Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
Digital Commons as a Public Good
Governing Digital Economy
Harmonising Global Digital Infrastructure
Digital Commons as a Public Good
Governing Digital Economy
Harmonising Global Digital Infrastructure
Organizer 1: Elizabeth Orembo, 🔒
Organizer 2: Jamila Venturini, 🔒
Organizer 3: Alison Gillwald, 🔒
Organizer 4: Anita Gurumurthy, 🔒
Organizer 2: Jamila Venturini, 🔒
Organizer 3: Alison Gillwald, 🔒
Organizer 4: Anita Gurumurthy, 🔒
Speaker 1: Jamila Venturini, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 2: Alison Gillwald, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 3: Anita Gurumurthy, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 4: Luca Belli, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 2: Alison Gillwald, Civil Society, African Group
Speaker 3: Anita Gurumurthy, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 4: Luca Belli, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Alison Gillwald, Civil Society, African Group
Online Moderator
Elizabeth Orembo, Civil Society, African Group
Elizabeth Orembo, Civil Society, African Group
Round Table - 90 Min
Policy Question(s)
1. How can the private delivery of global public goods such as the Internet, data, and cybersecurity be governed in the public interest?
2. Who should be responsible for financing access to global digital public goods and their governance
3. What linkages exist between the United Nations Secretary General's agenda of the Commons and the lessons we have for the G20 from the Summit of the Future regarding digitalisation?
What will participants gain from attending this session? The roundtable will share the research findings from governing digital public infrastructures that shape the G20 digital agenda under Brazil and South Africa’s leadership. The participants will therefore gain knowledge and understanding of the Global South perspectives of the Global Digital Compact from the researchers and stakeholders leading the session.
IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) are the consecutive chairpersons of the G20. Can their leadership shift the global digital agenda currently dominated by US and China geopolitics and a global digital economy characterised by intensifying concentration of ownership and control, increasingly extractive practices and the amplification of digital inequality and data injustice? The purpose of this roundtable workshop is to collaboratively develop an integrated public interest digital policy agenda for IBSA leadership of the G20 with multistakeholder specialists from government, civil society, and academia. The underlying research question is what form of global governance and cooperation is necessary to ensure global digital public goods (including the Internet) are more evenly realised across the globe – which is at the heart of the UN Secretary General’s Global Digital Compact. This roundtable follows on from an earlier working meeting to identify a common digital agenda aligned to the SG’s Compact for IBSA during its leadership of the G20. Starting with India’s leadership in 2023 the research agenda has focused on the issue of digital public infrastructure (DPI). This will provide a basis on which to build the agenda of Brazil and South Africa on the evidence base and perspective from the majority world. With facilitation by academia and civil society, the roundtable will continue to examine how digital public goods connect to the power of big tech? What are the emerging questions for Internet, data, cybersecurity, AI and platform governance as global digital public goods? Who should be responsible for financing the realisation as digital public goods at the national level? What linkages exist between the United Nations Secretary General's agenda of the commons and the lessons from the Summit of the Future in respect of digitalisation for the G20? How will these instances coordinate in their standards, guidelines and recommendations?
IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) are the consecutive chairpersons of the G20. Can their leadership shift the global digital agenda currently dominated by US and China geopolitics and a global digital economy characterised by intensifying concentration of ownership and control, increasingly extractive practices and the amplification of digital inequality and data injustice? The purpose of this roundtable workshop is to collaboratively develop an integrated public interest digital policy agenda for IBSA leadership of the G20 with multistakeholder specialists from government, civil society, and academia. The underlying research question is what form of global governance and cooperation is necessary to ensure global digital public goods (including the Internet) are more evenly realised across the globe – which is at the heart of the UN Secretary General’s Global Digital Compact. This roundtable follows on from an earlier working meeting to identify a common digital agenda aligned to the SG’s Compact for IBSA during its leadership of the G20. Starting with India’s leadership in 2023 the research agenda has focused on the issue of digital public infrastructure (DPI). This will provide a basis on which to build the agenda of Brazil and South Africa on the evidence base and perspective from the majority world. With facilitation by academia and civil society, the roundtable will continue to examine how digital public goods connect to the power of big tech? What are the emerging questions for Internet, data, cybersecurity, AI and platform governance as global digital public goods? Who should be responsible for financing the realisation as digital public goods at the national level? What linkages exist between the United Nations Secretary General's agenda of the commons and the lessons from the Summit of the Future in respect of digitalisation for the G20? How will these instances coordinate in their standards, guidelines and recommendations?
Expected Outcomes
This roundtable is part of our work that has begun to map a policy research agenda with the assumption of India in 2023 and consecutive leadership of Brazil and South Africa's agenda for the G20. The session will coordinate the activities of r governments, civil society, academia, and the private sector to feed into the G20 process and contribute to the Common Agenda proposed by the Secretary-General.
The outcome of this session will be a report that will inform the continuing research process on the global governance of digital public goods. We hope to use the IGF platform to build inclusive participation in this process that will also build into our input for the Global Digital Compact.
Hybrid Format: The session will have both onsite and online moderators who will ensure that contributions from participants on both sides feed into each other and are taken into the workshop report. The roundtable will include in-person participants, but the session will include questions and remote participant requests.