Organizer 1: Matthew Schwartz, Innovators Network Foundation
Organizer 2: Brian Scarpelli, ACT | The App Association
Speaker 1: Jorge Manhique, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Gunela Astbrink, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Betsy Furler, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 4: Judy Okite, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 5: Ricardo García Bahamonde, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Round Table - Circle - 60 Min
i. How can universal design principles for accessibility be advanced across the internet to improve the experience of those with disabilities? iii. What can the IGF community do to further action and cross-sector collaboration to realize the potential of the internet to improve the experience of those with disabilities? iII. What priorities and/or changes are needed from an Internet governance policy standpoint to accelerate progress towards a more inclusive internet for persons with disabilities?
Connection with previous Messages:
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: i. Improving the ability of those with disabilities to use and enjoy the internet is core to the theme of social inclusion. Fifteen percent of the world’s population lives with some form of disability, representing more than one billion people globally and constituting the world’s largest minority, with eighty percent of persons with disabilities live in developing countries. Internet-enabled Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly active role in shaping the latest trends in assistive technologies and specially-developed technologies for persons with disabilities. Among other things, ICTs help break through barriers to communication and access to information and are also enhancing mobility and fostering independent living, thereby contributing to greater social, cultural, political and economic integration and inclusion.
Fifteen percent of the world’s population lives with some form of disability, representing more than one billion people globally and constituting the world’s largest minority. This percentage is growing through population growth, improvements in medical diagnostics, the rise in chronic conditions and ageing of populations, and eighty percent of persons with disabilities live in developing countries. Internet-enabled Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly active role in shaping the latest trends in assistive technologies and specially-developed technologies for persons with disabilities. Among other things, ICTs help break through barriers to communication and access to information and are also enhancing mobility and fostering independent living, thereby contributing to greater social, cultural, political and economic integration and inclusion. Some examples of ICTs that are being put to innovative uses by and for persons with disabilities include voice and facial recognition, virtual keyboards, and mobile applications that utilize artificial intelligence capabilities. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and requirements to socially isolate still in place in many jurisdictions, people with disabilities rely on ICTs to connect more than ever. Yet, while some persons with disabilities are already benefiting from the advantages of ICT-enabled services, much more needs to be done to increase access, affordability and skills and to further develop technologies to their full potential for maximum positive impact for all persons with disabilities everywhere. This is especially important because persons with disabilities are overrepresented among those living in poverty, disability being both a cause and a consequence of poverty. Twenty percent of the world’s poorest people have some kind of disability and tend to be regarded in their own communities as the most disadvantaged. This session will explore innovative uses of ICTs for the empowerment of persons with disabilities, first seeking to enhance awareness of what is already possible, as well as what is coming down the pipeline. This initial discussion will inspire the IGF community to further action and cross-sector collaboration to realize the potential of ICTs in this context, invoking (1) an exploration of what is needed from an Internet governance policy standpoint to accelerate progress towards a more inclusive ICT-enabled future through and with the full participation of persons with disabilities; (2)a survey of the pandemic's influence on ICT development and usership; and(3)Internet governance-related calls to action to the IGF community to advance accessibility for persons with disabilities. The discussion will also cover recent proposals and laws around the world that may affect the availability of accessible technologies.
i. Understand how universal design principles for accessibility be advanced across the internet to improve the experience of those with disabilities. ii. Capture and understand the uses of ICTs enabled by the Internet that are, today, empowering persons with disabilities, as well as what is coming down the pipeline. iii. Learn about what the IGF community do to further action and cross-sector collaboration to realize the potential of the internet to improve the experience of those with disabilities. iv. Appreciate the diverse perspectives regarding priorities and/or changes are needed from an Internet governance policy standpoint to accelerate progress towards a more inclusive internet for persons with disabilities, and take action to address needed changes.
Hybrid Format: i. The online moderator will encourage remote participation through various social networking platforms in addition to the platform provided by the IGF Secretariat. After the first round of interventions, the discussion section of the roundtable will open up with an invitation to online participants to weigh in on strategies discussed and pose questions to the speakers. The organizing team will work to promote the activity on social media, and will specially invite relevant stakeholder to join the session and share questions ahead of the debate. Online participants will be given priority to speak, and their participation will be encouraged by the online and in-person moderators.
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