Digital Divides & Inclusion
Affordable Access
Digital, Media, and Information Literacy
Skills Building for Basic and Advanced Technologies (Meaningful Access)
Lucía León, Hiperderecho, CSO, GRULAC
Lucía León, Hiperderecho, CSO, GRULAC
The proposal is to present, in this Lightning Talk, the theoretical framework, the comparative normative, and the research methodology followed hand in hand with the Peruvian deaf community, through a grassroots association (MAW LSP). Conclusions and recommendations for platforms, decision makers and users in general are outlined.
New technologies have facilitated access to rights, but their absence could also be deepening a gap for people who were already vulnerable before their emergence. With their expansion, new and interesting questions are being raised about the intersection between interaction with the digital environment, human rights, public policies and the rights of persons with disabilities. In Peru, very little is known about how deaf people relate to technology and, specifically, how they exercise their digital citizenship. Thanks to the support of LACNIC, this research was carried out and will be presented at the IGF. By adapting the theoretical models of the digital divide and digital citizenship, this research reformulates a digital citizenship scale with a disability approach that allows deaf people to express how they interact with the Internet and technologies. It identifies the obligations of the Peruvian State in this area and explores the uses and benefits that deaf people are getting from the Internet, while finding the gaps that currently exist to correctly dimension the problem.
The session will be conducted using the tools provided by the Secretariat (IGF Zoom and Calendar). The main quotes will be shared through the organization's social networks, tagging the official IGF pages.