IGF 2022 Day 3 Open Forum #79 CGI.br’s Gender and Diversity Agenda for ICTs

The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.



>> BIA BARBOSA: Good afternoon, everyone, my name is Bia Barbosa and I'm a member of the Brazilian Internet steering commission.  This session is an overview for the CGI, the Internet Steering Committee in Brazil within the scope of the gender and diversity agenda, a project that's implemented since 2021 in Brazil.  The agenda, like the community has a multi‑stakeholder nature and aims to promote gender and racial diversity.

In Brazil, as many parts the world, the debate on the importance of digital inclusion, it's known that the technology advancement can represent improvements in our lives and medical access.  On the other hand, there are many, but not enough initiatives aimed at dealing concretely with Internet potential for reproducing and deepening inequalities.  Just to present you some data from Brazil, we have more women than men in the population.  We are 52%.

In 52% as well of the women then declare themselves as black and brown women, however, their participation in almost all sectors, productive and public activities is notably smaller.

Considering Brazilian population in 2020, only 10% of Brazilian women in university are enrolled in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs, versus almost one‑third of the men.

Careers in Brazil are marked by gender inequalities when observing the low number of women hired in the science, mainly in medicine, engineering and technology.  In this sense, the gender and diversity agenda seeks to encourage the participation of women, Indigenous people and other historically excluded social groups not only for Internet usage but also for the development and the research of digital technologists.

So I would like to explain before we listen ‑‑ before I give the floor to our speakers to present the challenges and our ‑‑ the process of building our agenda, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.  Could you please put the PPT here.  Yes, thank you so much.

So the Internet Governance model in Brazil, we have Internet Steering Committee.  That is made by 21 members.  Nine of them are from the governmental sector, four the corporate sector, four from the third sector, the civil society.  I am one of them.  I'm one of these representatives.  Three from the scientific and technological community, and one Internet expert.  The CGI, it's nine members with a government appointment.  It's a term of three years and 11 other members are elected by a very democratic process for this mandate of three years.

The mission of the CGI is to coordinate Internet services in Brazil and promote technical equality and dissemination of Internet services.  We recommend standards for procedures, and we have the use and the development of the Internet and it's on this mandate that we are developing this gender and diversity agenda.

We also promote technical standards for network and Internet security.  We coordinate the allocation of Internet in registration of domain names under the ccTLD.br, promote a specialized research on ICT and collect, organize and disseminate information on Internet services including the production of indicators and statistics.

I'm going to ‑‑ yeah.  The agenda on gender and diversity is one initiative that was emerged on November 21, based on the principles for the Internet governments in Brazil, mainly the principles universal ‑‑ universality, diversity, freedom, privacy and human rights.  The initial was proposed and led by the women counsel ores from the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.  We are four women and 21 members is in the committee.  And this seeks to keep up with the debate on the participation of groups historically excluded from ICT, and proposes actions.

We have a working group that have been developing a lot of initiatives besides building the construction of this agenda.  We have published we have been publishing annual publications.  We are at this moment, editing number three of it, on ICT, Internet Governance, gender, race and diversity.  We have organized seminars on diversity and equity in the IT sector in Brazil.

And the main sector at the Brazilian Internet Governance Forum:  Diversity and gender in ICT.

The idea of building gender and diversity agenda is to promote awareness of the importance of the digital inclusion, supported by equity, and equality between different parts of society and reduce inequalities.  To build this agenda, we have organized three national workshops in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Recife and one Internet ‑‑ I'm sorry, one international workshop online, and also we are considering this activity here in the IGF as part of the international consultation.

Two, investigate the main challenges for the inclusion of women in other excluded group in Brazil.  All the workshops were multistakeholder and attended a specific methodology to achieve a specific construction.

So here an idea of the number of participants of each workshop.  And the challenge that we were able to develop.  We had one here with us, Fernanda, who took part in one of the workshops in Sao Paulo.

The members were able to fill out online forms and Working Groups and then we had many open debates to prioritize the challenges for this agenda.

Methodology, we work with multistakeholders, I mentioned before from women from different regions with racial and ethnic diversity and also with people with disability and from the LGBTQIA community.  We organize small groups tore discussions and plenary question.  What are the main challenges for promoting gender, equality and diversity in ICTs?

