IGF 2023 WS #423 Tackling Online Gender-Based Violence: Lessons Learnt

    Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
    Online Hate Speech and Rights of Vulnerable People
    Organizer 1: Angela Minayo, KICTANet
    Organizer 2: Elizabeth Orembo, 🔒
    Organizer 3: Neema Mujesia, Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)
    Organizer 4: Githaiga Grace, 🔒
    Speaker 1: Amanda Manyame, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Lisa Sharland, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Ololade Shyllon, Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 4: Cecilia Maundu, Technical Community, African Group
    Angela Minayo, Civil Society, African Group
    Online Moderator
    Elizabeth Orembo, Civil Society, African Group
    Neema Mujesia, Civil Society, African Group
    Round Table - 90 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    How efficient are laws and policies in responding to online gender based violence and offering victims access to justice? What kind of multi-stakeholder collaborations and partnerships are necessary in preventing and tackling online gender based violence? Is the global community doing enough to respond to online violence against women and sexual minorities? If not, what can existing international women rights processes do to eliminate online gender based violence?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? Valuable new perspectives from government, civil society, academia, big tech companies and other stakeholders who will be present. Strategies that have the best chances of success and strategies that have proven to be impractical. Transforming lessons from stakeholders into a guideline for future initiatives for tackling online gender based violence. Resources sharing on research, tools and ongoing global processes to fight online gender based violence.

    Women and girls and sexual minorities are unable to enjoy the digital dividends due to fear for their online safety. These fears are not unfounded as day in day out, women are targeted by vicious, calculated and humiliating forms of cyber attacks. At the same time, Civil Society, governments, academia, media practitioners and other stakeholders have taken various measures to tackle online gender based violence. This session will give stakeholders an opportunity to take stock of lessons learnt when conducting these initiatives. This knowledge exchange is an important reflection on the efficiency and practicability of existing initiatives. Failure or success of some measures in itself is a lesson that stakeholders need to change strategies, to form collaborations where necessary and or amend laws / policies. More than 77% of internet users are active on one Meta platform. Meta will share their policies on online safety and the challenges in regulating the platform. Stimson Centre has conducted a groundbreaking research on State’s Commitments on ending violence against women and girls vis a vis the state practice.KICTANet in partnership with GIZ has produced an e-learning module on Online Gender Based Violence (https://online.atingi.org/auth/emailgiz/referral.php?code=94mgFqH3uBCBj…). Meta runs several social media platforms namely, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp and will share how they handle online gender based violence on these platforms. Finally, Cecilia Maundu is a journalist who runs a podcast called the digital dada podcast that raises awareness on online gender based violence.
    Expected Outcomes
    A session report which will form part of recommendations that organisations such as KICTANet will inform research scope and advocacy work in their work to combat online gender based violence. Transforming lessons from stakeholders into a guideline for future initiatives for tackling online gender based violence. Resources sharing on research, tools and ongoing global processes to fight online gender based violence.
    Hybrid Format: The session will be moderated in person where the moderator will engage both the onsite and online speakers by asking questions and inviting onsite and online participants to contribute to the discussion by making statements. Online interaction in this session will be facilitated by incorporating in real-time the thoughts and questions of the audience expressed in writing in the chat or Q&A function of the online platform provided for the session. We will use our social media handles across all our platforms using hashtags.