Luisa Braig - Social Finance UK
Ame Elliot - Superbloom
Lucía León - Hiperderecho
Sandra Aceng - WOUGNET
Bulanda Nkhowani - Paradigm Initiative
Malavika Rajkumar - IT for Change
Eduardo Carillo - TEDIC
Moira Whelan - NDI
Katherine Townsend, Web Foundation, Civil Society Global
Lucía León - Hiperderecho
Sandra Aceng - WOUGNET
Bulanda Nkhowani - Paradigm Initiative
Malavika Rajkumar - IT for Change
Eduardo Carillo - TEDIC
Moira Whelan - NDI
Katherine Townsend, Web Foundation, Civil Society Global
Targets: Part of ensuring transparent and accountable institutions is a robust, connected, and informed civil society. This session will prioritize voices, experiences, and leadership from the global south/global majority and bring these to inform global initiatives including the global digital compact, US Department of State's office of global engagement, commitments of the UN Generation Equality Forum, and other leading efforts
collaborative workshop with lightning talks, roundtable trainings, open discussion, and survey collection(for the UN GDC). All components will coordinate in-person and robust online presence and participation.
This event will focus on the current problems of the internet in ensuring an online space that as safe, equitable, and trusted for all genders. The nature of this event includes education and community building. This will include lightning talks from community members around the world, examples of harms and harmful tools, training on helpful tools to safeguard protections online, overview of key global and local legislation, and regional and thematic breakout discussions to strengthen community relationships and collaborations. The session will conclude with information provided to inform the UN Global Digital Compact consultations and ongoing work of UN Women and Generation Equality in the run-up to Commission on the Status of Women. Notes will be taken and shared at:
1. The sessions and introductions will be shared in person and broadcast with Lightning talks by:
- Lucía León - Hiperderecho
- Sandra Aceng - WOUGNET
- Bulanda Nkhowani - Paradigm Initiative
- Malavika Rajkumar - IT for Change
- Eduardo Carillo - TEDIC
- Moira Whelan - NDI
We will then break into breakout groups for a detailed session. We will have participants join breakout sessions in person and virtually to share experiences and how change can be made among governments, civil society, and the tech sector.
Our second breakout focuses on specific projects that the Technology Policy Design Lab framework may carry forward:
Work with specific stakeholders to get actor to take action, so that people can have outcome
Work with Dr. Carolina Are, Karisma, eSafety Minister in Australia to get Instagram to build a community review panel , so that Instagram users can be protected against malicious flagging.