Creative Poland Association
Creative Poland Association Polish Chamber of Books Chamber of Press Publishers Association of Authors and Publishers „Copyright Poland” Association of Authors ZAIKS Association of Journalists and Publishers REPROPOL The Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers SFP - ZAPA Association of Photojournalists Polish Writers’ Association Literary Union Association Association of Polish Composers The Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry ZPAV Polish Producers Alliance Legal Culture Foundation
Cezary Szymanek - journalist, the deputy Editor-In-Chief of the "Rzeczpospolita Daily" and the Editor-In-Chief of the
In 2015 joined the Gremi Media Publishing House. Worked as Editor-In-Chief of the "Succes" magazine, head of the information department at Radio PiN and host of the "Gość Radio PiN" programme. On ITI Group waked as programming director of the and the author and producer of a programme under the same title on TVN. In the past, he was also associated with TVP1, RTL 7, Radio ZET and Radio Kolor. Szymanek is the winner of The National Bank of Poland Władysław Grabski Award for the best economic journalist and "Ostre Pióra", a distinction awarded by the Business Center Club.
Paula Rossa - a lawyer at Creative Poland Association, expert in the field of intellectual property law. She is a PhD candidate in the Intellectual Property Law Cathedral of Jagiellonian University of Cracow. As a field of research she chose Digital Single Market and copyright. Arbitrator and mediator at SARA The Court of Arbitration of the Audiovisual Market. She has also extensive experience in advising entrepreneurs in the creative industry.
Mikołaj Małaczyński – the co-founder and president of Legimi S.A. WSE-listed NewConnect, the first library in Poland providing electronic books in the subscription model (, which has also been operating on the German market since 2016. He was among the 100 innovation leaders from the Central and Eastern Europe region in the New Europe 100 ranking (according to the Financial Times, Google and Res Publica). The Author of numerous presentations and studies on the development of the electronic publishing market in Poland and abroad, incl. Tools of Change for Publishing in New York and Frankfurt am Main. From 2020, a member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Books. Mikołaj is a graduate of the Poznań University of Technology, the Faculty of Computer Science and Management, and the Harvard Business School - Management Program. He is the laureate of international competitions in the field of computer science, including the international finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Seoul and Paris. A graduate of the School for Leaders of the Civil Society. He also studied at the University of Nottingham in Great Britain, and at the Siegen University in Germany.
Dr Damian Flisak - Doctor of Law (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), legal advisor, experienced senior counsel and manager with a demonstrated history of working as creative industry advisor. Skilled in Intellectual Property Law, especially in Copyright, Press and Unfair Competition Law, as well as in New Technologies Law. Lecturer and seasoned speaker. Coauthor of „The assumptions for the AI strategy in Poland - Action Plan of the Ministry of Digital Affairs” dated on November 2018. Member of the group for Artifficial Intelligence at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland. Arbitrator at the Arbitration Court for the Internet Domains. Lecturer at National School for Judiciary and Public Prosecution, as well as at Kozminski University and The Polish Academy of Sciences and where he teaches copyright law, intellectual property law, law of new technologies (AI related matters in particular).
Live and online discussion with speakers via the dedicated IGF platform
The COVID-19 crisis can be considered a period of trial, and accelerated development, introduction and application of digital technologies in the cultural and creative sectors. The use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or the use of blockchain is now of great importance in promoting access to cultural goods.
These technologies can bring benefits in making cultural and creative resources available, especially to people with disabilities or to those with limited access to original resources. We are referring to the use of solutions such as speech recognition, virtual assistantance or digital processing of art or literature. This type of processing requires special attention to the fact that the data sets used for AI training are as broad as possible and diverse to prevent possible exclusions based on origin, gender or various types of disabilities. Could automating the creation of texts, such as books and newspaper articles, infringe the intellectual property rights of the original authors? This is a possibility, because the technology does not recognize whether the materials used come from legal or illegal sources. Can automated content have an impact on shaping attitudes and educating the public? Undoubtedly, yes, because AI creates content only based on human-provided data that can be selected in a specific way. It is up to humans to control the process of creating and using existing works in order not to infringe the authors' property rights. On the other hand, the use of blockchain technology in the dissemination of cultural goods may constitute a specific barrier against the unauthorized use of content, as each violation will be permanently entered into the system. Then the threat turns into an opportunity - the emergence of new business models based on nano-payments from each user interaction with the newly created work, processed by AI. Smart-contracts saved in blockchain can create a new regime in the world of copyright, adapted to the challenges of the future. The popularity of NFT (non fungible tokens) seems to herald a new reality in the world of digital goods.
The uses of AI which require special consideration are ranking and content recommendation technologies. The training of teaching algorithms takes place basing on the existing patterns, which may lead to narrowing down the content proposition for selected target groups, and ultimately, to polarization. The solution may be to extend the tasks of Personal Data Protection Inspectors to monitor the risks related to profiling against those users who have consented to it.
Will the use of new technologies in the dissemination of cultural goods make us feel safer on the Internet, both as creators and as users? Will our creativity and data be sufficiently protected? Will existing institutions that benefit from copyright exceptions, such as public libraries, be able to keep pace with technological progress and adapt their facilities to technological realities?
The event will be actively promoted for a month by the panel through social media and the websites of organizations cooperating with the Creative Polska Association - Polish Chamber of Books, Chamber of Press Publishers, Legal Culture Foundation, The Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers SFP ZAPA, Polish Producers Alliance, "Sygnał" Association, The Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry ZPAV, Association of Authors ZAIKS, Association of Authors and Publishers Copyright Poland, Association of Photojournalists, Association of Journalists and Publishers REPROPOL.
The discussion will also be preceded by articles in the press, duplicated on social media and the websites of the organization above, devoted to the relationship between creativity and education with new technologies.