So after presenting this question to the participants, we were able to get a list of 13 challenges and 248 proposals on how to face them.  And the idea of this open forum here in IGF is to share with you ten of these challenges.  At the end we try to get a list of 10 or 13, and then the idea is to present you these challenges and explain how we were working to conclude this process with prioritizing also the proposals to present this agenda for Brazil, of course, because it has something do with our reality, but we think that is an agenda that is possible to be implemented and followed by other countries as well, that's why we are here to listen and learn from you and share this experience with you as well.

To move forward, to present you the challenge, I will pass the floor now to, I'm sorry, Gabriela Nardy de Vasconcellos Leitao.  She's going to start.  Yeah, you changed the order.  Okay.  I'm so sorry.  Where is Laura here in so Laura is my colleague as well as a civil society representative in the Internet Steering Committee and ‑‑ oh, my God, I don't have a lot of this presentation here.  What happened?  Laura is a mother.  She likes to be presented with that.  She's been working with Internet policy since 2007, and in 2018, she participated in international visitor leadership program offered by the United States department of state, and like me, as I mentioned, she's a civil society representative on the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.  Laura, please, you have ten minutes for your presentation.

She's online.

Can you connect her?

Can you hear us, Laura?

We see you in the room.

>> LAURA TRESCA: Hello, everyone.

>> BIA BARBOSA: She needs to be allowed to speak we can't see you yet.

>> LAURA TRESCA: I'm started my video.  I think it's a bit delayed.


>> LAURA TRESCA: Yeah.  Here you go.  Hello, everyone.  I'm Laura.  I'm a journalist.  I'm a social scientist.  Bia has introduced me.  I will tell you part of the challenges that we found with the consultations.  It's important for me to explain that this is a work that came up from the consultations.  It's not exactly the challenge I would choose by myself.

At the end of this process, I was very worried because there were some issues that's very important for me as a digital right expert, such as privacy, the data treatment, women ‑‑ about women, or ‑‑ or algorithm bias, this kind of issues.  And the ‑‑ these issues didn't come from the consultations.  I was worried, but talking with my colleagues, we noticed that this challenge that we will present now, they talk about inclusion.  And inclusion is what is the need of our country.  It's the main issue in Brazil, right?

So there are a lot of issues that are missing, bought this is the ‑‑ the result of the process and we had to choose.  We had to select what were the main challenges.  And first challenge, Bia, could you go to the next slide.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Yes, can you do the PPT, please.

>> LAURA TRESCA: The first ‑‑ one of the main challenges was about data.  We are proud on the Internet access that we provide in Brazil.  They have been producing several research and surveys about Internet access.  And other issues regarding Internet, but it's still lacking a gender approach for this data.  We have here an international issue too, because we looked at the international standards and for example, the international standard for the access to Internet, is to see if the person had Internet three months ago.

If you take the case of a woman that has five children, and she has one way to divide with her children and herself.  In the last three month, you had the opportunity at one moment to send a message to WhatsApp at that mobile, yes, she will probably have this opportunity, but is this access met?

So we have a discussion of how we establish a new standard internationally and to produce data in Brazil.  But this is one example.  Picturs is not the only one who produces this data.  Public institutions, for example, and we field all of them so produce data regarding gender, diversity and ICTs.

The next challenge we had is develop and private policies that promote diversity and equity and Internet access, use, and development.

When we ‑‑ we looked to the data that I mentioned before, we see that there's no much difference between the men and women United States and access in Brazil.  But this is, as I said before, it can be a distortion of the standard, that is adopted, but from the consultations, people said to us this is an issue.  Access is still an issue for gender and diversity in Brazil.

This is not, oh, we have the same mobile and we are happy with this connection that we have.  The next challenge that we identified was address gender and racial violence and different forms of aggression on social media platforms.  We have a situation that's very common to be violent against human in Brazil through social media platforms and we have several from Safernet, and coding rights and other organizations that this tracking the violence against women online and this is an issue because sometimes it's difficult to register the violence by the authorities because this is less harmful, and sometimes, the authorities, they refuse to register the issue.

This is the beginning of the problem and, of course, we have all the environment to support the women that are victims of online damage, online violence.

The next ‑‑ the next challenge that we had identified is to ensure access of information, and it's available on the Internet.

