IGF 2023 WS #108 A Decade Later-Content creation, access to open information

    Monday, 9th October, 2023 (23:45 UTC) - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (01:15 UTC)
    WS 3 – Annex Hall 2

    Avoiding Internet Fragmentation
    Technical challenges of Internet fragmentation

    Organizer 1: Shannon Tews, 🔒
    Organizer 2: Jim Prendergast, 🔒
    Organizer 3: Samantha Dickinson, 🔒

    Speaker 1: Shannon Tews, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: LANTERI Paolo, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 3: Konstantinos Komaitis, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Stella Anne Ming Hui Teoh, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 5: Geoff Huston, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 6: Glenn Deen, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Shannon Tews, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Jim Prendergast, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Samantha Dickinson, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Panel - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    • What innovative approaches and mechanisms can ensure a fair compensation model for content creators while facilitating the availability of information? • How can the legal framework adapt to emerging technologies, ensuring a balanced and inclusive approach toward content creation, dissemination, and consumption? • What strategies and policies should policymakers and regulators employ to support the sustained growth of digital content creation?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? This workshop aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities surrounding content creation, access to information, and open Internet by re-evaluating the past, envisioning the future, and engaging in constructive dialogue. We need to continue to work together to forge robust global policies and practices that support the continuation of a vibrant digital ecosystem while upholding the principles of inclusivity, innovation, and knowledge dissemination.



    Ten years ago, during the 2013 IGF in Bali, a workshop titled "Content creation, access to information, open Internet" sparked insightful discussions on the evolving landscape of digital content. Today, as we reflect upon our past predictions and witness the profound impact of technology, it becomes evident that revisiting these discussions is more crucial than ever. This workshop aims to assess the state of current affairs, explore emerging challenges, and address policy questions to ensure widespread access to diverse knowledge in the digital age. This workshop will provide a platform for participants to reevaluate the policies and trends discussed a decade ago, assess the progress made, and identify the key areas that require attention for sustained growth in content creation and access to information. By examining the delicate balance between intellectual property rights and, exploring potential reforms to copyright laws, discussing regulatory measures, and identifying necessary technological standards, we will pave the way for a future of enhanced content delivery. Our speakers will include representatives from WIPO, APNIC, and NBCUniversal as well as an independent researcher and a youth participant. Agenda: 1. Moderator opens the panel by highlighting the significance of revisiting the workshop's themes and objectives. 2. Opening thoughts by Geoff Huston, Chief Scientist at APNIC, on The Evolution of Content Delivery in the Digital Age" 3. Paolo Lanteri from WIPO will discuss the crucial role of intellectual property rights and copyright in content creation and explore the emerging challenges faced by creators and the content industry in the constantly evolving digital environment 4. Full Panel Discussion: An independent researcher and a youth participant will join the previous speakers for a dialogue to address the policy ns and share diverse perspectives. 5. Q&A Session: Audience engagement 6. Summary and Closing Remarks

    Expected Outcomes

    With a panel made up of diverse interests and various stakeholders, we expect to have a spirited discussion among the panelists and with the audiences. Since this is a 10-year look back, we hope participants achieve a better understanding of the progress that has been made in the content delivery and user generate content arena. But we also hope there is an appreciation of some of the technical challenges that could pose a problem for future growth. We hope the discussions yield some thoughts and ideas on how the work of content creators can be protected and rewarded in the future while allowing consumers increased flexibility in their access and consumption of internet delivered content.

    Hybrid Format: Zoom will enable both on-site and remote participants to communicate visually and audibly. To ensure fairness, we request that all on-site or remote attendees log in to allow us to manage the question queue impartially. In situations where it may be challenging to identify attendees in person, we will give priority to remote participants. Our on-site and remote moderators will work closely together to facilitate questions and comments from all participants. We will investigate incorporating a polling tool like Mentimeter to collect real-time feedback and pose questions to on-site and remote participants. We recognize remote participants face distinct obstacles and opportunities, including varying time zones, technological limitations, and communication styles. To ensure that all participants understand the content, we will encourage speakers to use clear and concise language, avoid technical jargon, and provide context for any information shared during the session.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    In the ten years since the 2013 IGF panel, where there was a concern about content delivery. We have experienced an explosion of content between professional creators and user generated content. the success over these concerns turned out to be a different challenge as we didn’t foresee oncoming user generated content contributing the new paths for the creators to use and ingest content with streaming, and new applications.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The networks will need to continue to reconfigure to enable all levels of connectivity including content creation.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Content Creation, Access to open information Panel at IGF Kyoto 2023

    The Internet has transformed the way we create and consume content. In the past decade, the number of content creators has exploded, and the tools for creating content have become more accessible than ever. This has led to a new golden age of creativity and consumption.

    However, the rise of user-generated content means the networks have had to adjust the dynamic elements of the Internet infrastructure to seamlessly support a wide range of new applications.

    Panelists at the IGF Kyoto 2023 Content Panel discussed the following key points:

    • The Internet has enabled a new era of content creation and consumption.
    • The number of content creators has exploded, and the tools for creating content have become more accessible.
    • Network operators seemly adjusted to a dynamic Internet infrastructure that supports a wide range of new applications to create and promote commercial and user-generated content.
    • One of the unexpected developments in content creation over the past decade is that "literally everyone is creating content, and the tools that are allowing you to create content have multiplied exponentially."
    • Many different services now allow people to be part of the copyright regime that was once exclusive to commercial entities.

    The panelists also discussed how networks have had to cope with content creation and consumption changes. For example, networks have had to invest in new technologies to support the increased traffic volume and the new types of content being created. Networks have also had to develop new policies and procedures to manage user-generated content and protect content creators' intellectual property rights.

    The Content Panel at IGF Kyoto 2023 explored the many challenges and opportunities the Internet presents for content creation and consumption. The Internet has enabled the change in how we create and consume content forever. Networks and policymakers will need to continue adapting to current reality with perpetual shifts in software and consumer applications to ensure that the Internet remains a vibrant and open platform for creativity and innovation.