Paradigm Initiative
Bulanda Nkhowani and Ekai Nambenyo
Civil Society
1. Adeboye Adegoke
2. Neema Iyer
3. Bulanda Nkhowani
A Gathering- brief presentation on the RIPOTI Digital Rights Violations Reporting Platform and Ayeta Digital Security Toolkit. Thereafter a plenary to discuss pertinent issues surrounding digital rights violations and digital security.
Introducing RIPOTI Platform and AYETA Toolkit
Building trust, security, stability using RIPOTI Platform and Ayeta Toolkit. The session will highlight two initiatives; RIPOTI Digital Rights Violations Reporting Platform and Ayeta Digital Security Toolkit, and the role that they play to collaboratively advance trust security and trust of digital platforms and the internet. The session will further ask participants in the room to highlight innovative initiatives that their organisations are using to advance trust security and stability of the internet. and
The moderator will briefly speak and introduce the toolkit and violations reporting platform then play an animation that sums up what the two initiatives are about. Thereafter the moderator will invite 2minute reflections from participants for contributions