Debate - Auditorium - 60 Min
he Internet shutdown and restriction came up as possible options under international disputes. But the Internet is fundamental infrastructure for society and citizens, and its openness and inclusivity must be always protected. In order to promote diversity and inclusivity of the Internet, Internet governance needs to continue following multi-stakeholder approach, where various stakeholders are engaged. There are many initiatives and dialogues among the governments around the world. What role will be expected to governmental initiative taken in MSH framework ? What would be the necessary elements to make governmental initiatives meaningfully workable ? The session will discuss how such governments and governmental initiatives could contribute to promoting inclusive Global Cooperation including developing countries.
the session will be hybrid.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
Yoichi Iida,
Government official from developed country Government official from developing country (Asia Pacific or Africa) Tech representative from ICANN/ISOC etc. Civil society member or representative from underrepresented group (youth/women etc.) Global platformer or business community
Targets: To understand the importance of inclusive Internet access and the role of multi-stakeholder approach will contribute to ensuring universal information access and freedom of expression. It also will help the governments and other stakeholders understand better how to collaborate with each other, especially to support developing countries in promoting free and open information space around the world as a part of fundamental human rights.