IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #85 Rapid notice & takedown - the key to getting child sexual abuse off the internet fast

    Tuesday, 7th December, 2021 (08:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 7th December, 2021 (08:20 UTC)
    Conference Room 7

    INHOPE - the International Association of Internet Hotlines


    INHOPE is a global organisation

    Onsite Moderator
    Online Moderator

    If meeting happens in person - format will be a one person presentation in TED talk type format with optionfor Q&A / feedback If has to be online - format will be a one person presentation in TED talk type format

    Duration (minutes)

    Child Sexual Abuse Material - shows the rape and sexual abuse of a child!

    Behind every image or video there is a child who is a victim and a perpetrator. Viewing online Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is not a victimless crime. If that imagery is shared - then anyone that downloads and views that material is also abusing that child. CSAM that has been shared online results in the continuos re-abuse of that victim every time an image or video is copied and reshared.

    In a perfect world, identified CSAM would be removed at a network level and resharing would be blocked with advanced technology. Sadly we are not at that point yet - so in the meantime it is vital that when CSAM is identified that it is removed from the internet as fast as possible.

    This high impact session will engage and inform the audience on the Notice and Takedown process, its importance and how when implemented on a systematic basis can have a massive impact on the distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Material on the internet.

    The objective of this lightning talk is to equip the audience with a clear view of the problem, the challenging in addressing the issue and the work being done by INHOPE Hotlines and their partners around the world in tackling online CSAM.