Open Internet for Democracy Initiative
Daniel O'Maley, Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), Civil Society, WEOG Morgan Frost, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Civil Society, WEOG Sarah Moulton, National Democratic Institute (NDI), Civil Society, WEOG
This networking session will use a “speed dating” format to help people meet as many other participants as quickly as possible. The session will start with a brief introduction at the beginning by the organizer about the purpose of trying to connect as many democracy activists with the internet governance space. The participants will be broken up into groups of 4 and be given 7 minutes to quickly introduce themselves, and to answer one or two guiding questions provided by the organizers. Participants will come back together and then split up again into groups to meet new people. This process will be replicated as many times as time allows. The goal is to allow participants to meet others working in this space, and to potentially identify areas for future collaboration. .
The purpose of this networking session is to provide a platform for digital rights advocates to connect with one another and identify potential areas of future collaboration. The session will start with a brief introduction at the beginning by the organizers and instructions about the session itself. Participants joining the session online will be divided into rounds of breakout groups, lasting approximately 10 minutes each. During each round, breakout group participants will introduce themselves, share a bit about their work, and discuss ways they may be able to connect with others working in this space. The organizers have also prepared guiding questions for each breakout group discussion, which can be used by participants as needed. After the conclusion of the first breakout group, participants will move to a new breakout group randomly assigned and this process will be replicated until 10 minutes to the end of the session. For participants participating in the session onsite, similar instructions will be given for onsite participants to organize themselves and connect with other onsite participants. During the last 10 minutes of the session, organizers of the session will wrap up the session and invite others to share any potential areas of collaboration mentioned during the small group discussions. Full instructions on the session and guiding questions can be found in this document: