IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XIX

Event Calendar Date
Tuesday, 9th November, 2021 (11:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 9th November, 2021 (13:00 UTC)
Hosted by IGF Secretariat
MAG&WG Meetings



1.    Update from the Host Country

    a.    Updates from the Host country on vaccine approvals and quarantine

2.    Update from the Secretariat

    a.    Update on registration numbers

    b.    Leadership Panel Call

3.    Reviewing action items from the last two calls to check we are up to date with all our tasks as MAG members and the same for the Secretariat

4.    Debrief on lessons learnt from last week's IGF2021 preparatory and engagement phase and how to apply these lessons in the main sessions during the Katowice annual forum

5.    Feedback on the registration process and the IGF2021 pages on the IGF site and on the host country site

6.    Update on the guidelines for session organisers in the context of the hybrid IGF2021

7.    Checking in on the status of main session preparation

8.    IGF 15th anniversary plans

9.    AOB



Main Session Docs:     

         - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation     

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

         - Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

         - Trust, Security, Stability

        - NRIs main session

        - DCs main session

Published Main Sessions

Preparatory & Engagement Phase Programme

Guidance for Participants in the Context of Hybrid IGF:

        - About Hybrid Format

        - Hybrid FAQs

        - Zoom Quick Guide & Accessibility Guide

        - Specific Information for Session Organizers on Interactive Schedule and Zoom Links

        - IGF Remote Participation Guidelines

Internet Governance Forum Leadership Panel - Call for Nominations