Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
Cyber Diplomacy and Peace on the Internet
Digital Commons as a Public Good
Digital Ethics Education
Governing Digital Economy
Harmonising Global Digital Infrastructure
Regulatory Sandboxes for Technological Innovations
Role of IGF
South School on Internet Governance
Olga Cavalli - Academic Director - South School on Internet Governance - Academy (on site)
Adrián Carballo - Director - South School on Internet Governance - Academy (on site)
Moderator: Olga Cavalli - Director South School on Internet Governance (on site) Rapporteur: Raitme Citterio - South School on Internet Governance (on site)
Adrián Carballo - Director - South School on Internet Governance
Oscar Messano - CCAT LAT - Centro de Capacitación en Alta Tecnología para América Latina y el Caribe -Civil Society
Alfredo Iglesias - Dean of Ingeneering Faculty - University of Mendoza - Argentina - Academy
Cláudio Lucena - Profesor Universidad Estadual da Paraíba - Brasil - Academy
Sandy Palma - Honduras Cibersegura - Civil Society - Academy
Mark Datysgeld - GNSO Council Member - Brasil - Academy
Moderator: Olga Cavalli - Director South School on Internet Governance
Rapporteur: Raitme Citterio - South School on Internet Governance
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: 4.5- By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations 4.7- By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development 8.2- Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors 9.1- Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all 9.2- Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries 9.c - Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
Format will be based on a panel presentation followed by participation of the audience onsite and remotely. The presentation of the new structure of the South School on Internet Governance will be done by its organizers and by experts who participate in the training activities and authorities of the the University of Mendoza. There will be also former students who will participate in the panel. The format will be based on a panel presentation and then interaction with former students and recepients of the "Diploma in Internet Governance and Regulations" from the Unviersity of Mendoza.
The event will present the new academic structure of the South School on Internet Governance which now includes a Unviersity Diploma on Internet Governance and Regulations, granted by the University of Mendoza, Argentina. The new academic structure offers a six month training activities, based on three stages: Stage 1: An 8-week self-paced preparatory asynchronous course based on videos, podcasts and reading material, with exclusive materials prepared by the SSIG team. Stage 2: The traditional five-day hybrid training week based on 40 hours of synchronous learning. Stage 3: A research phase with supervision and tutoring from the University of Mendoza, Argentina, which allows access to a "Diploma in Internet Governance and Regulations" with an official degree for scholarship holders who reliably complete the three learning stages. All these activites are free for the selected fellows, all materials are available in three languages. English, Spanish and Portuguese. In the first cohort of the University Diploma, there were students from the Americas, Europe and Africa. In addition, and to allow the participation of the community in general, all traning activites are broadcast live on the SSIG LAC YouTube channel, with video and audio in English and Spanish, so the content can be viewed at any time.
1) How will you facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees? The South School on Internet Governance gathers fellows from all over the world, thanks to the availabililty of experts, learning materials and teachers from different countries and regions. In order to facilitate interaction, the activity will be organized in English language, with onsite organizers of the South School on Internet Governance, onsite former students and experts and several others participating from remote. There will be an onsite moderator and an online moderator to allow a smooth intreaction between all participants. 2) How will you design the session to ensure the best possible experience for online and onsite participants? Just for your information, the South School on Internet Governance has organized the 2020, 2021 and 2022 as hybrid events with great success, so our team has the experience of managing this type of events. The session will be design in a way to allow interaction from onsite participants and remote participants, this will be managed by the moderator and remote moderator. 3) Please note any complementary online tools/platforms you plan to use to increase participation and interaction during the session. The session will have its own hashtag shared before and will be followed in the @SSIGLAC twitter account. Other tools as Mentimeter will be also used.
The Launch of the University Diploma on Internet Governance and Regulations was presented during this session by members of the University of Mendoza, Argentina and founders and Directors of the South School on Internet Governance SSIG.
The South School on Internet Governance has made a partnership with University of Mendoza which allows those fellows who effectively completed all the evaluations of the pre-training and the one week hybrid SSIG to access a research phase with tutors from the University of Mendoza. If they complete the research they get a University Diploma in Internet Governance and Regulations.
All these activities are offered at no cost for fellows and in three languages: spanish, english and portuguese.
During the launch session Dr. Olga Cavalli explained the evolution of this partnership with University of Mendoza and the first pilot experience in 2022.
After that Authorities and professors of University of Mendoza, Argentina, participated virtually:
Osvaldo Marianetti, Postgraduate Director of University of Mendoza
Professor Carolina Gonzáles and professor Mariela Ascensio also shared their comments and support to this new initiatives.
On site there was Professor Claudio Lucena from Universidad da Paraíba, Brasil, who explained the importance that the South School on Internet Governance had for him in enhancing his understanding and relationships with experts from the Latin American Region.
Mark Datysgeld who was a fellow of the SSIG and who participated as expert in the SSIG 2023 15th edition, also stressed the importance of the school in the capacity building focused on the Internet.
The session finished with comments from SSIG fellows who were participating on site and virtually.