So challenge is gender‑based information, and we have the situation that you receive the fake or the ‑‑ the fake news or the misinformation and you don't have a pact, you don't have a plan, a broadband plan.  You don't have access to check that information and you stay with what you received from Zero Rating practice.  So this is one part of the issue.  On one hand we have the problem with the access.  And on the other hand, we have the problem to express ourselves.  Even the platforms have different treatment of the content by women and men.  This is also an international discussion.  And, you know, that content by women, several times downgrades, and the same type of content posted by men have more propagation.  So finally, Gabby will chair with me the presentation of the challenge.  I present this last one, the last one I represent is to promote policies with agenda ‑‑ with equity and diversity perspective.  This is related to a gender component and have a gender as something that addressed all the issues related to Internet.

We have the Brazilian strategy for artificial intelligence or the Brazilian strategy for digital transformation.

They tonight have a specific approach for gender and diversity.  We and this is not something only from the executive branch but also the legislative branch.  We had the March the severe Internet, the Brazilian Civil Rights framework for the Internet, and it doesn't address gender issues.  And there's several other items being addressed in the national Congress such as the fake news and misinformation.  It doesn't address gender anyway.

So I will stop here, and share the ‑‑ the presentation with my colleague Gabby.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you very much.  I think people here in the room are not being able to read actually the challenge because the screen, they are ‑‑ they are being ‑‑ the closed captions is ‑‑ it's on, despite the data.

The challenge number one is to produce data that includes information on gender, race, and ethnicity, regarding presence and participation in the technology seconder.  The second one is to develop public and private policies that promote diversity and Internet access, use and development.  And the third one is to address gender and racial violence in different forms of oppression on social media and Internet platforms.  Fourth one is to ensure access to information, index or freedom of information for women on the Internet and the fifth one is to promote policies with a gender equity and diversity perspective.

And now I give the floor to Gabriela Nardy de Vasconcellos Leitao to present the other challenges that our consultation has identified.  She's with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee and she holds a master's degree in anthropology and gender studies and she's a member of the Brazilian school of Internet Governance.  Thank you, Gabriel.

>> GABRIELA NARDY DE VASCONCELLOS LEITAO: Hi, good afternoon, everyone.  Thank you for being here.  I will talk about the five last challenges that we collected during the consultations that we presented before.  The sixth one is build the capacities for girls and women regarding ICT, considering intersectional perspective the class, age, race, and persons with disability.  I think this talks about ‑‑ because when we usually talk about women in ICT, we end up talking about maybe white class women.  So we wanted to go ‑‑ we need to go further.  And acknowledge that there is big variety of experiences and perspectives.  We need to include the black women, Indigenous women, trans women, women with disabilities and so on and we have some data that shows how the female experience is different in each one of these groups. for example, only 0.2% of trans women have access to university, which makes it difficult for them to be in the job market.

Young women are not aware of platform policies and features that can keep them safe and language is a barrier for that, because mostly this content is in English.

And we know the completion rate in courses like computing and engineers, it's significantly higher among males.  And why, the health and well‑being, and education, these numbers are higher among women.

The next challenge is support and foster civil society initiatives that promotes diversity within the Internet ecosystem.  Brazil, some of the most successful initiatives for the inclusion of girls and women in technology, they came from civil society and academia.  Unfortunately, we have very few public policies regarding the inclusion of girls and women in technological ecosystem.

And when we talk about that, it ensures the greater participation and the representation in the traditional Internet Governance space, but to also increase the spaces of representation, expanding the participation and space of debate related to Internet development.

Okay.  The next one is create a work environment that's favorable for women, Internet and technological companies.  The IT market, which was well known has very few percentage of women or workforce, about 20%.  And this inequality, we know that it does not necessarily indicate the lack of interest or skill, but are mostly related to gender stereotypes and the need ‑‑ that need to be fought, as well as harassments and violations that women suffer in this environment.

But also, we're not talking about the violence itself, but an environment that's more welcoming to women.  The lack of diversity, leads to the repetition and in the IT market, we believe it should reflect the plurality.

The next one is ensure gender and racial diversity.  In Brazil and many other countries as well, Internet government space are usually most white male space.  And for example, in CGI.br itself, we are doing a lot of work to improve these numbers.  And we know that there some great inclusion and diversity initiatives like the youth program, but ‑‑ but we still need more and those are still not enough to ‑‑ to address this challenge.

And the last one is economic empowerment of women in the online environment.  Well, the lack of women's financial autonomy is a critical problem in most part of the world and it's reflected in the digital environment.  And digital technologies can achieve the targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.  By fostering economic growth and for example, simply increasing access to high‑speed broadband Internet can increase growth by 1.45%.  We have a huge potential to improve this reality of lack of economic empowerment for women.

