IGF 2022 MAIN SESSION: ADDRESSING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, INCLUDING AI: Common Principles and Risk-Based Approaches to AI Governance

    Friday, 2nd December, 2022 (08:15 UTC) - Friday, 2nd December, 2022 (09:45 UTC)
    Conference Room 1+2

    Advanced digital technologies increasingly shape our economy and society, from artificial intelligence (AI) systems which guide our online experiences, power smart devices, and influence our own decisions, as well as decisions others take about us, to robotics and Internet of things applications which are deployed in areas as diverse as manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. Beyond their promises, these technologies come with pitfalls. For instance, algorithmic decision-making could result in bias, discrimination, harmful stereotypes and wider social inequality, while AI-based systems may pose risks to human safety and human rights. Internet of things devices come with privacy and cybersecurity challenges. Augmented and virtual reality raises issues of public safety, data protection, and consumer protection. 

    This IGF main session will discuss current and emerging risks related to possible future developments in artificial intelligence and the opportunity for all stakeholder groups to work towards interoperable approaches to assess and mitigate these risks.  It will examine the principles and norms for the good governance of AI being discussed in different fora such as the OECD, the European Commission, the African Union, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, National Governments, and others. The speakers would explore if there is a possibility of developing common principles to assess risk and impacts.  

    The key takeaway of the session will feed into the MAG submission to the UN Global Digital Compact (GDC). 


    • Karine Perset - OECD Observatory 
    • Prof Tshilidzi Marwala - next rector of United Nations University (from March 2023)
    • Dr Sally Radwan Golestan - Coordinator of the African Union WG on AI
    • Sunil Abraham - Public Policy Director, Data Economy and Emerging Tech Meta India
    • Jamila Venturini - Executive Director, Derechos Digitales
    • Yordanka Ivanona - European Commission 
    • Thomas Schneider, Chair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence, Council of Europe 

    Online Moderator: Thomas Schneider, Chair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence, Council of Europe 

    Onsite Support Moderators: Adam Peake and Amrita Choudhury 
