IGF 2022 NRIs Annual Coordination Session

    Monday, 28th November, 2022 (10:00 UTC) - Monday, 28th November, 2022 (11:10 UTC)
    Banquet Hall B
    About this Session
    Interactive roundtable dialogue open to everyone to join.

    It is an established practice that the NRIs summarize the work year at the end of each IGF annual meeting, and describe goals achieved, challenges and suggestions for the next IGF cycle and beyond. The NRIs Coordination Session is an open work meeting of the NRIs, with the representatives of the global IGF and wider IGF community. Its agenda, format and other related details are planned in advance by the NRIs, in an open, inclusive and bottom-up manner.

    The main objectives of this session are:

    To meet in one place and identify achieved goals, challenges and suggest ways for improvements: collectively and individually;
    To facilitate the above-indicated by exchanging inputs between the NRIs themselves, and between the NRIs, the Chair of the MAG, UN DESA, IGF Secretariat, traditional supporters of the NRIs and all other interested stakeholders;
    To plan the next year’s work.
    The collaborative session engages NRIs from different regions, but also many individual and institutional stakeholders. Its format is interactive and dialogue-based. 

    At the 17th annual IGF meeting, NRIs and all interested participants will gather to address the following matters: 

    Sustainability of NRIs
    sharing practices from different aspects such as capacity development (e.g. schools on Internet governance), youth inclusion, financing modalities
    Way forward
    Contributing to Global Digital Compact
    Strategic approach to WSIS+20 review