And in the 11 emerging economies, approximately 64% of working force women found that mobile phones improved their access to business and employment opportunities.  So we believe this technology can improve the reality for women.  This was the last challenge.

Thank you.

>> BIA BARBOSA: So the idea of this process, right now, after this ‑‑ the three workshops we organized in Brazil and the international consultation, and what we would like to hear from you here during the IGF, all of these are going to be part of the document that is going to be published in Brazil, listing the ten challenges and also we are now starting working to systemize how the 248 proposals for actions that were elaborated and discussed during this process, during this ‑‑ during 2022 to publish this agenda.

The idea is also to contribute more for effective initiatives to promote diversity in ICT and Internet governments.  Not only in the Internet Brazilian committee, but also in the civil society, and the public sector, in the companies and in the industry.  So we would like very much to hear from you about this challenge so hear what kind of experience do you have, especially women.  What do you face in your countries related to basically gender discrimination and the lack of participation of women in the Internet Governance spaces or in the market as well, in the ICT sector in general.

So I will give the mic for those here who want to comment some, anything, or want to ask some to put questions to Gabriela and Laura.

And Luiza.  While we are thinking, I will ask a question for Laura.  Laura, can you hear us?

>> LAURA TRESCA: Yes, I'm here.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you.  Yeah, do you want to make a question?  I will skip mine then to prioritize the people that are here with us.  Could you please pass the mic.  Thank you very much.  Please introduce yourself.

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thank you very much.  My name is SB Francis, I'm a police officer from Uganda.  I work with the CCTV department, but also before that, I was working with the children and family department, and I am a gender equality advocate as well.

I first want to thank you very, very much for the wonderful presentations.  I want to just learn from the experiences from Brazil, because it seems the digital world is creating much more of a gap between women and the men, women the urban, the women who have not gone to school, because you realize that for example, in my country, the majority of women have not gone to school.

Majority of them don't have SmartPhones, let alone the small mobile phones.  That means my ‑‑ don't have access to the digital access, the mobile money and so on and so forth.

You talked about the brown and black women mobilization and movement.  I was wondering, are they an elite group?  Are they the underprivileged?  Are they the poor women?  And how were you able to mobilize them to capture this space and to have all this energy to be able to ‑‑ participate in the digital economy?

And then ‑‑ then, what lesson can I learn and take home to this women so that he with don't leave anyone behind in the digital economy?  And then the final comment maybe is also I see, like, policy, what we are doing as police now, is also a lot to do with the Internet.  You want to access police forms, you need to access it online.  Certificate of good conduct, you have to access it online.  That means policing is coming a bit farther away those women who don't have access.  I want to hear from your experience in Brazil, how is policing being done to ensure the cybercrimes face ‑‑ no one is left behind, but also the women ‑‑ I want to talk about women as much as possible have access to police and are being helped by the police.  Thank you very much.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you very much.  Laura, would you like to answer, please?

>> LAURA TRESCA: Yes.  Thank you so much for your comments and your question.

I believe the context that you gave about women is the motivation that we had to build our agenda in Brazil.

We identified that women and men, they don't have ‑‑ they don't have the same benefits from the Internet, from the knowledge society that we are viewed in.  And we have not to ‑‑ to be behave, as anything is happening.  We have to recognize that there's a different between men and women.  When they are enjoying the Internet benefits.

And there is a risk, as you said, that the staff close the gaps between men and women.  We have the possibility that technology has deepen these gaps.  And we are producing the inequalities that we have in our society.

This is our motivation.  And we found the Brazilian, that we could contribute, not to reproduce, not to deep this gap, was to build this agenda.  We want to be an agenda of action.  So we have it in slides the challenge.  We have identified what we could do to tackle them, and then the next step is let's make a list of our homework and let's address ‑‑ let's tackle these issues.

About the question, about cyber ‑‑ cyber threats, I think that issue was included in the violence lens.  So we are seeing the online attacks that women can serve, like surveillance or ‑‑ we think that this will be addressed by violence issues.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you very much, Laura.  Any other from here?  Otherwise, I will put a question now to Gabriela, since Laura has received one.  Thank you very much for your participation.  As we mentioned before, we are editing a third publication on gender and diversity on ICT, and we have published ‑‑ a public call for papers on this thing and Gabriela is one of the persons responsible for this process.  So I would like to ask her to share a little bit about it, because one the things that was super interesting for us is to realize during this process that is in the first phase as well, the first phase yet, how we noted that there is a demand for space for women to talk about these topics and to elaborate and to formulate on gender and ICT issues.  Gabriela, please.

