IGF 2023 WS #14 Artificial Intelligence Exploitation for Cybersecurity

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Emerging Technologies
    Chat GPT, Generative AI, and Machine Learning
    Organizer 1: Government, African Group
    Organizer 2: Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 1: Mohamed Radwan, Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 2: Ahmed Afifi, Government, African Group
    Speaker 3: Khimulu Mutheu, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 4: Toni Eid, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 5: Racheal Popoola, Private Sector, African Group
    Tutorial - 30 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    A. International law requires accurate mechanisms to ensure law adaption especially due to diversity of actors leading to no agreed common norms.Budapest convention the common cyberspace international treaty. International and national laws consider both security and economy issues. Thus, the application of national and international laws in cyberspace requires a collaboration to formulate global rules towards internet norms. B. Cross-border data flow frameworks requires global conversation and collaboration between different stakeholders in order to ensure privacy. C.AI and data helps in climate monitoring and at the same time since AI algorithms take time for running which require energy.
    What will participants gain from attending this session? Since nowadays artificial intelligence and machine learning represent a revolution in technology, the participants will understand the utility of artificial intelligence and its use case in terms of fast threats detection and management. In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning are now applied in many fields it will motivate the participants to be more interested in use it. In addition, participants will be motivated to use antivirus tools based on artificial intelligence to be more protected online and for task automation.

    Due to great increase of digitalization together with online activities, the number of cyber attacks is growing continuously. From year to year the number of hackers continue to grow in the way that even advanced companies can't protect their data especially with the growing of computer applications in the way that traditional antivirus tools are limited in terms of online protection. Hence the exploitation of artificial intelligence is mondatory to ensure digital safety ant to help IT expert to monitor the network.Artificial intelligence and machine learning represent a good tool for intrusion detection and malware overcoming. Machine learning application for digital safety requires efficient datasets based on learning from experience of data packets exchange between different nodes which helps in better predictability of traffic flow. In this workshop we will present the efficiency of articial intelligence and machine learning application for digital security ensuring.
    Expected Outcomes
    The session outcome is to rise awareness about the utility of AI exploitation for cybersecurity representing one of the use cases and the importance to learn more about this technology. Another outcome is related to the publication of a paper related to AI and cybersecurity. Possible outcome is related to look for a group of experts to work in a projects about AI and cybersecurity.
    Hybrid Format: The workshop proposed is in hybrid format in the way that online and on site is possible for both speakers and participants. The on site moderator will open the session by introducing the focus of the workshop then an interation with the participants to check they knowledge about AI and to verify the understanding of the participants online and on site after the speakers presentations. For on site participants , it is the responsability of on site moderator compared to online participants which is the responsability of online moderator.The on site moderator transfers the question of the participants to speakers in interactive and flexible way. Equal number of questions management either online or onsite. The online moderator interacts with remote speakers and participants for question and comments managements in Q&A. Speakers online and on-site wil use presentation for talks. Possible tools for online participation are zoom and teams.