IGF 2021 WS #140
The Prediction of Social Media Surveillance post COVID-19

    Organizer 1: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Organizer 2: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 1: Viviane Vinagre, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Nancy Njoki Wachira, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 3: Paola Galvez, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 4: Harry Sufehmi, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Round Table - Circle - 90 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are the good cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms that already exist? Where do those mechanisms fall short and what can be done to strengthen the security and to reinforce the trust?
    Ensuring a safe digital space: How should governments, Internet businesses and other stakeholders protect citizens, including vulnerable citizens, against online exploitation and abuse?

    Additional Policy Questions Information: To what extent do the users tolerate social media collecting their data? How far do we tolerate personal data collection? How do we predict the change of users' reliance and behaviors on social media during and post covid-19?
    The collection of biometric data on social media is an issue that people can't avoid but, sooner or later, this would likely increase the level of convenience that people ought to enjoy in the near future. However, COVID-19 has been posing a threat to people that resulted in the increase of reliance on Social Media. Due to the increase of reliance on Social Media, people tend to compromise or give up their personal data that they are unable to bargain. Therefore, the proposal will bring up an issue on "How do we predict the change of users' reliance and behaviors on social media during and post covid-19?"By raising this issue, the proposal will encourage the speakers and participants to imagine what kind of surveillance model would be considered eligible and appropriate for users reliance and behaviors on Social Media post COVID-19.

    Targets: The organizers will encourage speakers and participants to provide ideas, inspirations and/or opinions that would come out of discussions falling under the scope of surveillance. Although surveillance is no longer a new issue to bring up, this topic will expect speakers and participants to predict what kind of innovation, invention or infrastructure that they like to propose or establish in order to solve the same issue or either way, create a solution on what kind of surveillance model will be deemed appropriate for Social Media users post COVID-19. Since the proposed topic is considered to be future-oriented, practically, the result of the discussions would be widely shared on social media and blogs and transformed into a new innovation and infrastructure that may be experimented in the near future or alternatively, proposed in the policy-making process or soon contributed to Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust.

    The reliance on social media has been significantly increasing ever since the pandemic started. The inability of every individual to meet people has changed their behaviors to start new routines from their places. One of them is to post what they do on social media in the way they can keep in touch with their relatives and express themselves virtually. Giving up personal data on social media is no longer a new issue to discuss but the issue arose when Facebook (Conditi v. Instagram, LLC, 20-cv-06534, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (San Francisco)) was allegedly accused of spying on Instagram users through the collection of biometric data. This has left people feeling weak and endangered people’s personal data as, throughout the pandemic, people have become more reliant on social media than they would have ever expected. This workshop is expected to discuss the aforementioned issue that may likely result in the collection of ideas and inspirations for a new surveillance model that covers equality between the users’ basic right (the right to privacy), corporate’s interest as to how they manage users’ personal data on social media, along with government’s duty to guarantee the protection of personal data. The nature of this topic is considered as a future-oriented topic which broadly covers multiple themes such as surveillance model, social media and privacy and therefore it is closely linked to the cross-cutting issue: trust, security and surveillance. The main hypothesis that will be raised is "How do we predict the change of users' reliance and behaviors on social media during and post COVID-19?" which is subsequently linked to an idea of surveillance model on Social Media post COVID-19. This aforementioned hypothesis is closely linked to the case above as it showed that an act of surveillance has a tendency to violate people’s right to privacy and therefore, trust is needed between concerned parties. Secondly, as surveillance has a tendency to invade people’s privacy, security is one of the highly-required element in the proposal as to how the Social Media company guarantee a high of level of protection of personal data that, then provide stability to the people through equal bargaining power between Social Media company and the users. Therefore, these three elements are highly needed to discover any idea and solution that would likely solve the issue of this topic in the coming forum. This workshop will have a duration of 90 minutes, including 5 minutes of brief introduction, 60 minutes for each speaker to present their presentations in a panel-style format, meaning that each speaker will be given a maximum time of 15 minutes to present, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A, open floor comments and discussion session. While having this session, the on-site moderator will be in charge of interacting with the on-site participants and at the same time, the off-site moderator will be in charge of communicating with the off-site participants on the group chat so that they are able to address questions, comments and opinions throughout the session. The next 5 minutes will be spent for a wrap-up session followed by the closing remark of the speakers and moderator.
    Expected Outcomes
    We hope to cultivate further discussions outside of the IGF with respect to creating new surveillance mechanism and nurturing our basic rights post covid-19; All participants are expected to share their experiences of attending this workshop on any social media by hoping that this topic will be widely promoted and recognized; To build a greater awareness and understanding about this topic, the result of this discussion will be widely shared via social media platform (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook etc) followed by a blog that will be posted on NetMission with a purpose of providing the easiest access for readers to catch on the proposed topic; Contribute to the Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust by sharing the result of the discussion of the proposed topic as well as enrich ourselves through discussions and online meetings.
    To ensure inclusivity, this session will take place by both physical and virtual attendance. Those who attend remotely will have to participate in the meeting via Zoom Webinar. Since this forum will be held in a hybrid manner, there will be two moderators: on-site and off-site moderator. The off-site moderator will handle the interaction between speakers and participants on Zoom Webinar while the on-site moderator will be in charge of handling the on-site speakers and/or participants. After the speakers finish delivering the material, there will be no break-out group discussion but a free-flowing interaction between speaker and participants both virtually and physically that will be organized by the moderators.
    Online Participation

    Usage of IGF Official Tool.