>> GABRIELA NARDY DE VASCONCELLOS LEITAO: As Bia said before, we are working now in the 30 edition of the publication.

First and the second one, the authors were invited.  So we ask the people to write for us.  And now this year for the first time, we launched the open call for the community to participate and we have 65 submissions that were valid, and we are very happy with this number, because this was first time.

And the quality of the materials committed to us was very good, very high.  It was a very difficult job to select the ones that are going to the next phase of the publication.  And there was amazing variety of things also and not just women also, a lot of men, and not just about gender, but about race even class and Indigenous people.  We have a variety of themes, and we are very excited about what will come up in the end.

And this process is showing us that this is a huge demand in Brazil to speak about, it to speak about diversity and inclusion in ICTs.  And the Internet Governance in Brazil.  So the next publication will be launched April of next year, and we are very excited to see what we'll have in the end.

Thank you.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Unfortunately, we don't have yet the first and the second editions of our publications in English, but there's a ‑‑ they will be soon available in English, because there's a translation process ongoing.  So I would think soon we will be able to share with you all of this production and also have this third publication as well.

I would like also to take the opportunity to thank, besides Gabriela and Laura that are very much implicated in this process, to mention Professor Tanara, from the federal university in Brazil.  She's a little bit sick.  She's here in Ethiopia and Addis Ababa with us, but she's sick and that's why she didn't come to this panel or this open forum with us, but we hope she feels better later.  And also you, Luiza, who is helping us with the online moderation, which is very much like Gabriela too, coordinates this process.  And she tells me now that we have an online question.  I will give you the mic so you can tell it.

>> MIEKE VAN HEESEWIJK: I'm waiting for the question.

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Regarding education, I mean, mostly university education for women, we all know that careers in the ICT sector are multiplying, like design.  My question is:  Have you identified in among all of these career, technical or professionals or full grades or masters, are there any preferences ‑‑ of course, the final goal is that women will go to all of these careers, all of those programs, however so far networking, whatever.  So ‑‑ but have you identified specific problems ‑‑ programs that mainly prepared by women nowadays?

So you could or we could in our countries stimulate or provide scholarships for specific careers that nowadays are more attractive for women?  You have identified those?

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you very much.  Laura, could you comment, please?

>> LAURA TRESCA: Yes.  This was a challenge that was divided in three theories in these ‑‑ in this CGI agenda.  First was capacity building.  That is education.  We have a cultural behavior that is something that is established, that women do not choose STEM careers.  So they have to be motivated ‑‑ this is that ‑‑ there is a challenge here.  How do we ‑‑ can foster women in STEM careers?  So there are a lot of initiatives in Brazil regarding these issues.  But there's a lot of work to do on this issue.

And the other way, it appears in our document, is one thing is education.  One thing is capacity building.  The other thing is what do you do when you ‑‑ you have a diploma, you have the knowledge.  You need to have a work environment that is ‑‑ that is ready for these women.

So in our documents, address also the work environment, and how ‑‑ and how women are taking part of the digital economy.

And the other level and the other challenge about this education is not only about education or work conditions, but also how can women be leaders in business, how they own digital economy.  How can they ‑‑ can be economic empowered in this canvas.  So this is the way we are addressing these issues.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you.  The Brazillian Internet is organizing a hub to follow the process.  And people are gathered together there.  I think we have a raised hand from there.  They are from our remote participation.  Could you open the mic for people that are in Brazil raising hand in our Zoom room, please.

Are it's the CGI low could.  Can you open the mic for them?

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes, sorry for the technical issues, well, I'm Camila.  I would like to praise CGI's initiative on open developing these ‑‑ this data about the gender based and but also an intersection with other ‑‑ other diversity feels, such as race, ethnicity, and LGBTQ+, et cetera.  I would like to braise on developing this book.  I wrote an article with another person with transgender issues on automated decisions made online, especially facial recognition ones.  He in Brazil, we have the challenge of developing data and developing materials, raising these issues but in reality, some initiatives still ‑‑ still contradict the data that we produce.

