IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XX

Event Calendar Date
Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021 (15:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021 (17:00 UTC)
Hosted by IGF Secretariat
MAG&WG Meetings



1. Welcome from the Chair (2 minutes)

2. Updates from the Host Country (5 minutes)

2.1 Clarification on entry requirements for Poland in terms of type of vaccine (3 minutes)

3. Update from the IGF Secretariat (10 minutes)

3.1 Update on guidelines for session organisers

3.2 Update on the apps and tools and platforms that will be used at the IGF including demonstration on speaking queue tool

3.3 Communications strategy and role for MAG members

4. Breakout groups: 3 to 5 groups depending on number of people in the meeting (40 minutes)

Each group will appoint a rapporteur and a facilitator and will discuss:

a. Take-aways from the intro sessions held during the preparatory and engagement phase

b. Feedback on speaking queue tool vs. "hands" in Zoom

c. Any outstanding questions/concerns/suggestions re. IGF2021

4.1 Group reports and discussion (20 minutes)

5. Update on the leadership panel process (2 minutes)

6. What is expected of MAG members during the IGF (5 minutes)

7. Organising recap session during annual forum of the preparatory and engagement phase (5 minutes)

8. MAG members getting together in Katowice for those that are there  (2 minutes)

9. NRI updates  

10. A.O.B.   


Published Main Sessions

Main Session Docs:     

         - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation     

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

         - Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

         - Trust, Security, Stability

        - NRIs main session

        - DCs main session

Preparatory & Engagement Phase Programme

Guidance for Participants in the Context of Hybrid IGF:

      - MAIN RESOURCE: IGF21 Participant and Session Organizer Dashboard

        - About Hybrid Format

        - Hybrid FAQs

        - Zoom Quick Guide & Accessibility Guide

        - IGF Remote Participation Guidelines

Internet Governance Forum Leadership Panel - Call for Nominations