IGF 2022 Day 0 Event #15 Enter the metaverse - how're we going to remain human in the new virtuality?

    Monday, 28th November, 2022 (12:45 UTC) - Monday, 28th November, 2022 (13:45 UTC)
    Caucus Room 11

    Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
    Albert Dawid Lewandowski, Vanir.one Magda Kubicka, Łódź Special Economic Zone, Startup Spark Przemysław Nowakowski, Autobahn Army, ŁSSE Brygida Dzidek, CEO and Lead Designer – Haptology Jacek Bukowicki (mod.), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development


    Albert Dawid Lewandowski, Vanir.one Magda Kubicka, Łódź Special Economic Zone, Startup Spark Przemysław Nowakowski, Autobahn Army, ŁSSE Brygida Dzidek, CEO and Lead Designer – Haptology Jacek Bukowicki (mod.), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

    Onsite Moderator
    Jacek Bukowicki
    Online Moderator
    Karolina Okręglak-Hoty
    Jacek Bukowicki

    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Targets: This proposal relates to people remaining human in the face of the new era of metaverse. What new problems is it going to trigger, while solving the current pains.


    Panel discussion


    The virtual world has become an integral part of our lives. Nowadays, we can see it very clearly around us but in fact how many people know what is the direction of this process and how to deal with this inevitable process? This is the good reason to talk about Metaverse, which is a return tto the vision that appeared several years ago. Thanks to the advanced development of technology, we can say that we are at the specific, undefined point - one step ahead of further immersion into the digital reality. Is Metavers becoming reality now or do we just experience a test of this solution? How can we use it in everyday life and how does it affect society? We will also try to think about how we will live, work and learn in the Metaverse because it is happening now, in our world (not sciene fiction movie) and we want to make people aware of that to improve their everyday life and spread the knowledge. Let’s disscuss it together!

    We will make special and dedicated website with the event of IGF. We will write down all the details and agenda. We have also possibility to put there online transmision window which allows participants to watch the event live. We would like to enable chat option so people can ask questions durign the panel. We would like to designate a moderator who will help others to communicate, also in english language. Our moderator will translate if needed as well. On our website of the event potential participants can fill the form and indicate the need for special materials, translator or sign interpreter. We can also prepare a brochure before the event to help people understand the case and spread the knowledge. We have also the idea to create a voting related to the topic or even special online contest using dedicated platforms like kahoot etc.