IGF 2023 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting

The First IGF 2023 Open Consultations and MAG Meeting will be hosted at the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) from 8 to 10 March 2023. On 7 March from 15:00-15:45 CET a meeting will be hosted with the IGF Leadership Panel, MAG and co-facilitators of the Global Digital Compact. The meeting is open to observers through this Zoom link.

The meeting will focus on discussing IGF 2023 strategic objectives, planning the intersessional work and the programme of the 18th annual IGF meeting hosted in Kyoto, Japan.


Registration is mandatory to participate online and onsite-in-Vienna 

(Deadline to register: Monday 6 March 2023, 18:00 UTC)

If you have missed the deadline to register, please contact the IGF Secretariat at igf [at] un [dot] org 


IGF 2023 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting

8-10 March 2023

United Nations Office at Vienna and online

(register to participate)



​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link
DAY 1 | 8 March 2023

Open Consultations hosted in Board Room D | Building C 4th floor
Time (CET) Agenda Item (*see meeting inputs and desired outputs below)
10:00-10:30 Opening statements and adoption of the agenda
  • Message from UN DESA
  • Welcome by MAG Chair
  • Welcome by IGF 2023 Host Country Co-Chair
  • Message from IGF 2022 Host Country
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Presentation and update from IGF 2023 host country
10:30-10:45 IGF 2022 stock taking and considerations for IGF 2023
  • IGF Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the programme and schedule, other general IGF improvements and linkages to broader UN policy agendas (if applicable)
10:45-13:00 IGF 2023 strategic objectives - open exchange with Leadership Panel 
13:00-15:00 LUNCH BREAK
15:00-16:30 Themes for IGF 2023 and other strategic approaches to programme
  • IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the open call for thematic inputs
  • Open discussion on IGF 2023 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues 
  • Open discussion on 18th IGF programme structure including thematic tracks and other programme components: high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth engagement, capacity development

Updates from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes, followed by open discussion on possible IGF 2023 activities/collaboration. Interventions from:

  • European Commission
  • Council of Europe
  • Internet Society and Internet Society Foundation
  • OECD
  • CGI.br
  • IGF Support Association
  • FAO 
  • ITU
  • OHCHR 
  • Office of the SG's Envoy on Youth
  • Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children 
  • UNDP 
  • UN-ECA 
  • UNODC 
17:45-18:00 Objectives for the next two days, summing up and closing

*Input documents:

*Desired outputs:

  • Understand IGF 2023 strategic objectives, including potential improvements to the IGF 2023 procedures and programme
  • Understand what could be themes of the IGF 2023 
  • Foster cooperation and partnerships with represented international IG initiatives


​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link
DAY 2 | 9 March 2023

MAG Meeting (open to observers) hosted in Room CR4 | Building C 7th floor
Time (CET) Agenda Item (*see meeting inputs and desired outputs below)

Opening of the MAG meeting

  • Opening remarks from MAG chair and review of the agenda and meeting goals
10:15-13:00 Recap of inputs from the Open Consultations
  • Addressing outcomes of the Open Consultations and exchange with Leadership Panel: translating suggestions into practice 
  • Capturing consensus if possible on IGF 2023 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues
  • Other programme component integration (intersessional work, high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth track, newcomers track etc.)
13:00-15:00 LUNCH BREAK

Overall programme structure and flow

  • Shaping the IGF 2023 annual programme 
    • Event format and flow
    • Type and number of sessions
    • How to approach types of sessions and desired total number of sessions
    • Type and number of programme tracks
17:00-17:40 Timetable and process for calling for proposals
  • How to approach selection of sessions and relevant criteria?
17:40-18:00 Recap of consensus, next steps and closing

*Input documents:

*Desired outputs:

  • Decide on the IGF 2023 overarching theme/title and programme main themes
  • Endorse design of the overall programme structure and flow
  • Endorse call for sessions and selection procedures (confirm timeline, agree on call design/webform, confirm selection criteria)
  • Endorse types and total number of sessions


​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link
DAY 3 | 10 March 2023

MAG Meeting (open to observers) hosted in Room CR4 | Building C 7th floor
Time (CET) Agenda Item (*see desired outputs below)

Review of the agenda and meeting goals


IGF 2023 - Strategic vision for future IGFs 

  • Approach to WSIS+20, GDC and other relevant processes
  • Addressing other high-level strategic priorities for 2023 cycle and beyond, based on exchanges with Leadership Panel and LP open dialogue with stakeholders
13:00-15:00 LUNCH BREAK

(Continued discussion)

IGF 2023 - Strategic vision for future IGFs 

  • Approach to WSIS+20, GDC and other relevant processes
  • Addressing other high-level strategic priorities for 2023 cycle and beyond, based on exchanges with Leadership Panel and LP open dialogue with stakeholders
  • Updates on the intersessional work (BPFs, PNs, DCs), NRIs and capacity development  
  • Updates from 2023 MAG Working Groups 
17:45-18:00 Evaluation, next steps and meeting closure 
  • Closing remarks from MAG Chair
*Desired outputs:
  • IGF intersessional work in 2023: 
    • Agree on the working modality of the intersessional work streams (Policy Networks and Best Practice Forum)
    • Any recommendations on cooperation with DCs and NRIs and broader community
  • Review of MAG Working Groups work
Event Calendar Date
Wednesday, 8th March, 2023 (09:00 UTC) - Friday, 10th March, 2023 (17:00 UTC)
Hosted by IGF Secretariat
MAG&WG Meetings