IGF 2022 Town Hall #109 Jointly tackling disinformation and promoting human rights

    Friday, 2nd December, 2022 (10:45 UTC) - Friday, 2nd December, 2022 (11:45 UTC)
    Banquet Hall A

    Debate - Auditorium - 60 Min


    How can Europe and Africa team up to tackle disinformation while protecting and promoting human rights? Facilitated by the AU-EU Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, this Town Hall debate will foster an open exchange of ideas, experiences and lessons learned on how to address disinformation through a multi-stakeholder and human-centric approach. The debate will share and discuss experiences of African and European stakeholders tackling this critical issue as global partners.

    This 60 minutes session is organised in two parts: first of all, our three speakers will exchange on experiences and ideas to tackle the issue of disinformation from new angles while upholding human-rights. In the second part, the audience on-site and virtually is invited to share their personal experiences and ideas to approach the issue on a global level.


    🔒 AU EU D4D Hub Project
    Organisers: AU-EU D4D Hub Project (Western Europe-Africa Region), European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (Western European Region) 


    Odanga Madung, journalist from Kenya (Africa)

    Simone Toussi, Project Officer at Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) (Think Tank Africa)

    Charlotte Carnehl, Operations Director at Lie Detectors ( NGO Europe)

    Onsite Moderator
    Eden Tadesse, Ambitious Africa (Africa) and #GirlsinD4D nominee
    Online Moderator
    Helena Lepp, AU-EU D4D Hub (Western Europe)
    Rachad Sanoussi, Digital Grassroots (Africa)


    Targets: SDG most related to disinformation is 16 as it highlights the roles that peace, justice and good institutions play in a sustainably developing society. Within a balanced and fair political system, disinformation and fake news have much less influence and impact on the public debate. SDG 5 (especially 5.2) is also relevant to mention here as by tackling disinformation we also eliminate online violence against women and girls in online public and private spaces. As defined under SDG 9.1. in order to circumvent disinformation, we need to develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    There is no "silver bullet" to tackle disinformation. Addressing the issue requires multiple complementary measures, such as effective fact-checking, building digital literacy for all (including the most vulnerable), holding those who profit from disinformation accountable, and the involvement of all stakeholders.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    The session brought together over 60 organisations for an open exchange of ideas, experiences, and lessons on how to address disinformation through a multi-stakeholder and human-centric approach. In particular, the debate focused on how Africa-Europe partnerships can help tackle the issue, in light of the AU-EU D4D Hub’s mandate to foster digital cooperation between both continents.

    The panellists explained how fact-checking has grown dramatically in recent years, becoming one of the most common measures to tackle disinformation. Nevertheless, more than effective fact-checking is needed, they warned. Africa-Europe cooperation should adopt a comprehensive approach integrating multiple complementary measures, such as building digital literacy for all (including the most vulnerable), holding those who profit from disinformation accountable, and the involvement of all stakeholders in devising solutions.

    Bringing all actors to the table

    Simone Toussi, Project Officer for Francophone Africa at the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) highlighted how “disinformation is a multi-faceted phenomenon that directly threatens democracy and human rights and affects all stakeholders in society”.

    “Disinformation manifests in many ways, and can be perpetrated by a diversity of actors,” she added.

    As such, she argued that countering fake narratives needs both online and offline efforts undertaken in a coordinated manner by governments, intergovernmental organisations, civil society, media, academia, and private sector. “Multi-stakeholder collaboration is crucial to bring together different views and understanding of the roles that each actor plays,” she said.

    Toussi presented research findings proving that measures to tackle disinformation can be ineffective or inadequate when they only consider the point of view of a single stakeholder. For example, fact-checking is sometimes challenged by lack of access to information. Media and civil society participation can help ensure that governments treat information as a public good.

    Engaging with the private sector… how?

    The debate also touched on the essential role that technology companies play in keeping disinformation from spreading. Ongoing efforts by private sector include partnering with civil society and fact-checkers — including through multi-stakeholder collaborations as proposed by Toussi.

    Nevertheless, for Odanga Madung, journalist and Mozilla Foundation fellow, such measures are not enough. He argued that one of the major contributing factors to disinformation is that fake or misleading information is algorithmically amplified by big companies.

    “Big companies and social media platforms profit from the spread of disinformation. It is part of their business model, which is a very serious problem,” he said.

    For Madung, tackling disinformation requires strong regulations to protect users and their rights, addressing big technology companies’ dominance, encouraging competition, fostering new ideas on different business models, and decentralising the Internet.

    Planting the seeds of change

    Charlotte Carnehl, Operations Director at Lie Detectors, proposed further investments in training teachers and fostering exchanges between journalists and school-age kids: “Countering the corrosive effect of disinformation and polarisation on democracy requires empowering school kids and their teachers to tell facts from fake online.”

    She argued that enabling journalists to visit schools to explain how professional journalism works is a win-win situation. It can help journalists to learn about how the younger generation accesses and consumes information, while teachers and children can gain practical skills in identifying fake or misleading information online.

    “Everybody needs the skills to assess and critically think about information,” Carnehl said. “Kids are actually a high-risk group for disinformation because they are targeted on channels that can’t be monitored, and they are largely navigating them by themselves without their teachers or even their parents present.”

    When questioned on the short-term impact of such measures by a member of the audience, Carnehl acknowledged that it’s a long-term investment, “like planting the seeds of a tree”. However, she argued that there are also some immediate positive effects for children.

    Finally, Carnehl called for special attention to be paid to marginalised groups, such as rural populations. Civil society organisations could help ensure that everyone can access reliable information, she said.