Cyberattacks, Cyberconflicts and International Security
Other - 60 Min
Format description: We envisage an open discussion with the speakers and the audience (opening remarks from speakers and then an interactive dialogue/Q&A with the participants).
The Cyber Programme of Action (PoA) is a proposal by a group of UN member states in 2020 for a permanent forum of institutional dialogue on responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. So far, discussions relating to the Cyber PoA have not reached a wide audience, and has been limited to states and other actors active within discussions of the UN’s Open Ended Working Group on ICTs. In 2022, the UNGA agreed that the PoA would continue to be discussed within the UN’s Open-Ended Working Group of ICTs, and states were requested to submit their views on the scope, structure and content of PoA to the Secretary General by April 2022. In addition, regional consultations are planned by intergovernmental regional organisations in May and June this year. This session will provide a much needed opportunity for stakeholders to receive updates on the proposal, the consultations held thus far and to provide their views into this ongoing process. The IGF is a unique multistakeholder platform and this session (Open Forum/town hall) will allow for awareness raising and inclusive dialogue with the global community on an important and timely proposal for institutional dialogue within the UN on the theme of cybersecurity and responsible state behaviour.
We will ensure interaction between onsite and online attendees by requesting questions throughout the session, and by providing some guiding questions at the beginning of the session. We will start with a couple 'ice-breaker' questions to gauge audience knowledge of the cyber PoA. These will be relayed to online attendees if made in person, or shared in person if asked online by the moderator. The moderators will coordinate and play an active role by encouraging questions on specific themes related to the guidign questions, and posing questions directly to the panellists. We will also set aside half an hour of the session (half of the entire session) for Q&A and engagement with the audience.
🔒Global Affairs Canada
David Fairchild, Global Affairs Canada, WEOG Sheetal Kumar, Global Partners Digital, WEOG Ellie McDonald, Global Partners Digital, WEOG Raman Jit Singh Chima, Access Now, Asia-Pacific David Hevey, Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Asia-Pacific
David Fairchild, Global Affairs Canada, WEOG; Joyce Hakmeh, Chatham House, WEOG; Raman Jit Singh Chima, Access Now, Asia-Pacific; David Hevey, Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Asia-Pacific; Henri Verdier, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WEOG
5. Gender Equality
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Targets: The UN Cyber Programme of Action could, if established, become the principal forum for regular institutional dialogue on state behaviour in cyberspace at the UN and include discussions on cyber capacity building, confidence building measures, the development and implementation of cybernorms and the application of international law in cyberspace. As such, it has the potential to positively contribute to gender equality (particularly if commitments to gender equality are mainstreamed in the instrument/text that establishes the instrument) and build peace, justice and strong institutions by supporting strong cyber capacity and peaceful relations between states.