The Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) - also known as the European IGF - is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussions on public policy issues related to Internet Governance (IG).
Messages from Trieste
Have a look at the outcome from this years EuroDIG event at https://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2022/messages/.
Looking back at a decade of:
- Media and Content: A Decade of Change. Coping with the digital shake-up, by Yrjö Länsipuro
- Security and Crime: A Decade of Change. Sharing responsibilities and getting the balance right through inclusive dialogue, by Tatiana Tropina
- Internet Governance: A Decade of Evolution. Reflections on the history and steers for the future, by Mark Carvell
Contact us to order hard copies of these publications. We will send them within Europe at no costs.
For additional publications kindly see: https://www.eurodig.org/about/publications/.
First organised in 2008 by several organisations, government representatives and experts, it fosters dialogue and collaboration with the Internet community on public policy for the Internet. Culminating in an annual conference that takes place in a different European city. EuroDIG ‘Messages’ are prepared and presented to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).
EuroDIG is supported by a group of institutional partners (in alphabetical order):
- Council or Europe
- European Commission
- European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO)
- European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
- European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO)
- Geneva Internet Platform
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Internet Society (ISOC)
- Federal Office of Communications of Switzerland (OFCOM)
- Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
The main aim of EuroDIG is to promote the engagement of Europeans in multistakeholder dialogue in order to share their expertise and best practice and, where possible, identify common ground. This enables EuroDIG to pull together national perspectives and to apply and shape European values and views regarding the Internet. It is the place to start and to facilitate a discussion not to finalise it and therefore a decision shaping not a decision making initiative.
More Information
More information can be found on our website at https://www.eurodig.org or at the EuroDIG wiki at https://eurodigwiki.org.
Get in contact
We are happy to connect with you at our virtual booth or on the spot in Addis Ababa. To schedule a meeting please email: [email protected]
Social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuroDIG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_EuroDIG
YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/EuroDIG
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurodig