Organizer 1: Timea Suto, ICC BASIS
Organizer 2: Sheetal Kumar, Global Partners Digital
Organizer 3: Georgiana Degeratu, International Chamber of Commerce
Organizer 4: Ross Creelman, European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO)
Organizer 5: Arthur David, Global Affairs Canada
Speaker 1: Kaja Ciglic, Private Sector, Eastern European Group
Speaker 2: Rene Summer, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Jaqueline Pateguana, Intergovernmental Organization, African Group
Round Table - Circle - 90 Min
- In what way are the CDGs different from previous implementation proposals? How is this proposed scheme more implementable than the others? Where do we place its uniqueness?
- What are the technical, legal and policy elements of a comprehensive implementation framework at the national level to enable the implementation of the existing cybersecurity acquis and the mainstreaming of cybersecurity into the development agenda?
- What are the capacity-building needs associated with enabling such a framework?
Connection with previous messages
This workshop is closely connected to several of the IGF 2021 Katowice Messages, in particular, the ones related to “trust, security and stability”. More specifically, this workshop builds on and aims to take forward the following two messages from the past year: "Industry sets of good practices, standards that are globally recognised, norms and principles (such as those under the United Nations’ (UN) Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG)) that call for states to focus on the security of supply chains and reducing vulnerabilities, and regulatory instruments – like labelling and certification schemes – are also emerging. However, more stakeholders should be aware of best practices and base their work on them. Initiatives and forums, along with standardisation organisations, play an important role in gathering actors together." "It is too early to celebrate cyber norms; they must be implemented! An effective implementation, e.g. through Security by Design, must respect core basic principles such as openness and decentralisation that have made the success of the Internet." This session aims to capitalize on the IGF's global convening power to help raise awareness of existing work, processes and tools as well as to gather their feedback and input on ICC's work and recommendations intended to help implement the existing cybersecurity framework, including international law and existing globally adopted norms.
1. No Poverty
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for several advances by the year 2030. Although information communication technologies (ICT) are cited as specific targets in only four of the SDGs (4, 5, 9 and 17), we believe ICT and digital technologies play a role in the realization of all of the SDGs by equipping populations with tools to relieve poverty, access education, achieve gender parity, provide basic healthcare and financial services, conserve ecosystems and reduce CO2 emissions, economic growth or increase their resilience in the face of global crises – just to name a few. Sustainable development relies, more than ever, on secure and resilient digital networks. Cybersecurity is vital to maintain the proper functioning of our economies and societies and protect lives and livelihoods across the globe, which also links the event with core SDGs as 1, 8 and 10. Safe digital environments are also essential for SDG 3, 6 and 11 given increased digitization of the healthcare sector, energy systems and cities respectively. Finally, cybersecurity is fundamental to the achievement of peace, justice and strong institutions as aimed by SGD 16. This workshop aims to identify challenges in the implementation of the existing cybersecurity framework and discuss how to enhance mutual collaboration so that progress on all 17 SDGs can be achieved with the catalysing power of safe digital environments. Same as SDGs are common norms that drive concrete action towards sustainable development, CDGs aim to enhance multistakeholder collaboration to develop a secure and safe cyberspace.
By today, cyberspace has become an intrinsic part of the development of every country, creating enormous opportunities and enabling everything from distance learning to innovation and social and economic growth. Secure, trusted, and inclusive digital infrastructure is the backbone of today’s economic and social development. With just over half of the world’s population connected to the Internet, closing the digital divide is essential to reducing inequalities and socioeconomic gaps between those with access to digital services and those without. However, with rapid digitalization come collateral risks, including in low- and middle-income countries that may lack adequate cyber resilience against constantly evolving digital threats. Growing vulnerabilities and disproportionate cyber hygiene across sectors and geographies often fall short in tackling the frequency and intensity of cyberattacks, making it a global challenge. This tension between the need for digital transformation versus the lack of a strong cybersecurity posture can be considered a risk toward achieving the SDGs and a threat to achieving safe, secure, and rights respecting online environment. While doing more to increase the resilience of digital infrastructure is necessary, it is not sufficient to break the growing trend and decrease the cyber threats that business and society are facing. Thankfully, there is ample ground to build on. Most states and international organisations have affirmed that existing international law, and especially the UN Charter in its entirety, applies to the use of ICTs by states. States have also agreed on norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Translating existing agreements into feasible actions that halt the growing trend of cyberthreats on businesses, communities and governments worldwide is long overdue. Furthermore, to empower and protect societies from increased cybersecurity risks associated with digital transformation, the international community should explore practical ways to mainstream cybersecurity capacity building (CCB) into broader digital development efforts. This is also essential for building resilient societies and promoting a whole-of-society approach to dealing with threats emanating from cyberspace. Mainstreaming cybersecurity into digital development will leverage its resilience mechanisms, supporting a safe digital transformation and thus a better and more sustainable future for all. In this context, the International Chamber of Commerce convenes this session to discuss a global multistakeholder process to agree and adopt Cybersecurity Development Goals (CDGs). Perceived as a set of aspirational and feasible goals, the CDGs aim to rally the international community to collaborate in closing digital divides, bolster resilience by fostering access to digital transformation, and enable the implementation of international law and norms to curtail malicious cyber activities. CDGs would contribute to mainstreaming cybersecurity into the development agenda by defining a set of global benchmarks and practical activities to support countries in implementing and complying with universally endorsed UN norms for responsible state behavior in cyberspace. CDGs would also provide a catalyzing function to mobilize the global multistakeholder community around achieving concrete and shared goals as well as facilitate coordination and integration of cybersecurity capacity building with existing development programs. CDGs would help define the necessary technical, legal and policy elements and capacities needed for national level implementation, whilst inspiring collective action globally. This unique bottom-up approach would bring clarity and accountability to what remains to be built to implement existing international law and norms that protect and allow all states to harness their full cyber potential in a safe and measurable way. This workshop will present the proposed concept of the CDGs and gather perspectives from all stakeholders on what such a list of goals should include, and what the process of developing them should look like. This session thus aims to kick-start a continuous dialogue and stimulate collaborative input from the international multistakeholder community.