For example, this week, we just had ‑‑ how can ‑‑ we had a solicitation, a public ‑‑ a public purchase on facial recognition ‑‑ on facial recognition technology, that could also affect trans people, that could affect the poorer people.  And my comment and question is more how can we advance on that?  The first step as you mentioned is producing these material, is ‑‑ is calling from our people to participate.  But in the government, we still face this challenge.  So how can we deal with that?  I think that we have a more open space with the new government maybe, but how can we advance ‑‑ taking a step more than in the theory and coming to reality of what we can ‑‑ what we are producing in here.

So thank you for the opportunity.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you, Camila.  Is anyone there in the hub who wants to make ‑‑ take ‑‑ have the opportunity to speak?  Because we have only three more minutes to close the session.  So if you ‑‑ if there's anybody there who wants to raise any topic or here in the ‑‑

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: We have another person that would like to share their initiatives.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you, Isadora.

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hello, my name is Yana, I'm the CEO and founder of Pregnant Maria.  I just want to share something that we are doing here, maybe to exchange experiences and we ‑‑ we understand that we have, like, a journey of women technology, and a lot of challenges depending on the step of their journey.  So first, we want to bring more opportunity to ‑‑ to study opportunities.  So we have online course that has reached 13,000 women here in Brazil.

So we can make them understand that they can participate in technology fields.  We have this.  We have this cultural narrative that women cannot participate in technology, that women are not good in math, the first challenge is how can we make them feel that they can be ‑‑ they can belong to technology, you know, and by providing opportunities that they can ‑‑ they can encounter, like, a warm environment and understand that it's okay to make mistakes and how can they be connected with other women that are facing the same challenges and understand that it's not about, like, an individual problem but a gender problem, like, all the sexism and the challenge that they face in society, and especially in STEM field.

So that's the one part of our job here in Brazil, and the second one is precisely how we can develop the community so we understand that it's very powerful to build, like a community where they can be supported in their challenges in this journey, you know?  So we hold events and opportunities to them to amplify their knowledge about technology and to get to know, like, women technology, because, I think it's very important to feel represented in this field.  And also, we connect with companies which are facing the challenge of attracting talent in technology.

I think it's a worldwide problem that the lack of professional ‑‑ professionals skilled in technology.  So we understand that it's important to make partnership with companies and also, I think, Laura talked a little bit about this, but it's important to understand how we can transform the environment in companies so they understand that diversity is ‑‑ is strategic selling point.  Thank you.

And now they ‑‑ they have to change, because it's not only about saying that they want to hire more women, but how they are doing things to ‑‑ to incorporate those women.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE MEMBER: I think it's very important to discuss about activities that can help companies as well to bring more women in tech.  Thank you.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you, Anna sorry to interrupt you, but we need to leave the room for the next workshop.  I think you brought very important topics related also from the private sector that we need to foster their ‑‑ their ongoing initiatives in Brazil, but we need to foster much more.  That's the goal that we have with the agenda, not only for the civil society, and the public sector, but the private sector and the academics and the university as well, how to deal with all this inequity that we still have in Brazil, but we think this process ‑‑ we hope that this process can inspire you all in other parts the world as well to do the same.

So we will be very glad to share with you this document, as soon as it's ‑‑ it will be published and it will be published also in English and other languages if we manage to translate them.  And the idea is to permanently hold seminars and debates and activities besides our publication, there is ‑‑ there is going to be released once in a year.  Once in a ‑‑ one number per year, and the idea is to contribute to the critical thinking about the gender exclusion and how to promote diversity on ICT sector.

So Laura, if you wanted to make your final point in 30 seconds please and then I will ask Gabriela to do the same.

>> LAURA TRESCA: I just want to thank you all for your participation and that I hope to have ‑‑ that we can make these collective movement, this collective agenda of work and I hope we can make the difference for the gender gap.  Thank you.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you, Laura.  Gabriela, please.

>> GABRIELA NARDY DE VASCONCELLOS LEITAO: I would also like to thank you, everyone, for being here and thank everyone that is participating in the process that is involving a lot of different women and also here in the IGF, we are being able to connect with a lot of women with great initiatives all over the world, and we hope to be able to keep going on with this project, and involve more and more women that are interested in ‑‑ in the inclusion, in the diversity agenda.  Thank you.

>> BIA BARBOSA: Thank you very much, Gabriela, Luiza, thank you very much and the rest of the steering committee team for helping us.  Some of them are here and also the members of CGI who are supporting this process, because it's not as you may imagine in a board with 21 members and only four women, it's not easy to pass by including the debate.  Thank you so much, and we hope to see you in the next steps of this adventure.  Bye.