internet connectivity are crucial.

    This session will explore the deep ramifications of government policies across populations, the differences and anomalies in implementations and how our tools provide precise, time-sensitive snapshots that can be used for advocacy and awareness-raising, ultimately holding government policy makers to account.

    The speakers will present Project Lockdown’s key features and give an overview of the planned roadmap. They will then invite the audience to provide their feedback and discuss strategies on how to improve the platform to better support their advocacies.

    The team will present the platform for about 10 minutes and proceed with a Q&A and some targeted questions to engage the audience to participate and, hopefully, get involved with the project.