About the speakers
- Ms Kaja Ciglic, Senior Director, Digital Diplomacy at Microsoft;
- Mr David Fairchild, First Secretary (Digital Policy and Cyber Security Affairs) at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN in Geneva;
- Ms Grace Githaiga, CEO and Convenor at KICTANet;
- Ms Jaqueline Pateguana, Clearing House Coordinator at the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise;
- Mr Rene Summer, Director of Government and Industry Relations at Ericsson Group;
The workshop aims to raise awareness of, gather feedback on, and build towards agreement on a set of concrete actions and recommendations to help create a common foundation at the national level for the implementation of the existing globally agreed cybersecurity norms and international law.
Reference documents
- United Nations, The UN Norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace;
- Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Putting Cyber Norms in Practice: Implementing the UN GGE 2015 recommendations through national strategies and policies” by Mika Kerttunen and Eneken Tikk;
- Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Improving the practice of cyber diplomacy: Training, tools, and other resources by Stephanie Borg Psaila;
- Global Partners Digital, Unpacking the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) Framework on Responsible State Behavior: Capacity Building by Klée Aiken and Sheetal Kumar;
- Global Partners Digital, Unpacking the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) Framework on Responsible State Behavior: Cyber Norms by Anriette Esterhuysen, Deborah Brown and Sheetal Kumar;
- Global Partners Digital, Unpacking the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) Framework on Responsible State Behavior: Confidence Building Measures by Kristine Hovhannisyan, Eneken Tikk and Sheetal Kumar;
- Global Partners Digital, Unpacking the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) Framework on Responsible State Behavior: International Law by Sheetal Kumar and Ian Barber;
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Accelerating digital transformation is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A secure, trusted, and inclusive digital infrastructure is the backbone of today’s economic and social development. With just over half of the world’s population connected to the Internet, closing the digital divide is essential to reducing inequalities and socioeconomic gaps between those with access to digital services and those without.
Digital transformation and the expansion of the digital ecosystem also comes with increased cybersecurity risks, especially in low- and middle-income countries that may lack adequate cyber resilience against constantly evolving digital threats. This tension between the need to close digital divides and advance digital transformation versus the lack of a strong cybersecurity posture can be considered a risk to achieving the SDGs and a threat to achieving safe, secure, and rights respecting online environment.
Against this background, the workshop, discussed how the international community could explore practical ways to mainstream cybersecurity capacity building (CCB) into broader digital development efforts to empower and protect societies from increased cybersecurity risks associated with digital transformation.
Key takeaways
Through an engaging and dynamic conversation, the panelists and audience members debated the idea of developing Cybersecurity Development Goals (CDGs), a set of aspirational and feasible goals to rally the international community to collaborate in closing digital divides, bolster resilience by fostering access to digital transformation, and enable the implementation of international law and norms to curtail malicious cyber activities.
The conversation confirmed the pressing need to mainstream cybersecurity into digital development to support a safe digital transformation and thus a better and more sustainable future for all. The idea of coalescing around shared goals received much support, highlighting the need to bring together various policy silos that work on cyber issues, as well as those working on development issues, to create a shared language and to build on the existing work, in particular the various capacity building initiatives.
All participants strongly underlined that any process to develop such shared goals must fundamentally hinge on trust and inclusiveness, and their success will depend on the ability of translating goals, norms and international frameworks into understandable and practical action through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.
Call to action
The session aimed at promoting a safe digital transformation during the Decade of Action and beyond. In particular, it called for the international multistakeholder community to come together to agree and adopt Cyber Development Goals (CDGs) to mainstream cybersecurity into the development agenda.
Complementing SDGs, CDGs can help define global benchmarks and practical activities to support countries implementing universally endorsed UN norms and mobilize the UN Development System and stakeholders worldwide to achieve concrete goals, facilitate coordination.
Further reading
- ICC Policy Primer on Cybersecurity:
- ICC Cybersecurity Issue Brief #1: Calling for government action on cybersecurity:
- ICC Cybersecurity Issue Brief #2: Implementing norms and rules for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace and enhancing cooperation to counter cybercrime: