IGF 2022 Networking Session #42 Youth Initiatives: the School of International Information Security experience

    Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 (07:15 UTC) - Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 (07:45 UTC)
    Banquet Hall B

    School of International Information Security (Institute of Contemporary International Studies, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian MFA) and the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ Youth Council.
    The School of International Information Security is a youth scientific and analytical platform created on the basis of the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Council of Young Scientists of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for an inclusive discussion and exchange of views, positions and assessments, development of strategies for a comprehensive solution to problems of international information security, formation of Track II – Youth Diplomacy on IIS and IG issues by Russian and foreign young scientists, international experts and practitioners, Russian and international academic and research institutes. To pursue its declared goals the IIS School is actively participating in the development of scientific discourse on the OEWG topics by creating a scientific and educational platform on Information Security issues and, as a matter of fact, interacting with state and non-state institutions, IT companies, scientific and technical community on the topic of the IIS. By doing so, IIS School is also engaged in popularization of the relevant ICT issues. The School, functioning more than a year, already managed to organize and participate in 19 different forums, lectures, seminars and round-tables. Furthermore, the IIS School team, which includes people from CIS region, participated and stated its development prospects at OEWG ICT (2021-2025) Virtual, informal dialogue with stakeholders. For the moment, the main participants of the School events are Russian experts and the interested youth from different parts of wold. In spite of this fact the IIS School is willing to expand its partnership contacts even more by engaging with different multistakeholder groups from various countries and regions. Batyrkanov Baktinbek is a Postgraduate student at The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He is an active member of The School of International Information Security. Apart from that, he is the Chairman of Kyrgyz International Youth platform in Russia, Zhash Tolkun. He also participated in UN Model—DAIMMUN (Diplomatic Academy International Ministerial Model United Nations) and been a volunteer at National Red Cross Society. Daria Stepovaya is a Postgraduate student at Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Faculty of Global Studies. She is an active member of The School of International Information Security. Besides, She is participating in NetMission and is an EURALO Individual Member on the At-Large ICANN. She has been a Rapporteur in NetMission - so she possesses the necessary skills for being a one. Both of the organizers are the Academia representative, but represent two different Regional Group—first Asia, second Europe. Regarding onsite moderator: as for now, we are not sure if we will be able to travel to onsite. Could we kindly ask to be provided with the onsite moderator?


    Arevik Martirosyan is a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the founder of The School of International Information Security. Therefore, she, like nobody else, can share the experience of youth initiatives in Information security. Arevik is a participant and a speaker of substantive session of the OEWG within the framework of inter-sessional consultations with the non-governmental sector. Additionally, Arevik has high leadership qualities, extensive experience in moderating discussions, including on youth initiatives issues, has conducted more than 40 public lectures on various subjects withing the Information Security and Internet Governance theme.

    Onsite Moderator
    Daria Stepovaya
    Online Moderator
    Batyrkanov Baktinbek
    Daria Stepovaya




    The format for the session is Birds of a Feather. As the session will be focused on the discussion of the Youth Initiatives, its anticipates that group of attendees would come together based and carry out discussions on the announced topic.

    Duration (minutes)

    The Session will be focused on the discussion of the Youth initiatives in Eurasia. To be more precisely, the session is going to be focused on the International Information Security School and the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ experience Youth Council. The School and the Youth Council are working on the issue of how can all interested stakeholders work together to assure inextinguishable exchange of views and ideas on the issues concerning ICT and IG. The projects are constantly working on establishing mutual cooperation and opinion exchange on the relevant matters, it is keen on sharing its recent Internet governance activities. Furthermore, the School and the Youth Council hope to seek engagement or collaboration within the Global IG Community. IIS School and the Youth Council are actively promoting various stakeholders' engagement, especially between government and non-government sectors, to support the multistakeholder approach. The School believes that its endeavour should not be limited only to Russia and Eurasia. By presenting itself to the Global IG Community, the IIS School and the Youth Council anticipates expanding its network of contact which shares its visions and aspiration. The endgame of such a network is to organize joint events and to work on joint project. Which is more, the School hopes top exchange the opinion and ideas with the participants on how to develop and promote Youth initiatives even more. Additionally, the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ Youth Council was established several years ago. Its purpose to give opportunity to its members in realization of their own ideas in the IG field and to give the experience in organizing and conducting events in the field of IG. The areas of Youth Council activity are: content in social networks, discussion club "Digital Reality", Internet Governance Summer School, interaction with Russian and international projects.

    The session is planned to be conducted in hybrid format. At the start of the session, the moderator will conduct a Kahoot quiz on the Internet Governance Global Youth Initiatives. After the quiz, the results of it will be discussed. After, the speaker will take the floor, to establish and stress the theme of the discussion. Then the moderator will promote the discussion between the participants both online and onsite. More to the end, the attendees will be asked to type in the specific website a single word that best represent and describes the Youth Initiatives. In the end, the moderator will summarize all that has been said and will wrap it up. After the session, the participants will be asked to fill the Google form with their opinions about the session and their additional comment on the stated topic.

    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Youth faces certain problems in Internet Governance sphere, such as: the lack of information on the IG topic and on the opportunities in this area; there is not any accessible multidisciplinary communication and educational platform; lack of digital literacy and the most important one – the lack of funding of youth participation in IG. To address these issues the session proposed to create: global youth IG Alumni Network; centre for Youth Cyberdiplomacy under the auspices of UN cooperation with the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry with headquarters in every continent; annual international youth scientific conference on the issues of ensuring the security of and in the use of information and communications technologies. On the discussion, the audience agreed on the existing outlined issues among the others and the solution is among everything in cooperation between the nations.


    3. Key Takeaways

    The Networking Session #42 Youth Initiatives: the School of International Information Security was focused on the discussion of the Youth initiatives. To be more precisely, the session was focused on the initiatives implimented in the Russian Federation - the International Information Security School and the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ Youth Council experience. The key problems youth faced in Internet Governance was outlined. Then the School and the Youth Council presented their work on the issues of how all interested stakeholders, including the young generation, could work together to solve them and to assure an inextinguishable exchange of views and ideas on the issues concerning ICT and IG. After the key problems was outlined and the solutions was presented, the disscussion took place. The audience agreed on the existance of outlined problems and that the solution is among everything in cooperation between nations.