Organizer 1: Wadzanai Ndlovu, Talm Infoship
Organizer 2: Umut Pajaro Velasquez, Queer in AI
Organizer 3: Eileen Kwiponya, The Technical University of Kenya
Speaker 1: Umut Pajaro Velasquez, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 2: Wadzanai Ndlovu, Technical Community, African Group
Speaker 3: Zeina Bou Harb, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
- Thoko Miya
- Carola Huaringa Ospino
Round Table - Circle - 60 Min
1. Which existing policies and strategies help to tackle the digital divide and address and develop marginalized vulnerable groups such as women and gender diverse people online engagement to ensure meaningful and affordable access to the Internet? 2. How can we scale up existing inclusive strategies, while at the same time ensuring these strategies keep responding to the local needs of marginalized vulnerable groups, especially the women and gender-diverse people worldwide? 3. How and why we will ensure the development of policies that respond to marginalized vulnerable communities such as women and gender-diverse people users of the Internet while we are implementing those policies and programs having into account the socioeconomics, historical and related factors are in constant evolution?
Connection with previous Messages:
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
12. Responsible Production and Consumption
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: In theory, many researchers believe addressing gender issues on the internet can help contribute to almost all of these global problems, which means the development and governance of the Internet with a gender perspective is at least related to all SDGs. We focus in this proposal on the SDGs we consider to be relevant to the current conversation around the world and need to showcase in a global space as the IGF.
The Internet has the power to drive economic growth and expand social opportunities. It has empowered people and changed the way we communicate with each other, opening up new worlds and new ways of thinking. However, almost half the world is still offline — and the majority of those offline are women and gender-diverse people in developing countries, reinforcing gender inequalities. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit country-disaggregated data, men remain 21% more likely to be online than women and gender-diverse people, rising to 52% in the global South. Until we manage to close this significant gap, we cannot meet the Sustainable Development Goal target for universal internet access. To be offline today means to miss out on learning and earning, accessing valuable services, and participating in the democratic public debate. The digital divide between people who have internet access and those who do not could be deepening existing gender inequalities, pushing women and gender-diverse people further to the margins of society. Knowing that women and gender-diverse people around the world face barriers to internet access, including the inability to afford to connect, limited digital skills, and social and cultural barriers preventing them from the opportunities provided by connectivity. We can say that more than ever, gender disparities in internet access and use are further marginalizing women and gender–diverse people and ultimately will undermine efforts and goals to foster a more gender-equitable world.
This session is expected to start a conversation about how women and gender-diverse people don’t have meaningful access and affordable Internet through not only a report but also the creation of a campaign that will continue on social media, especially on Twitter and Facebook to create more awareness about it. We expect that the 4 weeks next to the sessions happened to have some input from the community so we can create a better report and a year-long campaign that keep the engagement and visibility of this important issue that matters to marginalized and vulnerable communities, with a focus on women and gender diverse people.
Hybrid Format: The session will consist of a workshop in the format of a roundtable because our objective is to facilitate the conversation not only between the speakers but also between everyone online and onsite because as one of many feminist principles everyone always will have a guarantee by default when it comes to the gender standing group from ISOC, an equal place, voice, and participation in the table. Our proposed agenda is the following: Introduction in which each speaker will present their views, experiences, strategies, approaches, and practical solutions to address the challenges faced by women and gender diverse people in accessing meaningful and affordable Internet (8-10 minutes per speaker) Plenary Q&A (5 minutes) Recap of presentations by the moderator (5 minutes) Continued discussion between moderator and speakers (10 minutes) Synthesis of key take-Aways and conclusions (5 minutes) In addition, the online moderator will ensure that remote participants are able to communicate questions and be able to share their opinions with the onsite moderator throughout the whole debate. Complementary to this, a social media campaign on Twitter will help to give further visibility to the session. Live-tweeting during the session will open the discussion to a wider online audience and will give remote participants the possibility to get directly involved in the debate. Online Participation Remote participation will be ensured through prior involvement of the Internet Society Gender Standing Group members and various stakeholders from across the world. The online moderator will ensure that remote participants are able to communicate questions to the onsite moderator during and after the debate. Also if the format allows it the online participants can speak for themselves and come across with their opinions. Proposed Additional Tools: Complementary to the online remote participation, a social media campaign on Twitter and Facebook will help to give further visibility to the session both prior, during, and after the event. In addition to the generic event hashtag, a dedicated workshop hashtag will be developed by the organizers. Live-tweeting during the session will open the discussion to a wider online audience and will give remote participants the possibility to get directly involved in the debate. In addition to the online moderator, the organizer will nominate two representatives from the organization team to monitor and respond to conversations on Twitter and Facebook throughout the whole workshop.
Usage of IGF Official Tool.