IGF 2023 Main Session on Future of Digital Governance

    Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (06:45 UTC) - Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (08:15 UTC)
    Plenary Room

    Topics related to digital governance are front-and-center on the international agenda.  Over the next few years (2024 - 2025), several international processes will consider and make decisions with potential implications on digital governance. These processes include the Summit for the Future, including the development of a Global Digital Compact and Code of Conduct on Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, the 20-year Overall Review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20), and the extension of the mandate of the IGF.  It also includes ongoing work at UN agencies like UNESCO, ITU, and OHCHR and efforts inside and outside the UN to define a digital future. And the conversation has recently taken a new dimension with conversations and proposals related to governance of artificial intelligence.

    But in a fast changing world, with new challenges and pressing topics under these discussions, there is a need to ensure transparency, multistakeholder participation, and expert-led discussions across multilateral and multistakeholder venues and at the global, regional, and national levels to address digital policy issues from an inclusive, human rights-based, and human-centric approach.

    In this environment, what does the future of digital governance look like?  This main session will explore the interconnections between processes like the Global Digital Compact, WSIS+20 review, IGF, and many others. Throughout the discussion we aim to discuss avenues for promoting more convergence and coherence among ongoing processes, strengthening synergies, avoiding duplications, and ensuring the expertise and experience of the multistakeholder community is being fully utilized.

    The fast evolution of technology, new approaches and developments, such as the Metaverse (and all the included emergent technologies as well as the existing ones), Web 3.0, decentralization, need for ubiquitous connectivity, higher speeds, low latency and high-quality connectivity requirements, may contribute to widening the digital gaps among regions, countries and on a local level. This will cause a major difference in the evolution and development in economy, social, political and educational areas, as well as reduce the possibility for certain regions of the world to effectively participate in digital governance processes. 

    Additionally, this future looking session will look at how the IGF can continue to support these proposals, as well as be strengthened to provide an inclusive body within the UN system committed to be an inclusive and transparent follow-up mechanism in all matters related to global digital Governance.


    Confirmed Panelists and Co-Moderators: 


    • Jordan Carter, Internet Governance and Policy Director at AuDA (.au Domain Administration).
    • Renata Mielli, Coordinator of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee. 
    • Jun Murai, Dean of the Graduate School of Media and Governance and Professor at the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University (tbc)
    • Lise Fuhr, Member of the IGF Leadership Panel
    • Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director,  IT for Change
    • Timea Suto, Global Digital Policy Lead, ICC


    • Ana Cristina Amoroso das Neves, Chair, Commission on Science and Technology for Development
    • Avri Doria,  Icann Board Member