IGF 2021 Town Halls

Below is the list of accepted IGF 2021 Town Halls, following the clearance process of all received proposals.

Town Halls are interactive sessions organized by entities dealing with Internet governance-related issues of international scope. Through town hall sessions, stakeholders exchange views on topical and controversial Internet governance issues. This session type is particularly suitable for current and emerging issues. They focus on Internet governance-pertinent activities  and allow sufficient time for questions and discussions. 

Jokkolabs Banjul Digital Inclusion a Tool for Empowerment in the New Normal

Missions Publiques

Internet governance with and for the Citizens
Alliance for Affordable Internet/Web Foundation South-South strategy on facing digital gender inequalities
Global Partners Digital (GPD) Leveraging the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in tech
University of KwaZulu-Natal / International Federation of Information Processing WG 9.10 Emerging Technologies in conflict and maintaining peace
Fletcher School-Tufts University / ISP Yale Law School Paving the road for the European Regulation on AI
APNIC Introducing Study about Internet’s Technical Success Factors
Institute for Technology and Society of Rio (ITS Rio) Framing the Post-Pandemic Digital Rights Initiative (PDRI)
Georgia Tech Internet Governance Project Beyond hype: what does digital sovereignty actually mean?
Gulf Centre for Human Rights Defending human rights: Banning sales of surveillance tech

Coordination Center for TLD RU / Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Universal Acceptance for Wider Access through Collaboration
Kaspersky The future of human augmentation: gain or 'cyber-pain'?
Visa Digital currencies paving a way for digital innovations
 Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network Session
Podcast Digital Rights Explored: Local Fights, Global Perspectives "Internet For All But Privacy For Me" Live Podcast
The Oversight Board Digital Rights, Self-Regulation and The Oversight Board
Electronic Frontier Foundation The New Santa Clara Principles

National Democratic Institute

Interventions: End Online Violence Against Women in Politics
O Foundation Building the wiki-way for low-resource languages
Institute for Technology and Society of Rio Town Hall #43 Towards a typology of inauthentic behavior on social media
GÉANT Town Hall #45 Exchanging research data responsibly to safe the planet
Polylat Technology Sovereignty and Public Investment
ARTICLE 19 Unbundling: Free speech and innovation on social media
Institute for Technology & Society AI for inclusion and diversity - 4 continents perspectives
Laboratory of Public Policy and Internet - LAPIN Data Protection In International Organizations
Amnesty International Germany A Human Rights-Based Approach to Regulating Platforms
Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (YCIG) Tackling the menace of E-Waste through greener ways