Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
Role of IGF
IGF Secretariat and Network of over 160 national, regional, sub-regional and youth IGF initiatives
Network of 160 national, regional, sub-regional and youth IGF initiatives
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: The NRIs will exchange good practices on how to achieve sustainability through multistakeholder IGF processes at local levels.
Interactive roundtable dialogue
The NRIs Coordination Session is an open work meeting of the NRIs, with the representatives of the global IGF and wider IGF community. Its agenda, format and other related details are planned in advance by the NRIs, in an open, inclusive and bottom-up manner. This year's session is focused on the role of NRIs for future of Internet governance.
Draft agenda:
- Welcome and introduction
- NRIs for the future of global Internet governance
- Strong NRIs for strong global IG(F) ecosystem
- How could the NRIs play a role in the WSIS+20/IGF+20 renewal process and the Global Digital Compact?
- Closing